Notepad++ 7.5.8 release
I really like working with Notepad++, is a really excelent editor, but I want to suggest a native feature, a Code Snippet. I know there are plugins, but I tried all of them and, in my opinion, the best one is SnippetPlus, because you can associate a tag with a snippet, digit that tag and just press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to inser snippet in the code, but this plugin is really old and despite the fact that it is open source, the source code is not available. Having native snippet feature inside Notepad++ will be the best.
Hi, Don,
Just a coincidence ! But, hummm…, one contributor per release ? Oh my God ;-))
@guy038 Then 159 must be the lucky number of Notep… Oh my God, wait a minute… Is it XP?!
Hello, @don-ho and All,
Indeed, it is !! Quite a shock for lot of people, isn’t it ? I just imagine the scene. A young N++ user asking : “Hi, Dad, what XP means ?”
Well, I expect to switch, directly, to Windows 10, after the summer holidays, but more likely near Christmas !
it works, so christmas 2159 seems to be a good date for the next upgrade ;-) -
I’m not understanding the 159 and XP conversation. I see the original coincidence of the two 159’s but beyond that, what the heck is being discussed?? :-)
Hi @scott-sumner,
Just because Don noticed that, from my imgur picture, it was taken from an XP station, as he said, in his post :
wait a minute… Is it XP?!
So, I was joking about it :-D
Hi, @don-ho,
After downloading the
archive and installed it, I noticed that every plugin, part of the release, is, now, located in its own folder, inside theplugins
folderThinking of a possible bug, I verified, however, that the organization of the other
archives, as well as thex64
versions, are quite identical !So, Don, is this new localization of plugins, the future one ?
Nevertheless, I noticed, that if I moved a plugin, outside its own folder, into the
folder, it still works, on opening N++ :-))Best Regards,
After updating to Notepad++ v7.5.8 (32-bit) I have experienced hangs. The all of the menus work but I can not change between window tabs or scroll in the current tab. I have to use File/Exit and restart Notepad++ to recover.
Bug information:
Notepad++ v7.5.8 (32-bit)
Build time : Jul 23 2018 - 02:03:53
Path : C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
Admin mode : OFF
Local Conf mode : OFF
OS : Windows 10 (64-bit)
Plugins : ComparePlugin.dll Explorer.dll JSLintNpp.dll NppColumnSort.dll NppFavorites.dll NPPJSONViewer-win32.dll nppplugin_solutionhub.dll nppplugin_solutionhub_ui.dll nppplugin_solutiontools.dll NppSaveAsAdmin.dll NppTextFX.dll PluginManager.dll SpeechPlugin.dll SpellChecker.dll TakeNotes.dll XMLTools.dll DSpellCheck.dll mimeTools.dll NppConverter.dll NppExport.dllI also intermittently get a Notepad++ has shut down unexpectedly message every so often.
Thanks for a great application!
Notepad++ v7.5.8 (32-bit)
Build time : Jul 23 2018 - 02:03:53
Path : C:\LokaleDaten\Apps\\notepad++.exe
Admin mode : OFF
Local Conf mode : ON
OS : Windows 7 (64-bit)
Plugins : CodeAlignmentNpp.dll ComparePlugin.dll dbgpPlugin.dll LanguageHelp.dll NppExec.dll NppTaskList.dll NppTextFX.dll RunMe.dll XMLTools.dll DSpellCheck.dll mimeTools.dll NppConverter.dll NppExport.dllI get the following error when I run DBGp plugin “List index out of bounds (0)”
Is there anything that I could do? Workaround?
Anyway, Thanks for the great program.
I found the reason for my issue. I had a german AE = “Ä” in the path of the script. Without that character in the path DBGp works as expected.
Hi, I just installed the new release and got a problem. Notepad++ crashes when I try to print. It does this in both versions 32 Bit an 64 Bit. I’m on Windows 10 V 1803
Notepad++ crashes when I try to print. It does this in both versions 32 Bit an 64 Bit. I’m on Windows 10 V 1803
Could you not load all plugins by launching Notepad++ with argument-noPlugin
to see if it’s due to plugin, for example, execute the following line in cmd:
notepad++.exe -noPlugin
? -
Hi, sorry for the late answer. I found the solution. Notepad++ doesn’t create the directory %APPDATA%\Roaming\Notepad++\Plugins automatically. I created the directory manually and now Notepad++ crashes any more.
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