Bug: sometimes when opening a file by double click, syntax is not highlighted
Hello, sometimes (quite often) when I double-click on a file to open it (and Notepad++ is already running and has other files opened), the new file is displayed in N++ but the syntax is not colored. I updated N++ today but this bug is still present. If I close N++ and re-double-click on my files, it opens correctly and syntax is highlighted.
Hi, this problem persists, or better it worsened. It is strange that no one else noticed this bug. I’m using v7.5.9.
Now EVERY time I double-click on a file to edit it in Notepad++, and NPP is already open, syntax is not highlighted. While if I drag’n’drop the same file on the NPP window, syntax highlighting is applied correctly.
Please fix this annoying bug! :-) -
Thank you, I’ll report this issue on bugtracker as suggested!