Suggestion: Please consider adding a secondary Vertical Edge
Please consider adding a secondary Vertical Edge.
In case of Python (have no idea in other languages) PEP8 recommends a maximum line length of 72 for comments and docstrings and a maximum line length of 79 for code.
It would be helpful if we could have both visible.
Thanks for a great editor.
Best regards,
I would like that too.
Quick googling shows that it is already requested here -
Hello @jcrmatos,
Reading your post, made me remember about a solution which highlight, either, the foreground or the background, of files, with a specific extension, based on regular expressions.
I thought about highlighting the columns from position 73 to position 79. By that means, it would be been easy to see if text currently written, is before position 72, after position 79 or between these two locations !
This solution can be achieved by a modified python script, initially created by @claudia-frank, at the address, below :
which highlights, in a pale blue colour, the gap between columns 73 and 79, in .log files
But, unfortunately, as explained by claudia, it just cannot be used to highlight … Python scripts ! Too bad !
As a work-around, you could, simply, mark, from time to time, in your current python file, all the written zones between columns 73 and 79 :
Select the menu option Search > Mark…
In the Find what: zone, type
Click on the Wrap around option
Choose the Regular expression search mode
Click on the Mark All button
=> You should easily notice the lines which are longer than the positions 72 or 79 :-))
Just for info,
if notepad++ updates to a scintilla version >= 3.7 then it is supported natively.
Release 3.7.0
EDGE_MULTILINE and SCI_MULTIEDGEADDLINE added to allow displaying multiple vertical edges simultaneously.
Claudia -
Hello friend thankyou so much to make me already join but i really so happy can join this