Misleading ads on download page above download links
Hi just wanted to let the admins know that the ads being served (at least to me) on the banner above the download link are download links to third party software of questionable intent. Meaning it looks like people are trying to target your download page with ads to install spyware. Really should have the real download links before any ad banners to prevent that sort of hacking.
Where are you downloading from?
The official download page, https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/ , does not have ads (banner above, or otherwise).
Do you mean the main NPP application? Or one (or more) of the plugins? Many plugins are hosted on sourceforge, and there have been annoying to downright-questionable ads on sourceforge for a long time now, unfortunately.
@PeterJones said:
The official download page, https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/ , does not have ads (banner above, or otherwise).
Hmmm…I see ads (without an “ad-blocker”) when I view that page…3 to be exact. But none for me is a misleading download button.
Maybe @donho objecting to ads in the Plugin Manager is missing the mark. :)
Sorry, you’re right. It works so well, I tend to forget my ad-blocker is on. I now see three (a banner and two side-squares), plus the website-donated-by. And yes, there does seem to be a dissonance between the ad policy for the website vs for bundled plugins: maybe in-app ads annoy @donho more than website ads do (or maybe he browses with an ad-blocker, so forgot about them, too. :-)
Maybe the current Plugin Manager needs an integrated ad-blocker as well. :-D
Then we could have it back.