Notepad++ 7.6.1
@KantorZsolt @Peter-Jones
Due to wingup has the retro-compatible issue with XP since its beginning, Plugins Admin will be disabled under XP. Sorry for that. -
@dinkumoil said:
Regarding APIs directory: As far as I know there are plugins wich are indeed lexers for a certain language. I actually found the WLangLexer which is part of the plugin list of old Plugin Manager. This plugin requests during its installation to copy an XML file to plugins\APIs.
I don’t use lexer plugins, thus I don’t know anything about them. But I think further investigations have to be done before making a decision regarding plugins and plugins\APIs directories.
Got your point, I’ll see what can I do for it.
@donho said:
Plugins Admin will be disabled under XP. Sorry for that.
no problem to drop xp … but i’d really like to hear @guy038 screaming “nooooooooo” ;-)
btw: thanks for today’s %PROGRAMDATA%\Notepad++\plugins permission commit
thanks again for testing everything, even the stuff you don’t use yourself.regarding your suggestion at git to use %ProgramData%\Notepad++\autoCompletion instead of $INSTDIR\autoCompletion:
as those 3 plugins have to be rewritten anyways due to the path changes, is there any specific reason to use %programdata% instead of $instdir ?
as far as i can see the compatibility of those plugins will be broken anyways, regardless of using %programdata% or $instdir.
and the plugin authors can always put their own lexer files in their own plugins sub folder and use them from there.@donho what’s your thought about that or prefered location ?
i think if those plugins that use lexer apis have to be rewritten anyways, they could just use the official autoCompletion as it is now, inside $INSTDIR\autoCompletion for read only, and use their own additional r/w lexer data files within %programdata%\plugins\theirplugin. -
@donho @Meta-Chuh said:
is there any specific reason to use %programdata% instead of $instdir ?
I thought of Notepad++ to be compatible with the UWP app requirements which means that the installations directory has to be immutable.
As far as I know the former APIs directory contains the autocompletion files for different languages. Maybe it is important that these files are stored at this location to ensure that Notepad++ uses them. So it would be the best to allow plugins to store files in this directory which means its location can not be in the installation directory.
Hi, @Meta-chuh,
Please, don’t think that I’m worried about @don-ho’s decision for not handling, anymore, the
Plugin Admin
, in Win XP configurations ;-)) Indeed, as I’m always using portable versions of Notepad++, I’ve never had , up to now, any problem for installing any plugin, by myself, either for daily use or for testing.Even, in precedent N++ versions, when the old Plugin Manager was active and proposed me some updates, I always preferred to answer No, then, look at the author’s sites for the later release and extract all zip contents to my current N++ installation !
Moreover, as I usually keep several N++ versions, at a time, on my [ Win XP ] laptop, if no plugin’s update comes out, I simply duplicate all the structure of the plugins, from an old N++ location, to the new
location of my latest N++ installation, including possible configuration files (.ini
)Doing so, it helps me to better memorize all the structure of my current
and how these different plugins work ;-))
Of course, since the
version of N++, we just had to remember that, for a manual installation of a plugin, for instance,MyAwesomePlugin.dll
, we must :-
First, create a
sub-folder, inside the"$InstallDir"\plugins
directory -
Place all the plugin’s files as well as
in the sub-folder"$InstallDir"\plugins\MyAwesomePlugin
Best regards,
After installing 7.6.1 (dont sure which version was before) - Search window does not close on ‘esc’ key
please ignore this, local conflict with other soft
@donho said:
@KantorZsolt @Peter-Jones
Due to wingup has the retro-compatible issue with XP since its beginning, Plugins Admin will be disabled under XP. Sorry for that.Ooooh, nooo! I have an old laptop, I’m stuck to XP. If you make me angry I will make a fork to Notepad++
( just joking :) )Anyway Notepad++ is a great editor.
Having an annoying issue - If I collapse any part of an html file and try to scroll horizontally I constantly get a popup with a title of Exception and a message of “vector<T> too long” Has this been reported before?
Any progress in choosing proper codepage ANSI?
Thanks, Jan -
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