Notepad++ 7.4.1 release
(That’s it :-) - don’t expect more Russian words, the rest I know has to do with cooking, борщ and пельме́ни) -
I honestly described my opinion bona fide in this thread:
You absolutely right! The phenomenon is known to modern psychologists as programming addiction. Many programmers never grow up and they can’t live without programming.
The programmer of Notepad++ showed those disturbing signs beginning with version 6. Granted, he had to fix a few bugs. But he couldn’t control himself and added several features that, in turn, added several bugs. It is the vicious cycle of programming: Add new features, therefore add new bugs, therefore new versions are mandatory.
The new feature in version 7.4 is a case-in-point for psychologists. The ungrown child had to satisfy his programming addiction by adding that horrendous Browser-like Preview of tabs. The feature is USELESS alright. The problem is, that feature introduced new terrible bugs (Search-and-replace in All open files or In Files on disk).
The fact that the programmer of Notepad++ doesn’t even say a word about the very serious issue is a strong indication he has a programming addiction. Yes, there is such a psychological impairment: Severe programming addiction.
The programmer could channel the negative energy in a positive direction. First of all, he has the chance to fix important issues, especially in the search-replace weeds in the garden. He can also make search-replace work directly with multiple lines ending with Windows EOLs. He can also add what coolheaded programmers call margin offset: more than one blank character at the beginning of a line (NOT counted as a blank space in the line). The author can also fix the annoyance (serious bug) of pressing Home and always going to the beginning of the 1st word instead of the beginning of the line starting with empty spaces.
And, OH! The Npp author has LONG, LONG WAYS TO GO when it comes to HELP. All decent applications have a Help facility that comes with the application. The author wrote a meager PDF file that only lists the menu features of an early version. Chinese, or Japanese, or American, or NOT — you gotta have an F1 Help facility. The user doesn’t have to go to an Internet destination that is not meant for help, but for bickering. Offline help is mandatory. It must describe in at least one sentence what the function does. An example for each function is also a must of decency.
The fact that the author is addicted to programming is beyond reasonable doubt: He does NOT care what users say. He only cares about his programming drug addiction. Yes, programming can be a drug. Problem is, the addicted programmer needs users. Kids need an audience when they play with their toys. The author of Notepad++ is now in serious danger of losing his audience. Yes, many users became themselves addicted to Npp. But most Notepad++ users take it as a tool; they do NOT worship a piece of software.
I do NOT worship Notepad++. I stopped at v7.3.3. I should have stopped earlier. Anyone know of a good free text editor that offers column editing? I still strongly recommend Notepad++ to my software users:
Edit Lottery data Files with Notepad++
Unfortunately, they are forced to download the latest version, 7.4.1, which is horrendous and buggy!
thanks, a really good light weight Editor NP++ dont need this things… i love NP++ for many years, but this buggy unusual things let MS implement in Win10… -
@UlyssesWu I agree. I run N++ on several servers that are not directly connected to the Internet and 7.4.1 gets hung on startup, then shows a few error messages and never starts.
@donho I think that at this point the only thing that is missed by Notepad++ is a native support for Code Snippet. Did you plan to add one?
@guy038 I need to disable this option. Without plugins, you can really disable it! But with plugins it does not shut off.
Your link in the first post is to the 7.4, not the 7.4.1 … -
What about making NP++ look more modern? The current ‘3d’-borders and stuff is a quite annoying since when using dark code themes these stick out like a sore thumb and is very distracting. A code editor should let the code be the focus of attention, not the UI elements and “fun” toolbars (the toolbar and the bright menu can be hidden though).
@libove said:
Could you detail a bit more please the certificate chain verification function, and the security / usability trade-offs created by disabling certificate chain validation/verification at start-up?
Depending on the security sensitivity of each user, this may need to be a configurable option.
thank you.I agree here, looks like you’ve just disabled the certification chain validation? I personally would prefer to keep certificate chain validation turned on. Is this something that’s going to be turned back on in future releases?
i would really like to have an option to disable the tab-preview / hover-image. thanks for trying to improve the feature set, but this is one i find distracting/annoying. it is my impression that a small delay has also been added when changing tabs.
-Document Peeker
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@MAPJe71 Thanks much.
Side note - disabling the feature also does away with the window border effects being toggled, which is a good thing. With preview mode enabled, hovering over an unselected tab changes the overall window border effects to those of an unfocused window - until one clicks the tab, at which point the original border effect is restored. With preview disabled, the top-level window appears to have focus the whole time. Apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere.
Thank you @guy038 for the heads up.
I’m checking this issue. -
Since update to this version one very important function to me is not working anymore.
- start NPP+
- open several new files
- enter some text in them
- close NP++
this version is forcing user to save NEW files, previous version used to ‘save’ files and return them in the same state when run again (including state of NOT being saved - red icon)
Whoever decided that this function is not useful is making large mistake. If this is a setting (which I cannot find BTW) then its default is wrong.
I ASSUME that your backup settings have changed,
Verify your Settings->Preferences->Backup->Session snapshot and periodic backup settings.
Check enable session snapshot and periodic back as well as
remember current session for next launch.Cheers
Claudia -
The author rolled Notepad++ to version 7.3.3. Officially, that’s the latest version of Npp. It should be officially announced in this community, too.
There were bug fixes announced in version 7.4. I wonder if the rolled-back version 7.3.3 has the aforementioned bug fixes. If not, there should be a version 7.3.4 with the appropriate fixes. That version should be an error-free Notepad++.
At that point, after an error-free Notepad++, should the author take a deep breath and step back for a while. Think long and hard about adding features. There is one legitimate feature-request that was posted here numerous times: Replace multi-line text by copy-and-paste in both textboxes.
I haven’t seen any answer from the author regarding such great feature (very productive). There is a need also for an online Help facility. The author should address also that very important feature, before thinking of new (and useless) features.
Just a few thoughts regarding the improvement of a tool, not enhancing a cult object.
May peace be with the author, his followers, and this community!
@Parpaluck209 Notepad++ is an open source project. You could always code up the feature and get it added through a Pull Request. hint hint
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