Notepad++ v6.9.1 is out there
I just upgraded to 6.9.1 and noticed the following new behaviour:- Open several files (2 for this test) in Notepad++
- Close Notepad++ without closing the files.
- Rename only one of the files.
- Open Notepad++
- Notice that the renamed file is not available in the open tabs, except the other file.
Before the upgrade, there was a window displayed at launchtime, asking if the file that is no longer available should be kept in Notepad++ or removed.
In 6.9.1, the window does not appears anymore.
Is there an option to recover this feature or is this per design ?
Thanks for any suggestion.
Hello Frank,
I’ve just done a test with 4 versions of N++ :
v6.9.1 Unicode
v6.7.7 Unicode
v6.4.5 Unicode
v5.9.8. Ansi
All of them behave the same way, as for the renaming of a file, previously opened in N++
Indeed, if you haven’t closed N++ yet, then, as soon as you rename, from OUTSIDE N++, a file , which is presently opened in N++, a pop-up window appears, saying :
The file " C:\.............." doesn't exist anymore. Keep this file in editor? Yes No
But, referring to your point #2, once N++.exe is CLOSED, how Notepad++ could know, that you modified a file, in the meantime, although it was previously opened in N++ ??!!. For the four versions tested, the tab, of the renamed file, has logically disappeared !
To my mind, as the file, with its previous name, doesn’t exist any more, the N++'s reference to that file is wrong, by now and N++ can’t open it, in a tab !
Best Regards
Hi @guy038! Thanks for your reply and the testing.
However, after further tests, a similar expected behaviour could be reproduced by modifying one of file at step #1 without saving the changes.
Close N++. Rename (or Delete !!) the file you changed. Open N++. The file is still displayed in the same state as it was when closing N++.
– At this stage, I think that this behavior for unsaved files is important, useful and should never be reconsidered :) I was rather worried about these unsaved changes than about reopening deleted (but saved) files.
I had the feeling that this was the case before the update, so I was wondering if it changed some settings that I have not seen in the preferences. (This is technically possible with a cache, I do not expect that N++ find the renamed file by itself, but load it from the cache instead, like with an FTP and partially with the unsaved changes to the files).
Anyway, the last update works like a charm! Thanks again for your time, and thanks to N++ team/contributors who are doing a really great job.
Frank -
BUG: Network Drives and Files are no longer visible after upgrading to 6.9.1 (cannot open any network file)
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but that did not work. I created a post for this under the Help Wanted forum but I’ll paste the message here as well:
Network Drives are no longer visible in the File Open view nor any other view I can think of to try opening files (eg New Workspace/Open Session). I had previously been using Notepad++ version 6.8 and was able to open files on my defined network drives without any problem.
- I also tried getting the Explorer plugin but that couldn’t see the network drives either
- I confirmed the drives are online and I can access + open the files from Windows Explorer
- I also tried toggling on the “Show Hidden Files” but that didn’t work either.
- I tried setting the program to always open in Administrator mode but that didn’t change anything
- I tried uninstalling the most recent version and re-installing it to a new directory (I think it may have kept some of my App Data, not sure though)
There was a similar topic 6 months ago where the “solution” was to uninstall, manually remove all registry entries for NP++, then reinstall but that sounds like a pain for most users to do:
Since that solution is outside the scope of what most users may know how to do, I think this should be considered a bug and fixed in the next dot release.Any other suggestions?
Pete -
A problem when using “Ctrl-Tab” to switch between opened files. When I open a lot of files, e.g. 40~50, the window poped-up by pressing “Ctrl-Tab” can not display all the files, also it cannot be scrolled to show other files.
Hi Frank,
I come back towards you, because, after your second post, I tried to understand what I wasn’t able to obtain the same N++'s behaviour than you !
Then, I understood that you probably left the option Preferences - Backup - Enable session snapshot and periodic backup checked ( Default setting ) But, it has been told that very large files managing or huge search/replacement processes can be broken if this option is set. So, as for me, I, usually, prefer to unset this periodic backup !
Of course, if this option is NOT checked, like in my N++ configuration, you obtain the behaviour, that I described in my previous post :-)
But, if this option is CHECKED, the fact of deleting or renaming a file, AFTER closing N++, do NOT delete the N++ backup of that particular file, kept in a folder, named backup, and where the files are renamed, according to the syntax
<File Name>@<Date>_<Time>
( For instance, for a file named Test.txt, I noticed the name Test.txt@2016-04-26_193933, in the backup folder ).So, AFTER re-starting N++, although this file does NOT exist anymore, you can, still, find it opened, in N++ ! But if you uncheck, immediately, the option Enable session snapshot and periodic backup, again, then, on closing N++, N++, logically, will ask you to save it !
BTW, Frank, during my tests, I thought, one moment, that the difference could depend on the option Preferences - Recent Files History - Don’t check at launch time.
But I was totally wrong. Indeed, this option is just related to the files, previously closed, which are displayed, as an history, in the File menu, between the options Print now and Restore Recent Closed File
If the option Don’t check at launch time is CHECKED ( default ), N++ doesn’t care if these absolute pathmanes, listed in the history, are pertinent or not !
If the option Don’t check at launch time is UNCHECKED ( that is to say Check at launch time ! ), N++, on starting, verifies all the pathnames of the history and suppresses all the wrong references ( not the files !! ) from the history list !
How do I configure “Fortran fixed form source file” syntax highlighting (and file extensions for this language)?
Note to self: should read other posts before posting. -
@Claudia-Frank said:
Hello @David-Rocco,
ftp protocol doesn’t provide any “file has changed functionality”
If the file has been changed on the server you won’t get any information,
if you would like to have such functionality you need to use something like samba.
(assuming the server is a unix host)
Basically, you need to mount the share to your filesystem so that the filesystem
gets a chance to detect file changes.Cheers
ClaudiaI’m not absolutely sure but i remember some old version have this function or have somethings similar.
Ever i use Filezilla to open a my server to… sometime i need it to read the some logs files from this server and i remember good in some old version i obtain a request to reload the files when this sames logs files it’s changed on the server.
It’s very strange because i ever think it’s possibly it’s a bug of filezilla… i ever use the FTP protocol… not samba. It’s possibly somethings it’s been changed on my server (a unix server) after some recent distro service ?? -
When I try to use the Column Editor with the Number to Insert feature, it crashes all the time.
For info, I’m under windows 10. -
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