Windows 10 virtual desktops support
It would be really nice for Notepad++ to have another Multi-instance mode for Windows 10 hosts - “one instance per virtual desktop”, according to the recommendations from Microsoft (see the “Remarks” section here).
It would be like mono-instance mode with the additional check if any of the existing instances are on the current virtual desktop, and creating a new one if there is none that qualifies).
Feature requests have a better chance of being noticed in the official Notepad++ Issues on the GitHub project; the maintainer occasionally reads some threads on these Community Forums, but it’s not guaranteed that a feature request in the Forums will be noticed or followed up on. Requests on GitHub aren’t guaranteed to be implemented, either (it’s a volunteer coding effort, after all), but the chances are better.
You can search the existing issues for your idea: for example, I just did a quick search for “virtual desktop” there, and found issue#2755: ‘’
[Feature Request] Option for one Notepad++ "mono-instance" per virtual desktop
’’ looks like it’s asking for what you want, so you could upvote it (and maybe add additional comments, such as your link to the MSDN “Remarks” section, to help give ideas how to implement it).