[Suggestion] Add The library tab in the Find and Replace window to reuse Regexes mainly
Hi, @michael-vincent, @peterjones, @alan-kilborn and All,
So Alan, if I follow your reasoning, it means that, rather than having the
zonesCase sensitive
,Whole word only
andRegular expression
, at the bottom of the window, we should better put the3
modes of searchNormal
Then, it would be up to each user to verify the state of the different checkboxes and fields, before starting the whole process. Indeed, they could be considered as flavours of the chosen search mode !
@guy038 said in [Suggestion] Add The library tab in the Find and Replace window to reuse Regexes mainly:
it means that, rather than having the 3 zones Case sensitive, Whole word only and Regular expression, at the bottom of the window, we should better put the 3 modes of search Normal, Extended and RegExp
Well…I think the following all belong:
- case sensitive checkbox
- whole word checkbox
- search mode dropdown with the obvious 3 choices: Normal, Extended, Regular expression – or maybe 4 choices: Normal, Extended, Regular expression where . matches newline, Regular expression where . doesn’t match newline.
Surely you see that e.g. “case sensitive” is more bound into the search trying to be captured here than something like e.g. “Backward direction”.
BTW, and I probably should have stated this earlier, a design goal with crafting a specification for this is that we don’t go this far with it: https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/issues/9627 :-)
Hi, @alan-kilborn and All,
Yes, your proposition seems sensible ! In this new
Find and Replace Library
window, we should stay concerned about options relative to the WAY of searching and/or replacing.And all the other parameters :
Regarding the direction of the search (
Backward direction
,Wrap around
options ) -
Regarding the scope of the search (
fields ) -
Regarding the tracking of the search (
Bookmark line
andPurge for each search
options )
would be defined by the user, before running the process
Thus, this leads to have, at the bottom of that window, two rows of options :
Case sensitive
,Whole word
andRegExp (Dot=All)
Just a suggestion, of course !
Best Regards,
@Taije Park a new feature is a new beginning. I really like your idea.
@alan-kilborn ,
After looking at that, I agree, that is a micro management screen. :)
All people really want is something to store their regularly used search expressions in a handy library space with the search and replace menu so it pastes it in and runs it. Anything more than that can overwhelm users, especially novices…which seems to be the dominant species to using the free Notepad++ editor. -
Another recent feature request for this: https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/issues/11981
P PeterJones referenced this topic on
I was just about to post this exact same Feature Request…
I believe that whenever you have RegEx options in Search and Replace, there should be an option to save the Searches…
Constructing RegEx is pain. No one wants to go thought that repeatedly unless necessary :)
Also naming the saved searches is critical because without the name you only have the regex string visible and you must still DECIPHER weeks later what does it do… an explanatory name of the bookmark/preset is crucial for quick and confident re-use
example of self-explanatory saved searches presets
“Replace department codes in HR Quarterly Report”
“Book Reviews - Add TAB after Chapter Numbers”
“AD Data Export - Delete employee number”This request will no doubt keep re-appearing in new GitHub requests and Notepad Community topics…
There are MANY text editors out there that already have this so when i first moved to NP++ it was sad to find out this is missing… still I like NP++ very much but sometimes I keep another editor handy with the search bookmarks for those regular regex operations…
Also please anyone who like this… UPVOTE the original message (Taije Park 18. May 2022 6:28 PM)… so the upvotes are visible in the forum…
@Remote-RV This is all the GitHub Feature Requests asking for the same thing (ability to save Search/Replace presets)
this is the request from Taije Park linking to this Notepad community threadhttps://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/issues/11309
@Remote-RV said in [Suggestion] Add The library tab in the Find and Replace window to reuse Regexes mainly:
Also please anyone who like this… UPVOTE the original message (Taije Park 18. May 2022 6:28 PM)… so the upvotes are visible in the forum…
I have no problem with encouraging people to upvote certain posts in the forum. But in case there is any confusion on your part or the part of those who read your post: it won’t change anything. What happens here is virtually irrelevant to the decision maker in the github repository. The developer does not hang out in the forum, and he doesn’t look at upvotes on posts here to influence what gets implemented in Notepad++. If you really want to influence things, upvote and comment on the issues in the github repository – because he at least reads new issues, and might notice things like upvotes on a github request.
@PeterJones Thanks. Yes I understand. But I didn’t find any button to upvote ISSUE in GitHub.
@Remote-RV said in [Suggestion] Add The library tab in the Find and Replace window to reuse Regexes mainly:
I didn’t find any button to upvote ISSUE in GitHub.
@PeterJones Aaaaah ok. I thought this is more of a reaction to individual post. I was wondering if there is like a voting mechanism on the issues as a whole that shows the developers which issues are “most wanted” in the grand scheme of 1900 opened issues… well I guess in the end developers do not decide based on votes anyway… its not that simple :)
but good to know there is THUMB UP