Suppress dialog to ask user to keep settings on silent remove
Hi Don,
it is needed to have the dialog to ask the user if he wants to keep his settings suppressed on silent remove, since there is no way to interact with this dialog, when a software distributing system is used to remove N++.Thanks in advance for a fix, have a pleasant one.
+1 - this is an issue here too.
When running “c:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\uninstall.exe” /S, since 7.1 the uninstaller puts up the following prompt:
Notepad++ v7.1 Uninstall
Would you like to keep your custom settings?
Yes No
This means Notepad++ cannot be uninstalled silently, which means it cannot be deployed automatically. We can’t deploy the new version until this is fixed. Please can you update the installer to suppress this dialog one way or another during a silent uninstall.
- 2 years later
FYI: the /S is CaSe SeNsiTiVe
/s will give you a language prompt.Yes this removes most files including uninstall.exe but will leave the \plugins\ folder too.
This is because most installation systems make uninstall a pain for the packager to create a silent install. The only NSIS installer I’ve seen doing it right was VLC.The best someone could, other than build a custom N++ NSIS installer everytime, it to automate the following:
-Kill notepad++.exe
-Unregister NppShell_06.dll (actually NppShell_##.dll because it changes!)
-Run uninstall.exe /S for both 32 and 64bit versions
-remove the C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++ and C:\Program Files\Notepad++ folders regardless of content
-clean each user profile of the \AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\ folder -
Portable version all the way! +1!