Feature Request: option for fast document switcher
The document switcher (Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab) is a great feature that I use all the time to switch between open tabs. When you press Ctrl + Tab, it pops up a document switcher menu. Then when you let go of Ctrl + Tab it switches to the next tab.
This request is for a setting that lets you turn on “fast document switching.” With this setting enabled, you immediately switch to the next tab and the document switcher menu is never shown. This is the behavior of Chrome/Firefox and many other applications I use and I prefer it because it allows for faster switching.
If anyone knows a workaround, I would also be very interested in that.
Here is a simple Pythonscript example for implementing the forward-moving behavior through the files in the primary view:
view0_file_count = 0 for (_, _, _, view) in notepad.getFiles(): if view == 0: view0_file_count += 1 notepad.activateIndex(0, (notepad.getCurrentDocIndex(0) + 1) % view0_file_count)
Actually, I think this functionality already exists. See the View menu, Tab submenu, Next Tab and Previous Tab entries.
Please look at my plugin NavigateTo it could be useful for you.
https://notepad-plus-plus.org/community/topic/12892/navigateto-navigate-between-files-tabs-quickly-like-a-ninja-d -
Thank you both. Scott, yes, you’re right that View > Tab > Next Tab does exactly what I’m looking for. I re-mapped those commands to the keys I liked and disabled the document switcher.