Highlighting problem in Find and Replace
Hi all;
In the search section I see a problem as in the picture.
There is an error in search highlighting.Notepad++ v7.5.8
I’m finding with uppercase letters, but still highlighting the lower case letters.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/8sp7ix4mnbna8z5/find match case problem.png?dl=0
My english is not very good, I can not explain the situation. I tried to explain it in the picture.
How can I fix this?
Thanks. -
I am sorry i found this and problem solved.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/2v3kk6wlyrmx6hj/find match case 1.png?dl=0 -
@Mahir-GÜL and ALL :
Often people are blocked from accessing Dropbox (because companies are concerned about their intellectual property flying the coop). Please just post your problem in text form (don’t be lazy and don’t worry about your quality of written word).
If a screenshot really does add critical information, try to post it to an image hosting site (e.g. Imgur) and then link to it here so that it embeds.
Using this syntax here as you are composing a post:

Will show the image when you look at the preview, and when you submit:
Nice, neat and all wrapped up in the posting itself.
Problem image.
Solving image.
Right. The green highlighting has NOTHING to do with a Find action’s result. Find and the Smart Highlighting feature are (almost) totally separate. I say almost because of the unfortunate design decision to have Use Find dialog settings as an option for Smart Highlighting… Sigh…