Feature request - Hide lines that match some criteria
When I’m working with a large files, I often need to hide several lines that match some kind of criteria like the line contains the Word log or the line contains some IP addres, or the lines don’t contains son pattern.
If I could hide them, I’m sure that I could to see that i’m looking for, in many case errors evidence.
Thanks in advance
Notepad++ contains a Hide Lines feature, but currently it (a) doesn’t work so well, and (b) doesn’t act upon a “criteria” but rather upon hard-specified lines. :-(
Depending upon your exact need, the LineFilter2 plugin may help you. It has the ability to produce the lines that DON’T match your specified criteria, so you can continue working with the lines you DO want. However, the plugin does not allow you to stay within the original document, so maybe that really isn’t what you want. Just a suggestion to check it out…
Maybe https://sourceforge.net/projects/analyseplugin/ is the right thing for your needs for log file analysis.