v7.7.1: Syntax highlighting & coloring is only "partial" working
I am new to Notepad and to PHP too and I´m now a little bit confused, that sometimes syntax highlighting and coloring is working and sometimes not.
Made a screen-shot for better understanding:
[http://prntscr.com/p0rrdn](link url)
Please don´t judge about my PHP-Code (I know that "Goto-Command is bad - but it will work…) - I am an old fashioned programmer from RPGII, with last coding in the late eighties… ;-)
so everything from first double quote to next double quote is a string from lexer point of view, what did you expect?
Note, npp or better scintilla, provide only lexical analysis of code. -
Thank you so much - I´ve overseen the double quotes on fact of serious eye problem. :-(
Now everything works fine and it looks good!