User Define Language
Hi all,
I would like to so a very simple of text highlighting. Below is my sample of the textfile.
09-11:03:07.025 recv:
05 64 05 00 05 00 01 00 3a de
09-11:03:07.728 send:
05 64 0b c4 01 00 05 00 08 19 c0 c5 01 01 01 06 0b 7b09-11:03:08.884 recv:
05 64 10 44 05 00 01 00 d0 e2 d1 c5 81 00 00 01 01 00
00 03 00 ec 7cI would like to do a simple highlight for the this text. For an example, all 05 64 will highlight with green color, 81 00 will highlight as red color.
How can i do the highlight? I would like to make it as define your language so that i able to reuse it in the future
And the UDL 2.1 docs, which most closely match what’s in the recent UDL:
unfortunately it’s not possible to use a numeric sequence as a keyword using notepad++'s user defined languages.
you can’t set combinations of numbers as a keyword.
all numeric values within the keywords section will be ignored and will be the same color you have set in the udl comment and numbers can’t use a sequence of numbers (or letters) which are separated by a space, as they will be treated as 2 keywords.
Thank you for the information. Is that any other way to do it?
You could probably script a custom lexer without a huge amount of effort (depending upon your experience level). @PeterJones cites some good references in this thread – see where it says "various custom lexers written in PythonScript: "