NP++ on Linux?
Hi, I love NP++ and have used it for years. I wanted to know if there are plans to ever bring it to Linux?
I know it can run under Wine… just asking about native Linux.
I havent found one so I’m wining it for now, although its buggy, like when file gets modded and you get alert saying “file was modified would you like to reload?” i cant click ok or no and i have to force quit.
I think yes, Npp author said “We will use Yuni as lib for preparing the cross-platform application”
Man this would be a dream come true. I wonder if the author realises that this has to be one of the most wished for programs of all time. Ever since I first discovered this I have seen people wishing and praying it would become cross platform. It’s literally the only thing that cannot be replaced from Windows, no other notepad program comes close in the slightest. Not only is it good for coding but even just for simple tasks like keeping notes and lists. I’ve been using an unofficial Linux port called Notepadqq but really that is just a shadow of Notepad++ and can’t even be compared.
Here’s to hoping this thing starts to happen soon!
I have used NP++ under wine (some time ago, because I am not using Linux at the moment) and as I remember, it worked pretty well except that the file open dialog was very messy to use because it understood things in terms of the Windows layout, and also didn’t supply a modern open file dialog (probably a Wine limitation).
I wonder if NPP could recognise that it was running under Wine and just do something to improve this behaviour (and the problem that Noitidart reported above). With that, it might not be necessary to have a separate version.
I guess the question is whether there are ways to invoke some native Linux code from within a program running under Wine.
Antonio de Jesús Puga Vázquezlast edited by Antonio de Jesús Puga Vázquez Jul 17, 2015, 9:22 PM Jul 17, 2015, 9:21 PM
Please notepadd++ developers, if this is a GNU project then this should be a tool available for linux users too
@milipili said:
We’re working on it (but it will take some time however)
Is this something we can expect in the near future, next couple of months? Or are we talking with-in a year?
I would love to get this in Linux! I have dreamed of using Notepad++ in my Linux install for ever!Thanks,
Luke** -
Just another ono here who would like to concur with the suggetion porting NPP for Linux, I have been a long time Windows user but am looking into migrating fully towards Linux as it has become quite a mature OS for the greater audience, thumbs up!
I just wanted to add that I love NP++ and would love to see a Linux build as well. I was wondering if SDL could be used instead of Win32 API to provide cross-platform support?
one of the reasons i hesitate switching finally to linux is that there is no native (thus blazingly fast) Notepad++ available i use everyday.
I would love to see notepad++ on linux!
Go Notaped++ To linux!!!
Please add Linux!!!
I Love Notaped++
Linux + Notaped++ The Best ???
The Best!!! -
Notepadqq should be a Linux-native equivalent of Notepad++.
Notepadqq don’t have the features like notepad++
It appears that the “upstream” developers have no interest in developing NP++ on Linux… so I am gonna do it.
I have a Launchpad PPA (so it’s gonna be only for Ubuntu now)… and I’m working on it as I write this.
Install instructions soon. Maybe in a day or two.
@Kevin-Havens said:
It appears that the “upstream” developers have no interest in developing NP++ on Linux… so I am gonna do it.
I have a Launchpad PPA (so it’s gonna be only for Ubuntu now)… and I’m working on it as I write this.
Install instructions soon. Maybe in a day or two.
Have you seen this commit?
Anyone tried this?
@Makrand-Sanap said:
Anyone tried this?
I tried this one, but it is not as functional as notepad++, for sure it is not a full port (I do not even understand why they use the same name… )
@dail said:
@Kevin-Havens said:
It appears that the “upstream” developers have no interest in developing NP++ on Linux… so I am gonna do it.
I have a Launchpad PPA (so it’s gonna be only for Ubuntu now)… and I’m working on it as I write this.
Install instructions soon. Maybe in a day or two.
Have you seen this commit?
Technically all this commit does is allow compiling with mingw/gcc on Windows or via cross compiling. You still need to rewrite the entirety of the powereditor to use Gtk+ and toggle the WINAPI and windows rendering stuff under windows only! I think starting by making it work with Gtk+ under windows first slowly disabling the windows functions etc then migrate to linux later.
One can actually download a newer version of scintilla from the scintilla page and compile it for linux with gtk+ or possibly even Qt. I tested gtk+ which compiles fine. But that still leaves us at no ported ide (“PowerEditor” aka N++)