Add more themes (suggestion)
I chose Notepad++ because of 2 reasons. One, it is fast. And two, it is free. But I just wish that there is the ability to change themes like Visual Studio Code. What I mean by changing the theme is, changing the look of the tabs, buttons, and etc…
as you said: notepad++ is free.
so feel free to contribute with the guide from >>> here <<< and create a new design. 😉note:
if you contribute to the code, please remember: the most important thing is to have a good coding style.examples of good and bad coding styles:
But where can I contribute and what programming language(s) do I need to know? (I currently know Python and I’m learning C++)
This “themeing thing” seems to be a big misunderstanding,
either by me or the rest of the world ;-)Npp uses the default Windows theme APIs, which means,
it works if one either installs or creates/modifies a Windows theme.
The menu point “select theme” is only about giving scintilla the option
to be colored in some similar way.If one starts coding to make the npp window and dialogs look like they want,
then it breaks the look and feel for those who rely on the real Windows themes.What did I miss?
I’m already barking the moon :-)