How to make Notepad++ have a Launch in Edge
How to add Launch in Edge in Notepad++
-TFleckMETHOD 1 (Short Version)
Find “shortcuts.xml” (usually in C:\users\ %username%\appdata\roaming\notepad++)
Edit the file.
Then copy and paste this under “<UserDefinedCommands>”<Command name=“Launch in Edge” Ctrl=“no” Alt=“no” Shift=“no” Key=“0”>$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH) " ;microsoft-edge:// "</Command>
Save, then open or restart Notepad++
METHOD 2 (Longer Version)
Find “shortcuts.xml” (usually in C:\users\ %username%\appdata\roaming\notepad++)
Edit the file.
Then copy and past one of the commands under “<UserDefinedCommands>”
(for example the firefox launcher command)<command name=“Launch in Firefox” Ctrl=“yes” Alt=“yes” Shift=“yes” Key=“88”>firefox “$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)”</Command>
Change the following attributes:
“Launch in Edge”
Key=“0” -
Next change the command:
Original= >firefox "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"<
New Command= >$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH) " ;microsoft-edge:// "< -
Restart Notepad++
NOTE - You edit your attributes through modifying the shortcut in the “Run” dropdown menu in Notepad++.
Also be sure to add the space before and after the " on the FULL_CURRENT_PATH side, as well as
the space after the // on the edge side.