Any Good Suggestions For Using NPP in place of Sublime For html5/js/threejs Development?
Ive been a fan on NPP since my days working at a dialup ISP from 1999.I like Sublime’s color schemes for html and js. And a big fan of NPP’s new 'Open Folder As Workspace" feature - for websites. For those familiar with three.js, it has to be used with Mongoose (an emulated web server on your computer) to work right. Pressing one key to preview in a browser (or 2 since I use a laptop for my main pc) works well.
Basically, a nice JS syntax checker, similar to Xojo 2k16r1 (the programming lang) would be super SUPER duper nice, and a recommended color scheme.
Anyone out their brighter than I am with a nice system of doing things willing to share what the names of NPP plugins they use? Thank you.
Hello @Don-Bice,
sorry but I don’t understand your question/wish - may I ask you to clarify it for me?