Unable to do replace all from keyboard in v7.2.1 (ctrl+h, alt+a)
Hey Team,
Few days ago I have upgraded npp to latest release v7.2.1 64 bit, but faced many issues, like:
- Plugin manager missing (already reported in any thread)
- Keyboard shortcut for replace all doesn’t work.
I could see the first bug reported in any of the thread in this community, so I am briefing about the second one.
Step 1: Press ctrl + h to open “find and replace” dialog, tabbed to replace.
Step 2. Write anything in “find” and “replace” section respectively.
Step 3: Notice that there is hot character in “a” in “Replace All”, as is continued from previous version.
Step 4: Press “Alt + a” to activate this replace all. Instead of replacing the occurence, it opens a search message window, please look at the screenshot below at this this URL.
However, clicking on this “Replace All” does the job. So, looks like you messed up with this button programming.Thanks,
Kamal Nayan -
@Scott-Sumner Thanks, I will try use the technique mentioned by you. :)
But, I think it should be resolved too. -
It has been noticed and hopefully is fixed in 7.2.2 (https://notepad-plus-plus.org/community/topic/12801/notepad-v7-2-2-released)
@Scott-Sumner Thanks :)
Both of the mentioned issues looks fixed in 7.2.2. Lemme give a shot to this version.