Regarding the poor TestFX plugin
I understand that it is no more for us Win64 users. RIP, you will be missed. However, it is mentioned in the wiki as a tool still, eg. here…
“… but the TextFX plugin does, which is installed by default with Notepad++.”
No? since I apparently will have to jump through a few more hoops to be able to edit the wiki, and I"m kind of up to my ears learning new stuff, I guess it’s going to be the task of a good-hearted volunteer to jump in and make whatever corrections will be necessary.
Maybe said volunteer could also fix a few spelling typos in that article. :)
On an unrelated note. Where can I go to learn the markdown for this wiki? I’ve looked at John Gruber’s doc ( and in my arrogance I think it leaves much to be desired, especially a good table of contents, Index, etc.
Maybe I’m just spoiled with the help in dokuwiki , Discord, SMF forums, the Discourse forums… etc.
@Karsten75 said:
I guess it’s going to be the task of a good-hearted volunteer to jump in and make whatever corrections will be necessary
The NpWiki++ hasn’t been updated for years: it was locked down because of spam, and hasn’t been updated since. The article you referenced isn’t the only one that’s out of date.
I asked permission a couple weeks ago for me (and other interested regulars in this forum, and other Notepad+±involved individuals) to get access to the wiki, so that as issues come up, we can spend some time trying to get the document more in-line with the modern Notepad++. However, no decision has been announced in that thread as to whether Don will give me (or anyone else) that ability …
@Karsten75 said:
Where can I go to learn the markdown for this wiki
Sorry, didn’t notice that the first time through.
The daringfireball link is the “official” reference for Markdown. Personally, I think the syntax page has a reasonable outline/TOC at the beginning. Many other sites (like the StackExchange family of sites) use variants of Markdown, and the variant here is similar to theirs, though not identical. (Actually, the variant here doesn’t 100% match the official site, because this forum accepts the
prefix/suffix for blocks of code, similar to StackExchange, but that syntax is not listed in the official reference.)Other than that, you can see @Scott-Sumner’s post in the “how to markdown code on this forum” topic, and my updates near the end – it’s just a series of quick examples, showing common usage patterns, so doesn’t have anything resembling a table of contents, so you might not like it.
Thanks! Seems I’m not the only person struggling with the formatting learning curve. :)
Now if only I could pin that or add it to my favorites or… I’ll get there.