What to do after moving plugins to ProgramData
After moving plugins to ProgramData, what should remain in Program Files/npp/ plugins folder?
I have the following remaining in Program Files/npp/ plugins though I see some of them gone to ProgamData. All are folders.
NppExportWhat can I safely remove, and what must remain there?
I am on w8.1-64 bit but I am running 32 bit version of npp.
welcome to the notepad++ community
if you are on the latest installed notepad++ version 7.6.2 - 32 bit, you will not need any of them.
(except if an older third party plugin, with hard-coded paths, expect some files to be there)%programfiles(x86)%\plugins does not exist anymore in a fresh 7.6.2 install.
you can move the whole %programfiles(x86)%\Notepad++\plugins folder somewhere else and test if all your plugins still work.
here is the current sub-folder list of a fresh 7.6.2 - 32 bit install at %programfiles(x86)%\Notepad++:
- autoCompletion (note: this folder’s content used to be in plugins/APIs)
- localization
- updater
I am on 7.6.1-32 bit
- autoCompletion was not there, so I created this folder there and copied all contents (25 files) from plugins/APIs.
Can I delete plugins/APIs now?
localization is there having just english.xml
updater is there., having 6 files gpup.exe, gup.exe, gup.xml etc.
in plugins, I have deleted 4 above individual plugin folders that had become empty.
However I still have Config\Hunspell having two dictionaries, where should I move them to?
I also have disabled having AutoSaveU.dll
that is also an old plugin I don’t use anymore. but where are disabled plugins stored in the new programdata method?
I also have a doc folder having pythonscript and regrexplace folders.
and I also have PythonScript folder, I think it has to remain here as a 3rd party plugin.
I had earlier moved this also to programdata but then pythonscript had stopped working, so I brought it back to here.(this was my question. I use to sign in with google, but yesterday google login didn’t appear as Adblockplus had hidden other site’s icon and only github appeared, so I had to sign with github.)
you’re welcome.
I am on 7.6.1-32 bit
- autoCompletion was not there, so I created this folder there and copied all contents (25 files) from
as mentioned above, this folder is for version 7.6.2 and above only.
i recommend you to update to 7.6.2 from here: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v7.6.2.html .- in plugins, I have deleted 4 above individual plugin folders that had become empty.
However I still have Config\Hunspell having two dictionaries, where should I move them to?
they should be in
normally the 7.6.2 installer should put them there automatically if you run it to update your existing 7.6.1that is also an old plugin I don’t use anymore. but where are disabled plugins stored in the new programdata method?
they should be deleted.
the disabled folder is just for the updater installer to move plugins that cause issues there instead of deleting them right away.and I also have PythonScript folder, I think it has to remain here as a 3rd party plugin.
I had earlier moved this also to programdata but then pythonscript had stopped working, so I brought it back to here.yes, you did correct.
as mentioned above: “except if an older third party plugin, with hard-coded paths, expects some files to be there” -
Thanks again.
I had deleted APIs, Config and disabled.
now only doc and PythonScript are there in plugins, and everything is working well.
Thanks for guiding.
at the download page 7.6.2 is presented as something unusual from the other downloads “Yellow Vest Edition” whatever that means.
like one earlier “a message from outer space”
I thought such downloads are not having any changes just placemarker releases, so I thought I can skip them.