please process WM_DPICHANGED message
Dear Notepad++ developer(s),
Could you please improve Notepad++ to process WM_DPICHANGED message ?
( )Right now I need to restart Notepad++ when DPI is changed.
And for me, DPI is changed often, as I work both from the office (100% scale on 3 monitors) and remotely from home (125% scale on single 4K monitor).
So I have to restart multiple instances of Notepad++ when I moved from home to office, and again when moved from office to home.
Text inside Notepad++ become blurry after DPI settings changed without restating Notepad++ (Windows 10 64 bit, Notepad++ 64 bit).Best Regards,
Vlad -
you get a better chance by opening an issue at github.
Thanks, opened issue - .