NP++ on Linux?
I hope you and me do have the same understanding what a “couple of days” mean. ;-)
Don’t forget the gel-time? ;-DwxWidgets is also available for C++
Thank you, I know but it seems I didn’t express myself correctly.
What I am trying to say isHello C/C++ developers, do you know wxWidgets?
Might this be the tool to bring npp into the next era?
It does have many many features built-in and it doesn’t try to
emulate operating systems instead it provides an interface for the
different native APIs. Doesn’t this sound exciting? Did someone already
play with it? Could it be useful or is it just a waste of time?Cheers
Claudia -
Eduardo Lúcio Amorim Costalast edited by Eduardo Lúcio Amorim Costa Feb 20, 2017, 8:23 PM Feb 20, 2017, 8:21 PM
The Notepad++ is the only application that came from Windows as inheritance to my beloved Linux. It works almost perfectly on Wine 2.x and with performance! I’m hoping it’ll be ported to Linux so he can natively run it! While this is not happening… I created this script
( to try to integrate Notepad++ with Linux and its terminal (bash). In this way (example) we can do powerful searches on files contents such as…nppstub $(find ./ -iname "*.txt" -type f -exec grep -i -l 'some text value' -- {} \;)
… and other things like run Notepad++ from terminal!
Nppstub makes Notepad++ work like these examples with Vim and Sublime…
vim -p $(some_comand)
subl3 -p $(some_comand)
an so on… Long life to the Notepad++! =D
@milipili Any updates on this? I’ve always wondered if NP++ would come to linux and just now found this 2 year old thread.
There are a lot of great text editors on linux but NP++ is still my favorite. I use it at work every day and regularly work with 200+MB text files… no other text editor handles them so well. Would love to use it on my home linux machine
I’ve toyed with wxWidgets years ago, but decided HTML was fast enough for my needs. Having a native-looking app without starting an entire browser is nice, though.
Python has great C++ wrappers (ctypes, swig, etc.) so npp’s killer feature – plugins – can be combined with the safety and rapid development of the cross-platform Python runtime. The heavy lifting should be done by libraries, anyway.
Thanks for your insight but could you elaborate on this?
I’ve toyed with wxWidgets years ago, but decided HTML was fast enough for my needs. Having a native-looking app without starting an entire browser is nice, though.
Sorry, but I don’t get this?
Python has great C++ wrappers…
Yes, especially ctypes is what I use with python but swig is also a nice tool which, by the way and
as far as I know, is used by wxPython to wrap the c++ apis of wxWidgets. Very cool thing.Cheers
Claudia -
You’re welcome. The performance difference between native GUI and HTML elements is probably negligible, especially on new hardware and with all the fancy new APIs available to web content. I wanted to make my own Palace graphical chat app, but figured i may as well be lazy and use simple browser scripts for my GUI (no hassle with low level graphic handling, cross-platform differences, or lacking features/documentation). Turns out others already made a free modern Palace clone, so i didn’t even have to worry about figuring out a HTML version.
Ahh, thank you, I guess I got it now.
You referred to it in general but I was indicating to use it
as new framework used to develop npp, not for general purpose.
Should have made this clearer.Cheers
Claudia -
NP++ is a great tool I use it everyday. No need for crazy IDE’s like Visual studio.
Most paid work no longer needs Micro$oft thankfully.
As most of us work cross platform . Having NP++ on Linux would be like working with an old friend.
So come on guys lets see it this year!
Consider how we all waited for Intel to bring a IBM PC to a phone size device (Atom), but now everyone uses ARM and the race today no longer makes sense as applications now work on all CPU based platforms.
Don’t let this happen to NP++ to become another blast from the past! -
If you are looking for Notepad++ analog for Linux, then try ATOM with plugin “ftp-remote-edit”.
I used NP++ for remote editing of files. And for me most important features are:- ftp/sftp remote file editor
- snippets - For ex. if I press Ctrl+Z then in editor will be typed: “function(){}”
- php/html/js/css… syntax/block highlightening
with plugin “ftp-remote-edit” does it:
I’ve used NP++ on Linux with wine for 3 years. It’s too unstable - I’ve tired :( -
@Shawn-Rickman, since I’ve become Linux user I’ve been asking the same question…but there’s a very good news… some windows app are available to linux as snap app (ex. foobar2000). Maybe could be the answer that our question, I hope so.
Try Geany