Hightlight text in both views
But for two different files there is no highlight at all.
Yes, because the cloned one you mentioned is basically the same document from npps point of view even if displayed in another view.
If you want, a python script can do what you want to achieve.Cheers
Claudia -
I had the need for such behavior myself yesterday. Thus, I would like to see a Pythonscript that could set/clear colored highlight of the currently selected (blocked) text.
@Scott-Sumner said:
Thus, I would like to see a Pythonscript that could set/clear colored highlight of the currently selected (blocked) text.
That should have been: Thus, I would like to see a Pythonscript that could set/clear colored highlight of the currently selected (blocked) text across all currently open files.
Hi Scott,
I would like to see a Pythonscript that could set/clear colored highlight of the currently selected (blocked) text across all currently open files.
me too ;-)
If it is only view1 and 2 it should be pretty straight forward but all opened files … hmm …
as I can’t color docs which aren’t visible I either would need to open them one by one or
… maybe better using buffer activated callback and then do coloring … I will give it a try.Cheers
Claudia -
Hi Scott,
here my first try.
import re # needed if whole word should be searched _g = globals() # get global variables if not _g.get('AUTO_SELECT_IS_RUNNING'): # if variable not defined yet, AUTO_SELECT_IS_RUNNING = False # define it # if not _g.get('COLORED_DOCS_LIST'): # -"- COLORED_DOCS_LIST = [] # -"- # SELECTED_TEXT = None # variable to hold our selection JUMP_TO_FIRST_OCCURANCE = True # set to false if jump should be avoided CURRENT_DOCUMENT = None # document which initiates the coloring # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def track_document(buffer_id): # track which documents get colored global COLORED_DOCS_LIST # by using the global document list if not buffer_id in COLORED_DOCS_LIST: # if current doc isn't in list yet COLORED_DOCS_LIST.append(buffer_id) # add it # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def toggle_view(): # function used when both views visible current_doc_index_main_view = notepad.getCurrentDocIndex(0) # get current doc index of view 1 and current_doc_index_second_view = notepad.getCurrentDocIndex(1) # current doc index of view 2 # if notepad.getCurrentView() == 0: # if main view is active notepad.activateIndex(1, current_doc_index_second_view) # activate second view with current open doc else: # else notepad.activateIndex(0, current_doc_index_main_view) # the other view ... # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def clear_indicator(): # clearing indicators by text_end_position = editor.getLength() # getting the document text length editor.setIndicatorCurrent(8) # setting the inidcator id editor.indicatorClearRange(0, text_end_position) # and calling the clearing function # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def colorize(): # coloring the selected text by # clear_indicator() # first clearing old marks # matches = [] # initializing match list # editor.research('\\b{0}\\b'.format(SELECTED_TEXT), lambda m: matches.append(m.span(0))) # (use this if whold word should be searched only) editor.research('{0}'.format(SELECTED_TEXT), lambda m: matches.append(m.span(0)),re.IGNORECASE) # search document for selected text and append it to list editor.indicSetStyle(8,INDICATORSTYLE.ROUNDBOX) # set the indicator properties like roundbox editor.indicSetFore(8,(117,217,117)) # foreground color editor.indicSetAlpha(8,55) # alpha setting editor.indicSetOutlineAlpha(8,255) # outline setting and editor.indicSetUnder(8,True) # if it should be colored under text for match in matches: # for each found match editor.setIndicatorCurrent(8) # set the indicator and editor.indicatorFillRange(match[0], match[1] - match[0]) # color the match not_original_doc = notepad.getCurrentBufferID() != CURRENT_DOCUMENT # is the current doc the doc which initiated the coloring? if JUMP_TO_FIRST_OCCURANCE and len(matches) > 0 and not_original_doc: # if we should jump, do have matches and doc is different then first_visible_line = editor.getFirstVisibleLine() # get the first visible line and line_from_position = editor.lineFromPosition(matches[0][0]) # get the line from the match position delta = (line_from_position - 1 - first_visible_line) # build a delta out of it editor.lineScroll(0, delta) # and scroll to it # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def prepare_and_run(): # stuff which needs to be done prior to the coloring global CURRENT_DOCUMENT # CURRENT_DOCUMENT = notepad.getCurrentBufferID() # set current doc to global var global SELECTED_TEXT # SELECTED_TEXT = editor.getSelText() # set selection to global var colorize() # and color current doc both_views_visible = True if editor1 and editor2 else False # are both views visible? if both_views_visible: # if so toggle_view() # switch to other view # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def callback_MARGINCLICK(args): # callback gets called when clicking bookmark margin prepare_and_run() # function self explanatory, isn't it # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def callback_DOUBLECLICK(args): # callback gets called when user double clicks prepare_and_run() # deja vu # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def callback_BUFFERACTIVATED(args): # callback gets called when doc gets switched if AUTO_SELECT_IS_RUNNING: # when sript is in running state colorize() # call colorize track_document(args['bufferID']) # and track which document was colored else: # otherwise it is in stopped state and global COLORED_DOCS_LIST # therefore we need to clear colored docs if args['bufferID'] in COLORED_DOCS_LIST: # by checking if current id is in the list clear_indicator() # if so call clearing function and COLORED_DOCS_LIST.remove(args['bufferID']) # remove id from list if len(COLORED_DOCS_LIST) == 0: # if list of colored docs is empty notepad.clearCallbacks([NOTIFICATION.BUFFERACTIVATED]) # callback isn't needed anymore, clear it. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def main(): # main function to handle start/stop behavior global AUTO_SELECT_IS_RUNNING # assining to global variable if AUTO_SELECT_IS_RUNNING: # if script is currently running AUTO_SELECT_IS_RUNNING = False # this call should stop it, so set flag to False editor.clearCallbacks([SCINTILLANOTIFICATION.DOUBLECLICK]) # clear callbacks editor.clearCallbacks([SCINTILLANOTIFICATION.MARGINCLICK]) # -"- clear_indicator() # and start clearing indicator marks else: # else AUTO_SELECT_IS_RUNNING = True # set the flag to true and editor.callback(callback_DOUBLECLICK, [SCINTILLANOTIFICATION.DOUBLECLICK]) # register needed callbacks editor.callback(callback_MARGINCLICK, [SCINTILLANOTIFICATION.MARGINCLICK]) # -"- notepad.callback(callback_BUFFERACTIVATED, [NOTIFICATION.BUFFERACTIVATED]) # -"- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- main() # main entry
Claudia -
@Claudia-Frank said:
main() # main entry
That is pretty cool indeed! Thanks for doing that. Hopefully others find it useful as well. -
Hi Scott, thank you very much.
For those who haven’t much experience with python I should give a little information
how it can be used. Basically there a two things one need to know.-
First run of the script activates it, second run stops it (which clears the coloring), next run activates it again and so on…
Either by double clicking a word or by selecting text and then clicking into the column between
numbers and folding symbol (the bookmark area) will color the selection.
That’s it - have fun.
Claudia -
Thank for the script I will give it a try when back from holiday, though still would be nice if it could be a native feature.
Hi Scott,
while using the script I came across a few glitches which has been solved in this version.
Maybe you or others find the changes useful.
Main change from usage point of view is the deletion of the margin click callback to unselect the matches,
instead double click the searched word again. Rest of the changes are for performance and minor bug fixes.
As always, first run starts the script, next run stops it.Btw. comments have been deleted as there is a new policy in place that only post with up to 16384 are accepted.
Claudiaimport re _g = globals() if not _g.get('AUTO_SELECT_IS_RUNNING'): AUTO_SELECT_IS_RUNNING = False if not _g.get('COLORED_DOCS_LIST'): COLORED_DOCS_LIST = {} PREVIOUS_SELECTED_TEXT = None SELECTED_TEXT = None JUMP_TO_FIRST_OCCURANCE = True CURRENT_DOCUMENT = None # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def track_document(buffer_id): global COLORED_DOCS_LIST if SELECTED_TEXT == '': if COLORED_DOCS_LIST.has_key(buffer_id): COLORED_DOCS_LIST.pop(buffer_id) else: COLORED_DOCS_LIST[buffer_id] = SELECTED_TEXT # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def toggle_view(): current_doc_index_main_view = notepad.getCurrentDocIndex(0) current_doc_index_second_view = notepad.getCurrentDocIndex(1) if notepad.getCurrentView() == 0: notepad.activateIndex(1, current_doc_index_second_view) else: notepad.activateIndex(0, current_doc_index_main_view) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def clear_indicator(): text_end_position = editor.getLength() editor.setIndicatorCurrent(8) editor.indicatorClearRange(0, text_end_position) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def colorize(): clear_indicator() matches = [] if SELECTED_TEXT == '': return # editor.research('\\b{0}\\b'.format(SELECTED_TEXT), lambda m: matches.append(m.span(0))) editor.research('{0}'.format(SELECTED_TEXT), lambda m: matches.append(m.span(0)),re.IGNORECASE) if len(matches) == 0: return editor.indicSetStyle(8,INDICATORSTYLE.ROUNDBOX) editor.indicSetFore(8,(117,217,117)) editor.indicSetAlpha(8,55) editor.indicSetOutlineAlpha(8,255) editor.indicSetUnder(8,True) for match in matches: editor.setIndicatorCurrent(8) editor.indicatorFillRange(match[0], match[1] - match[0]) not_original_doc = notepad.getCurrentBufferID() != CURRENT_DOCUMENT if JUMP_TO_FIRST_OCCURANCE and len(matches) > 0 and not_original_doc: first_visible_line = editor.getFirstVisibleLine() line_from_position = editor.lineFromPosition(matches[0][0]) delta = (line_from_position - 1 - first_visible_line) editor.lineScroll(0, delta) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def prepare_and_run(): global CURRENT_DOCUMENT global PREVIOUS_SELECTED_TEXT global SELECTED_TEXT CURRENT_DOCUMENT = notepad.getCurrentBufferID() SELECTED_TEXT = editor.getSelText() if PREVIOUS_SELECTED_TEXT == SELECTED_TEXT: SELECTED_TEXT = '' if not SELECTED_TEXT.isspace(): PREVIOUS_SELECTED_TEXT = SELECTED_TEXT colorize() editor.setEmptySelection(editor.getCurrentPos()) track_document(notepad.getCurrentBufferID()) both_views_visible = True if editor1 and editor2 else False if both_views_visible: toggle_view() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def callback_DOUBLECLICK(args): prepare_and_run() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def callback_BUFFERACTIVATED(args): global COLORED_DOCS_LIST if AUTO_SELECT_IS_RUNNING: _selected_text = COLORED_DOCS_LIST.get(args['bufferID'], None) if _selected_text == SELECTED_TEXT: pass else: colorize() track_document(args['bufferID']) else: if COLORED_DOCS_LIST.has_key(args['bufferID']): clear_indicator() COLORED_DOCS_LIST.pop(args['bufferID']) if len(COLORED_DOCS_LIST) == 0: notepad.clearCallbacks([NOTIFICATION.BUFFERACTIVATED]) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def main(): global AUTO_SELECT_IS_RUNNING if AUTO_SELECT_IS_RUNNING: AUTO_SELECT_IS_RUNNING = False editor.clearCallbacks([SCINTILLANOTIFICATION.DOUBLECLICK]) clear_indicator() else: AUTO_SELECT_IS_RUNNING = True editor.callback(callback_DOUBLECLICK, [SCINTILLANOTIFICATION.DOUBLECLICK]) notepad.clearCallbacks([NOTIFICATION.BUFFERACTIVATED]) notepad.callback(callback_BUFFERACTIVATED, [NOTIFICATION.BUFFERACTIVATED]) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- main()
I will take a look at it; thanks as always for your tremendous support.