Notepad++ 7.5.5 release
Hey Don…I noticed a “regression” involving the new
button when recording a macro involving it. Start macro recording, do a>>
on some text, stop recording, then attempt to playback the macro…BOOM : -
Did you bring back the package manager yet? I’m still stuck on v7.4 because it was removed without a replacement. Absolutely frustrating.
I cannot reproduce it. Could you provide your debug info via menu “?->Debug Info…” ?
Notepad++ v7.5.5 (32-bit)
Build time : Feb 27 2018 - 21:44:21
Path : C:\Utilities\npp.bin\Releases\npp.7.5.5\npp.7.5.5.bin\notepad++.exe
Admin mode : OFF
Local Conf mode : ON
OS : Windows 7 (64-bit)
Plugins : DSpellCheck.dll mimeTools.dll NppConverter.dll NppExport.dll -
@voidpointer: you aren’t stuck on v7.4. As has been said a plethora of times in this forum (most recently that I could find,, you can manually install the Plugin Manager in a newer Notepad++ release. The reasons for not including the manager (ie, the single embedded ad in Plugin Manager) were also linked in that thread. I’ll update the links here, since Plugin Manager has apparently released v1.4.10 since that post.
- Reasons it’s not bundled = and
- Installer =
- Manual Install Instructions =
I was able to replicate the crash, but only if I use the menu
Macro > Playback
. If I try to play it back via the toolbar button, it doesn’t crash.Notepad++ v7.5.5 (32-bit) Build time : Feb 27 2018 - 21:44:21 Path : C:\Users\xxx\npp.7.5.5.bin.minimalist\notepad++.exe Admin mode : ON Local Conf mode : ON OS : Windows 7 (64-bit) Plugins : none
Thanks Donho - I was one of the naggers asking for improvements to the Find box, and this is appreciated!
Often simple things like improving the searching have the greatest impact!
I just noticed that the ZIP download is only 4.5 megabytes, and I think it says a lot that over the years you have crammed so much functionality into such a small footprint!
I still want to nag a bit about the other buttons in the Find/Replace box. My problem is that sometimes match whole word, or match case, or wrap around (off) are really useful, but I hesitate to use them because these options stay switched on - even after a re-boot!
I’d like these options to remain in effect just until the Find/Replace box is closed (however that happens), but for there to be an extra button to save them as the default settings.
Hi donho,
I like the two new buttons. Finally added! They speed up a lot my job! Thanks.Also I would like to advance a further proposal: what about to add a new little button that allows to switch Find text with Replace text? It is a very fast implementation and could be done in few minutes but when editing long code files that need a lot of checking and find and replace work, it would be very useful such a feature instead copy and pasting text between the two text boxes.
An example screenshot can be found here:
Thanks in advance.
Hi donho,
I like the two new buttons. Finally added! They speed up a lot my job! Thanks.
Could you also add the two buttons in Find and Replace dialog too please?
ThanksAlso I would like to advance a further proposal: what about to add a new little button that allows to switch Find text with Replace text? It is a very fast implementation and could be done in few minutes but when editing long code files that need a lot of checking and find and replace work, it would be very useful such a feature instead copy and pasting text between the two text boxes.
An example screenshot can be found here:
Thanks in advance.
dail said it didn’t crash for him when using the toolbar buttons (only) for recording and playing back the macro involving the new
find button. When I use only the toolbar buttons to do the macro part, I do get a crash but it is a different type of crash than the one earlier (where a combination of macro toolbar buttons and the Macro menu entry for playback is used).Here is what happens for me when I use only the toolbar buttons:
@wonkawilly said:
add a new little button that allows to switch Find text with Replace text
So I’ve been thinking about this and it seems like this would only be useful in the very rarest of circumstances. Clearly you have a use-case in mind that makes it a much more common need–can you share with us what that is? (It is always helpful when proposing a new feature that you make your case by illustrating very clearly just how the feature would aid your daily work)
@Scott Sumner
A bit off topic but can you tell me which tool you use to create the gif screen cast? -
@Tragen said:
which tool you use to create the gif screen cast?
Sure, see this thread. BTW, as I type this the animated GIF above keeps playing and popping up that error box, making me think Notepad++ is crashing, over and over and … :^)
@Scott-Sumner Thank you for the heads up. It’ll be fixed in the next release: -
Thank you @donho for this latest release, particularly for adding the find buttons back in. I appreciate it. Regarding the face hugger in your avatar: I recommend nuking it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
hi everyone. as of version 7.5.5, the Monitoring (tail -f) feature is working, but not immediately displaying new changes (within the file/log being monitored). however, it does display updates/changes, but only after clicking on another app, then clicking back to the notepad++ app. my OS is win 10 enterprise. is this a new issue?
Hello @don-ho and All,
I noticed a bug while opening files from within N++, on my Win XP laptop !
First, here is the Debug info…
Notepad++ v7.5.5 (32-bit) Build time : Feb 27 2018 - 21:44:21 Path : C:\_755\notepad++.exe Admin mode : OFF Local Conf mode : ON OS : Windows XP (32-bit) Plugins : DSpellCheck.dll mimeTools.dll NppConverter.dll NppExport.dll
If, in the “Open” window, I type in some characters ( loc), in the File Name field, it automatically proposes the file Localisation.txt, as below :
Now, if I hit the Enter key to open that file, I get, instead, the following error dialog :
Of course, I click, immediately, on the Non button ( No ) to prevent creating an erroneous file !
Now, if I select the right file, in the complete list of files, of the folder Lettres, as below, I correctly get the localisation.txt file opened !?
Remarks :
out of10
about , the file opens immediately, as expected. But after closing and re-opening it, at once, I get the issue ! -
Sometimes I may have two of three consecutive error dialogs, with a different weird file name, each time
But, luckily ( or unfortunately, for Win XP users, like me ! ), I verified that this behavior never occurs on a W7 OS and probably it should be OK for higher OS, too !
As I understood that the XP support will be dropped very soon and that @chcg said :
7.5.1 build with platform sdk v120_xp was the last version supporting winxp
So, I’m just posting this bug as information ! I’m also quite surprised that no other Win XP people have noticed this issue, yet. Mum, Dad, it looks like I’m the only one N++ user, with an XP machine !! Scaring, isn’t it ?
Best Regards,
Hi, @don-ho, and All,
I’ve just tried without any plugin, running a
notepad++ - noPlugin
DOS command ==> same issue, as shown below :Cheers,