Function list with Java problems
I’ve found several problems using function list for Java.
closing bracket “}” must not be the last character
there must be at least one chcracter beyond. Can be space or newline.public class MyClass {
void method() {
} -
comments don’t work at all
If there is comment inside my class the function list produces no output at all.public class MyClass {
// this comment must not be here
/* this also breaks the functionlist */
void method() {
// even this comment is wrong
} -
nested classes not recognized
No support for nested classes. I would really appreciate if ClassRange would be recursivepublic class OuterClass {
private class InnerClass { // this class is not in functionlist
void innerMethod() { // this method is placed in OuterClass
void outerMethod() {
} -
template classes extending other templates
I created my custom Collection. The implemented interface destroyed the function list.public class MyCollection<T> implements Collection<T> {
void overrideCollectionMethods() {
} -
templates limiting the template type
My collection was used for certain types only. This was also not recognized.public class MyCollection<T extends MyInterface> {
void someMethod() {
- Known issue, is being worked on;
- Known issue, is being worked on;
- Correct, nested classes are not supported; It’s implementation raises a whole new set of questions/challenges; Won’t implement in near future;
- I’ll look into this;
- I’ll look into this (as related to no.4).
interface (abstract classes) methods are not recognized
regex for method recognition requires method implementation {…}. Abstract methods are not recognized.public interface MyInterface {
public void method();
I did some investigation on templates and I ended up with this FunctionList. Please check it out.
Comment is commented out (ad 2.).<parser id ="java" displayName="Java" c_ommentExpr="(?s:/\*.*?\*/)|(?m-s://.*$)" > <classRange mainExpr ="^[\t\x20]*((public|protected|private|static|final|abstract|synchronized|@(\w)+)\s+)*(class|enum|interface|@interface)\s+(?'D'\s*\w+(\s*<(?'G'\s*(((\w+\.)*(?&D))|((\?|\w+)(\s+(extends|super)\s+(?&D))?)))(\s*,(?&G))*\s*>)?)(\s+extends\s+(?&D))?(\s+implements\s+(?&D)(\s*,(?&D))*)?\s*\{" openSymbole ="\{" closeSymbole="\}" > <className> <nameExpr expr="(class|enum|interface|@interface)\s+\w+" /> </className> <function mainExpr="^[\t\x20]*((public|protected|private|static|final|abstract|synchronized|@(\w)+)\s+)*(\s*<(?&G)\s*>)?(?'D'\s*(\w+\.)*\w+(\s*<(?'G'\s*((?&D)|((\?|\w+)(\s+(extends|super)\s+(?&D))?)))(\s*,(?&G))*\s*>)?(\[\s*\])*)\s+(?!(if|while|for|switch|catch|synchronized|this|super)\b)\w+\(((?'A'(?&D)\s+\w+)(\s*,(?&A))*)?\)(\s+throws\s+\w+)?\s*(\{|;)" > <functionName> <funcNameExpr expr="\w+(\s*<.*>)?\s*\(" /> <funcNameExpr expr="\w+" /> </functionName> </function> </classRange> </parser>
= Argument?
= Declarator?
= Generic? -
@Petr-Skýpala Based on your post I adapted the parser to:
<parser displayName="Java" id ="java_syntax" > <classRange mainExpr ="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`) ^[\t\x20]* # leading whitespace (?: (?-i:abstract|final|private|protected|public|static|synchronized|@\w+) \s+ )* (?-i:class|enum|@?interface) \s+ (?'DECLARATOR' (?'VALID_ID' # valid identifier, use as subroutine \b(?!(?-i: a(?:bstract|ssert)|b(?:oolean|reak|yte)|c(?:ase|atch|har|lass|on(?:st|tinue))| d(?:efault|o(?:uble)?)|e(?:lse|num|xtends)|f(?:inal(?:ly)?|loat|or)| goto|i(?:f|mp(?:lements|ort)|nstanceof|nt(?:erface)?)| long|n(?:ative|ew)|p(?:ackage|rivate|rotected|ublic)|return| s(?:hort|tatic|trictfp|uper|witch|ynchronized)|th(?:is|rows?)|tr(?:ansient|y)| vo(?:id|latile)|while )\b) # keywords, not to be used as identifier [A-Za-z_]\w* # valid character combination for identifiers ) (?: \s*\x3C # start-of-template indicator (?'GENERIC' # ...match first generic, use as subroutine \s* (?: (?: # optional parent type name(s) (?&VALID_ID) # ...parent type name \. # ...parent-sibling separator )* (?&DECLARATOR) | (?: \? # .. | \w+ # .. name ) (?: # optional type extension \s+(?-i:extends|super) \s+(?&DECLARATOR) )? ) ) (?: # ...match consecutive generic objects, they are \s*, # separated by a comma (?&GENERIC) )* \s*\x3E # ...end-of-template indicator )? ) (?: # optional object extension \s+(?-i:extends) \s+(?&DECLARATOR) )? (?: # optional object implementation \s+(?-i:implements) \s+(?&DECLARATOR) # ...match first object (?: # ...match consecutive objects, they are \s*, # separated by a comma \s*(?&DECLARATOR) )* )? \s*\{ # whatever, up till start-of-body indicator " openSymbole ="\{" closeSymbole="\}" > <className> <nameExpr expr="(?-i:class|enum|@?interface)\s+\K\w+(?:\s*\x3C.*?\x3E)?" /> </className> <function mainExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`) ^[\t\x20]* # leading whitespace (?: (?-i:abstract|final|native|private|protected|public|static|synchronized|@\w+) \s+ )* (?: \s*\x3C # start-of-template indicator \s*(?&GENERIC) \s*\x3E # end-of-template indicator )? \s* (?'DECLARATOR' (?: # optional parent type name(s) [A-Za-z_]\w* # ...parent type name \. # ...parent-sibling separator )* [A-Za-z_]\w* # type name (?: # optional template type \s*\x3C # ...start-of-template indicator (?'GENERIC' # ...match first generic object, use as subroutine \s* (?: (?&DECLARATOR) | (?: \? # .. | \w+ # .. name ) (?: # optional type extension \s+(?-i:extends|super) \s+(?&DECLARATOR) )? ) ) (?: # ...match consecutive generic objects, they are \s*, # separated by a comma (?&GENERIC) )* \s*\x3E # ...end-of-template indicator )? (?: # optional compound type \s*\[ # ...start-of-compound indicator \s*\] # ...end-of-compound indicator )* ) \s+ (?'VALID_ID' # valid identifier, use as subroutine \b(?!(?-i: a(?:bstract|ssert)|b(?:oolean|reak|yte)|c(?:ase|atch|har|lass|on(?:st|tinue))| d(?:efault|o(?:uble)?)|e(?:lse|num|xtends)|f(?:inal(?:ly)?|loat|or)| goto|i(?:f|mp(?:lements|ort)|nstanceof|nt(?:erface)?)| long|n(?:ative|ew)|p(?:ackage|rivate|rotected|ublic)|return| s(?:hort|tatic|trictfp|uper|witch|ynchronized)|th(?:is|rows?)|tr(?:ansient|y)| vo(?:id|latile)|while )\b) # keywords, not to be used as identifier [A-Za-z_]\w* # valid character combination for identifiers ) \s* \( # start-of-arguments indicator (?: # optional arguments (?'ARG' # ...match first argument, use as subroutine \s* (?-i:final\s+)? (?&DECLARATOR) \s+(?&VALID_ID) # argument name ) (?: # ...consecutive arguments are \s*, # separated by commas (?&ARG) )* )? \) # end-of-arguments indicator (?: # optional exceptions \s*(?-i:throws) \s+(?&VALID_ID) # ...first exception name (?: # ...consecutive exception names are \s*, # separated by commas \s*(?&VALID_ID) )* )? \s* (?: # function declaration ends with ... \{ # ...a start-of-function-body indicator or | ; # end-of-declaration indicator ) " > <functionName> <funcNameExpr expr="\w+(?=\s*\()" /> </functionName> </function> </classRange> </parser>
Could you please test/verify it.
Thanx! -
Hi MAPJe71,
Ah, Indeed ! I’ve never thought yet, about using the
modifier in regexes of the functionList.xml file, but you’re quite right : this improve readability of text and, surely, helps in achieving overall exact regexes :-))Cheers,
Great job. You’re a genius. Making the regex multiline and commentes is real blessing.
I’ve added several whitespaces \s where i missed them.
I’ve added bounded templates <T extends A & B>
I’ve added multiple inheritance - interface can extend multiple interfaces
I’ve generalized the DECLARATOR and GENERIC groups a bit.The result is far from perfect, but it completely satisfies my needs. I don’t mind if it recognizes multiple inheritance. We can leave some work for compiler too. I hope this class-function template will help with other languages.
<parser displayName="Java" id ="java" > <classRange mainExpr ="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`) ^[\t\x20]* # leading whitespace (?: (?-i: abstract |final |native |p(?:rivate|rotected|ublic) |s(?:tatic|trictfp|ynchronized) |transient |volatile |@[A-Za-z_]\w* # qualified identifier (?: \. [A-Za-z_]\w* )* ) \s+ )* (?-i:class|enum|@?interface) \s+ (?'DECLARATOR' (?'VALID_ID' # valid identifier, use as subroutine \b(?!(?-i: a(?:bstract|ssert) |b(?:oolean|reak|yte) |c(?:ase|atch|har|lass|on(?:st|tinue)) |d(?:efault|o(?:uble)?) |e(?:lse|num|xtends) |f(?:inal(?:ly)?|loat|or) |goto |i(?:f|mp(?:lements|ort)|nstanceof|nt(?:erface)?) |long |n(?:ative|ew) |p(?:ackage|rivate|rotected|ublic) |return |s(?:hort|tatic|trictfp|uper|witch|ynchronized) |th(?:is|rows?) |tr(?:ansient|y) |vo(?:id|latile) |while )\b) # keywords, not to be used as identifier [A-Za-z_]\w* # valid character combination for identifiers ) (?: \s*\x3C # start-of-template indicator (?'GENERIC' # ...match first generic, use as subroutine \s* (?: (?&DECLARATOR) # use named generic | \? # or unknown ) (?: # optional type extension \s+(?-i:extends|super) \s+(?&DECLARATOR) (?: # multiple bounds \s+\x26 # ...are ampersand separated \s+(?&DECLARATOR) )* )? (?: # match consecutive generics objects \s*, # ...comma separated (?&GENERIC) )? ) \s*\x3E # ...end-of-template indicator )? (?: # package and|or nested classes \. # ...are dot separated (?&DECLARATOR) )? ) (?: # optional object extension \s+(?-i:extends) \s+(?&DECLARATOR) (?: # ...match consecutive objects, they are \s*, # separated by a comma \s*(?&DECLARATOR) )* )? (?: # optional object implementation \s+(?-i:implements) \s+(?&DECLARATOR) # ...match first object (?: # ...match consecutive objects, they are \s*, # separated by a comma \s*(?&DECLARATOR) )* )? \s*\{ # whatever, up till start-of-body indicator " openSymbole ="\{" closeSymbole="\}" > <className> <nameExpr expr="(?-i:class|enum|@?interface)\s+\K\w+(?:\s*\x3C.*?\x3E)?" /> </className> <function mainExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`) ^[\t\x20]* # leading whitespace (?: (?-i: abstract |final |native |p(?:rivate|rotected|ublic) |s(?:tatic|trictfp|ynchronized) |transient |volatile |@[A-Za-z_]\w* # qualified identifier (?: \. # ... dot separated [A-Za-z_]\w* )* ) \s+ )* (?: \s*\x3C # start-of-template indicator (?&GENERIC) \s*\x3E # end-of-template indicator )? \s* (?'DECLARATOR' [A-Za-z_]\w* # type name (?: # optional parent type name(s) \. # ...parent-sibling separator [A-Za-z_]\w* # ...parent type name )* (?: \s*\x3C # start-of-template indicator (?'GENERIC' # ...match first generic, use as subroutine \s* (?: (?&DECLARATOR) # use named generic | \? # or unknown ) (?: # optional type extension \s+(?-i:extends|super) \s+(?&DECLARATOR) (?: # multiple bounds \s+\x26 # ...are ampersand separated \s+(?&DECLARATOR) )* )? (?: # match consecutive generics objects \s*, # ...comma separated (?&GENERIC) )? ) \s*\x3E # ...end-of-template indicator )? (?: # package and|or nested classes \. # ... are dot separated (?&DECLARATOR) )? (?: # optional compound type \s*\[ # ...start-of-compound indicator \s*\] # ...end-of-compound indicator )* ) \s+ (?'VALID_ID' # valid identifier, use as subroutine \b(?!(?-i: a(?:bstract|ssert) |b(?:oolean|reak|yte) |c(?:ase|atch|har|lass|on(?:st|tinue)) |d(?:efault|o(?:uble)?) |e(?:lse|num|xtends) |f(?:inal(?:ly)?|loat|or) |goto |i(?:f|mp(?:lements|ort)|nstanceof|nt(?:erface)?) |long |n(?:ative|ew) |p(?:ackage|rivate|rotected|ublic) |return |s(?:hort|tatic|trictfp|uper|witch|ynchronized) |th(?:is|rows?) |tr(?:ansient|y) |vo(?:id|latile) |while )\b) # keywords, not to be used as identifier [A-Za-z_]\w* # valid character combination for identifiers ) \s*\( # start-of-arguments indicator (?'ARG' # ...match first argument, use as subroutine \s*(?-i:final\s+)? (?&DECLARATOR) \s+(?&VALID_ID) # argument name (?: # ...consecutive arguments are \s*, # separated by commas (?&ARG) )? )? \) # end-of-arguments indicator (?: # optional exceptions \s*(?-i:throws) \s+(?&VALID_ID) # ...first exception name (?: # ...consecutive exception names are \s*, # separated by commas \s*(?&VALID_ID) )* )? \s*(?: # function declaration ends with ... \{ # ...a start-of-function-body indicator or | ; # end-of-declaration indicator ) " > <functionName> <funcNameExpr expr="\w+(?=\s*\()" /> </functionName> </function> </classRange> </parser>
M MAPJe71 referenced this topic on