Plugin manager not present in 32bit or 64bit npp version
Dear gents,
I am experiencing annoying issue on notepad plus 64bit version. I need to install compare and textFX plugins but plugin manager gone. I have read forum that 64 bit version does not support plugin manager. Also I used trick to manually copy dll textFX etc to app folder but plugins do not come up in menu. How to get it? Many thanks for any advice. Best regards Andrej
plugin manager it is not provided with notepad++ anymore but you can install it manually.
Claudia -
Maybe remove the misleading information from the npp Resources page, it claims plugin manager is included…
afaik, it is just a matter of time as a new solution is already in development.
Claudia -
Regarding textFX’s_Future, so that plugin is not available for x64.
I download the plugin manager from github, but don’t know exactly where I should put the files?
Plugin manager is a “must” install with basic installer.
otherwise, new users may never come to even know about plugins and will never get to use them, and it will kill the vast power brought to npp by plugins.
what is harm in adding a less than 700 KB manager and updater files with installation.
or, if you so insist, you should give a download link at prominent place next to npp installer download link, so that people can quickly find and download it.
Also, its Settings - import plugins, link also be moved to Menu - plugins itself, so that new people don’t fail to link the use of two menu items at different places.
overall, plugins management in npp has gone beyond being “intuitive”
my 2 cents.
“plugin manager it is not provided with notepad++ anymore”
Excellent way to ensure users will stick to an older version. Honestly, if the objective is to keep users away from new versions, the developers have done a superb job. I couldn’t thinkg a better way. Thumbs up.
Why don’t they also remove the toolbar entirely from next version, to make more users rollback to previous releases? Or delete the Folder as Workspace functionality, or the Cut+Copy+Paste shortcuts. This will make more and more users return to older versions too.