Replace 1 + lines?
From my basic tests it looks like it should do the trick.
Tested utf-8, ansi, winows-1250, winows-1251 and winows-1252.
It works only with normal selection - not with column mode selection.import ctypes from ctypes.wintypes import BOOL, HWND, LPARAM WNDENUMPROC = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(BOOL, HWND, LPARAM) FindWindow = ctypes.windll.user32.FindWindowW FindWindowEx = ctypes.windll.user32.FindWindowExW SendMessage = ctypes.windll.user32.SendMessageW EnumChildWindows = ctypes.windll.user32.EnumChildWindows GetClassName = ctypes.windll.user32.GetClassNameW GetWindowText = ctypes.windll.user32.GetWindowTextW GetWindowTextLength = ctypes.windll.user32.GetWindowTextLengthW SetWindowText = ctypes.windll.user32.SetWindowTextW GetACP = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetACP create_unicode_buffer = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer replace_tab_caption = u'Replace' replacewith_caption = u'Rep&lace with :' replacewith_is_next_ctrl = False replacewith_handle = None replacewith_text = None findwhat_caption = u'&Find what :' findwhat_is_next_ctrl = False findwhat_handle = None findwhat_text = None def EnumCallback(hwnd, lparam): global replacewith_is_next_ctrl global findwhat_is_next_ctrl global replacewith_handle global findwhat_handle curr_class = create_unicode_buffer(256) GetClassName(hwnd, curr_class, 256) length = GetWindowTextLength(hwnd) buff = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(length + 1) GetWindowText(hwnd, buff, length + 1) if curr_class.value.lower() == 'static': if buff.value == replacewith_caption: replacewith_is_next_ctrl = True elif buff.value == findwhat_caption: findwhat_is_next_ctrl = True elif curr_class.value.lower() == 'edit': if findwhat_is_next_ctrl: findwhat_handle = hwnd findwhat_is_next_ctrl = False elif replacewith_is_next_ctrl: replacewith_handle = hwnd replacewith_is_next_ctrl = False return False # stop enumeration return True # let enumeration continue def return_proper_string(selected_text): if notepad.getEncoding() == BUFFERENCODING.ENC8BIT: _selected_text = unicode(selected_text, '{}'.format(GetACP())) else: _selected_text = unicode(selected_text, 'utf-8') return _selected_text def main(): msg = '' if editor.getSelections() == 2: if editor.getSelectionMode() == 0 and not editor.getSelectionEmpty(): _find_what = editor.getTextRange(editor.getSelectionNStart(0), editor.getSelectionNEnd(0)) _replace_with = editor.getTextRange(editor.getSelectionNStart(1), editor.getSelectionNEnd(1)) if len(_find_what) > 2046: _find_what = _find_what[:2046] msg += 'Warning: Selected text too long for find-what box; truncating to 2046 characters. ' if len(_replace_with) > 2046: _replace_with = _replace_with[:2046] msg += 'Warning: Selected text too long for replace-with box; truncating to 2046 characters. ' notepad.menuCommand(MENUCOMMAND.SEARCH_REPLACE) find_dialog_hwnd = FindWindow(None, replace_tab_caption) if find_dialog_hwnd: EnumChildWindows(find_dialog_hwnd, WNDENUMPROC(EnumCallback), 0) if findwhat_handle and replacewith_handle: if SetWindowText(findwhat_handle, return_proper_string(_find_what)) == 0: msg += 'Error: Problem setting find-what text' if SetWindowText(replacewith_handle, return_proper_string(_replace_with)) == 0: msg += 'Error: Problem setting replace-with text' else: msg += 'Error: Bad value for replacewith_handle' else: msg += 'Error: Bad value for find_dialog_hwnd' else: msg += 'Error: Either empty selection or unsupported selection mode detected' else: msg += 'Warning: Only two selections are possible. Received:{}'.format(editor.getSelections()) if len(msg) > 0: notepad.messageBox(msg) main()
Claudia -
Hello, @claudia-frank,
What to say else ? Just wonderful and awesome, indeed !!!
I already tested the case of rectangular selection(s) and the upper limit of 2046 characters => No problem, it acts as expected :-)
Now, as always, when building a program, there’s a small bug with the lower limit of 0 character !
I, successively, tried to make an empty search selection, then an empty replace selection and, finally, both search and replace selections empty.
Note : To obtain, physically, a zero-length selection, I just select one character with the mouse, then move back the mouse, with a possible hit on the CTRL key, to only get the caret
Results :
If both selections are empty, the message Error: Either empty selection or unsupported selection mode detected occurs, as expected. Nice !
If, ONLY, the search selection is empty, the Find/Replace opens normally. May be, in that case, Claudia, a message would be better !
If, ONLY, the replace selection is empty, the Find/Replace opens normally, with the Find what: box filled and the Replace with: empty. That the expected behaviour, in order to delete all the search blocks of text found
I also noticed that if I
Ctrl + click
and select some text, ONLY, it is, logically, inserted in the Replace with box, leaving the Find what: box empty :-DBut, if I, simply, click, without the Ctrl key, and select some text, the message Warning: Only two selections are possible. Received:1 occurs. However, Claudia, I think it’s a valid case.
So, in the case of a normal selection 0, only, the Find/Replace dialog should pop up and contain :
A Find what: box, filled with the selection contents
A Replace with: box, wiped out of any [previous] character
Best Regards,
P.S. :
I found out something weird, but logic : If I build a one-line rectangular selection, this selection is correctly written in the Find what: box !!
Guy, here the updated one.
A “one-selection” action results in opening the standard replace dialog behavior.
A “two-selections” action, even with an empty one, results in modifying the fields.
I see it as a benefit that you are able to decide that only one of the fields should be filled
and the other should be empty in any case.import ctypes from ctypes.wintypes import BOOL, HWND, LPARAM WNDENUMPROC = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(BOOL, HWND, LPARAM) FindWindow = ctypes.windll.user32.FindWindowW FindWindowEx = ctypes.windll.user32.FindWindowExW SendMessage = ctypes.windll.user32.SendMessageW EnumChildWindows = ctypes.windll.user32.EnumChildWindows GetClassName = ctypes.windll.user32.GetClassNameW GetWindowText = ctypes.windll.user32.GetWindowTextW GetWindowTextLength = ctypes.windll.user32.GetWindowTextLengthW SetWindowText = ctypes.windll.user32.SetWindowTextW GetACP = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetACP create_unicode_buffer = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer replace_tab_caption = u'Replace' replacewith_caption = u'Rep&lace with :' replacewith_is_next_ctrl = False replacewith_handle = None replacewith_text = None findwhat_caption = u'&Find what :' findwhat_is_next_ctrl = False findwhat_handle = None findwhat_text = None def EnumCallback(hwnd, lparam): global replacewith_is_next_ctrl global findwhat_is_next_ctrl global replacewith_handle global findwhat_handle curr_class = create_unicode_buffer(256) GetClassName(hwnd, curr_class, 256) length = GetWindowTextLength(hwnd) buff = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(length + 1) GetWindowText(hwnd, buff, length + 1) if curr_class.value.lower() == 'static': if buff.value == replacewith_caption: replacewith_is_next_ctrl = True elif buff.value == findwhat_caption: findwhat_is_next_ctrl = True elif curr_class.value.lower() == 'edit': if findwhat_is_next_ctrl: findwhat_handle = hwnd findwhat_is_next_ctrl = False elif replacewith_is_next_ctrl: replacewith_handle = hwnd replacewith_is_next_ctrl = False return False # stop enumeration return True # let enumeration continue def return_proper_string(selected_text): if notepad.getEncoding() == BUFFERENCODING.ENC8BIT: _selected_text = unicode(selected_text, '{}'.format(GetACP())) else: _selected_text = unicode(selected_text, 'utf-8') return _selected_text def main(): msg = '' if editor.getSelections() == 1: notepad.menuCommand(MENUCOMMAND.SEARCH_REPLACE) elif editor.getSelections() == 2: if editor.getSelectionMode() == 0 and not editor.getSelectionEmpty(): _find_what = editor.getTextRange(editor.getSelectionNStart(0), editor.getSelectionNEnd(0)) _replace_with = editor.getTextRange(editor.getSelectionNStart(1), editor.getSelectionNEnd(1)) if len(_find_what) > 2046: _find_what = _find_what[:2046] msg += 'Warning: Selected text too long for find-what box; truncating to 2046 characters. ' if len(_replace_with) > 2046: _replace_with = _replace_with[:2046] msg += 'Warning: Selected text too long for replace-with box; truncating to 2046 characters. ' notepad.menuCommand(MENUCOMMAND.SEARCH_REPLACE) find_dialog_hwnd = FindWindow(None, replace_tab_caption) if find_dialog_hwnd: EnumChildWindows(find_dialog_hwnd, WNDENUMPROC(EnumCallback), 0) if findwhat_handle and replacewith_handle: if SetWindowText(findwhat_handle, return_proper_string(_find_what)) == 0: msg += 'Error: Problem setting find-what text' if SetWindowText(replacewith_handle, return_proper_string(_replace_with)) == 0: msg += 'Error: Problem setting replace-with text' else: msg += 'Error: Bad value for replacewith_handle' else: msg += 'Error: Bad value for find_dialog_hwnd' else: msg += 'Error: Either empty selection or unsupported selection mode detected' else: msg += 'Warning: Only one or two selections are possible. Received:{}'.format(editor.getSelections()) if len(msg) > 0: notepad.messageBox(msg) main()
Claudia -
Hello, @claudia-frank, @Scott-sumner, @pouemes44, @go2to, @jorge-campos, @herofiles, @azjio-azjio, @alan-kilborn and All
Thanks to @claudia-frank, this present topic and the discussions, below, about multi-lines search AND multi-lines Replacement :
have, now, an ELEGANT solution, with her Python’s script, just above !
You just need to be able to do multiple selections ( Option Settings > Preferences… > Editing > Multi-Editing Settings > Enable CHECKED )
BTW, the upper limit of 2046 characters, in the Find what: box of the Find/Replace dialog, only, could be by-passed, easily :-). Indeed, just use the Regular expression search mode and use the generic regex
!For instance, you can choose a particular character, which does not exist,yet, in your file(s) to be modified, and build the regex :
This regex contains any non-null amount of characters between TWO same complete lines #####, with their line-breaks
So :
Do a normal selection of this regex
, using the mouse -
Then, with a
Ctrl + Left Click
action, simply, select your Replace block, multi-lines or not -
Run the Claudia’s script above
=> Immediately, the Find/Replace dialog pops-up and :
The Find what: box is filled with the regex
The Replace with: box is filled with the block of text, which must replace the searched text
Best Regards,
P.S. :
@claudia-frank, I understand your point of view. Your script is quite flexible :-D. For instance, I was able to :
First, do a
Ctrl + Clic
selection of a multi-lines block of text -
Run your script => Find what: box empty and Replace with: box filled with that multi-lines block
Select an second file, containing the text
Do a
selection of that regex -
Run again, your script => The find.Replace dialog, presently in the background, is, then, updated with this regex, filled in the Find what: box
Select a third file, containing the
boundaries lines -
Perform the S/R on the contents of this third file
Et voilà !!
Many thanks, again, for this very, very, valuable script, indeed !!!
Hum… Already 3 h 25 !! I’d better go to bed : working tomorrow !
It would be nice if the author would make an additional window when the button is clicked
[](link url) -
The external program is working. I make a plugin and no longer works (EnumChildWindows).
Sorry, but what are you try to tell us?
Which external program and which meaning has EnumChildWindows API in this context? -
I wrote a program for the test of regular expressions. It serves as a database. When you click a button, it fills in the search and replace fields.
I decided to make a plugin that will do the same. But the same program (exe and dll) work differently. EXE fills the fields, but the DLL can not fill.
I tried using EnumChildWindows to find the elements of the window, as is done in the examples above. But as a result, he found only 3 elements.
0 hwnd = 725602 Class = Button Title = Caption
1 hwnd = 2233572 Class = Static Title =
2 hwnd = 1707882 Class = SysTabControl32 Title = Tab1 -
without seeing/understanding the actual code it is hard to say what might be the issue
but, personally, I would not recommend using EnumChildWindows when trying to find a
dialog control window handle, instead use GetDlgItem. -
; PureBasic
hwnd = FindWindowEx_(NppData_nppHandle, 0, “#32770”, 0) ; hwnd = yes
If Not IsWindowVisible_(hwnd)
SendMessage_(NppData_nppHandle, #NPPM_MENUCOMMAND, 0, #IDM_SEARCH_REPLACE) ; Показать диалог поиска используя команду меню
hwndEdit_1 = GetDlgItem_(hwnd, 1601) ; hwndEdit_1 = 0
hwndEdit_2 = GetDlgItem_(hwnd, 1602) ; hwndEdit_2 = 0
SendMessage_(hwndEdit_1,#WM_SETTEXT,0,GetGadgetItemText(#Combo_2 , n-1, 0))
SendMessage_(hwndEdit_2,#WM_SETTEXT,0,GetGadgetItemText(#Combo_2 , n-1, 1)) -
be careful about searching for the ordinal only, as every dialog uses it.
Most plugins and internal npp windows are dialogs. -
I know it. I do not set the window class. I have no way to change this. The external program, as I said, works. -
Sorry, didn’t recognize the update.
Windows, sometimes, treats retrieving external and internal information differently.
Means, something you retrieved from an exe might differ from something
you want to retrieve within its own process.In python, I would it do like this
import ctypes user32 = ctypes.WinDLL('user32') hwnd = user32.FindWindowExW(None, None, u'#32770', u'Replace') hwndEdit_1 = user32.GetDlgItem(hwnd, 1601) hwndEdit_2 = user32.GetDlgItem(hwnd, 1602)
This takes care that only the dialog with name Replace is found.
I have done just that. Keyword only “Extended”. But using AutoIt3
$hWnd = WinGetHandle(“[CLASS:Notepad++]”)
If Not @error Then
If BitAND(WinGetState($hWnd), 16) Then WinActivate($hWnd)
$hWnd = WinWait(“[CLASS:#32770]”, “Extended”, 2)
If $hWnd Then
ControlSetText($hWnd, “Extended”, “Edit1”, _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetText($hRichEdit_SPE))
ControlSetText($hWnd, “Extended”, “Edit2”, GUICtrlRead($PtnRep))
ControlCommand($hWnd, “Extended”, “Button18”, ‘Check’) ; 18 - regular expression (16 - normal)
on PureBasic code is the same for exe and dll. Search window “#32770” starts at the top, so it does not cause a problem. There are either no such windows or they are below.
Maybe I have a wrong assumption what you are actually doing.
When you talk about an exe I assume that this is a different standalone program, correct?
When you talked about dll I assumed that this might be a npp plugin.
Now I get the feeling this is incorrect. Would you mind to explain what exactly is what
and what your ultimate goal is? -
Thank! The previous code helped. I saw in it the absence of a handle in FindWindowExW(None
I am intensively writing 2 plugins -
As a result, several plugins, but there is much to strive for. -
A Alan Kilborn referenced this topic on
A Alan Kilborn referenced this topic on