Negate command line options (-openFoldersAsWorkspace)
I have two shortcuts for np++. One includes this command line option, -openFoldersAsWorkspace, which works great. A second shortcut does not have any command line options.
After using the -openFoldersAsWorkspace option, the view is remembered for future launches of np++. Is there an option to:
a) not remember this option if used on the command line
b) have a negate feature to disable an option, such as -!openFoldersAsWorkspace
Interesting. I don’t know of a way to tell it to “not remember”, nor of a way to negate the option from the command line, though someone else might know of a way that I don’t.
If no one can come up with a workaround for you, then you would follow this FAQ to request a feature (either the command-line negation, or the not-remember-option, or both).
(Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.)
Both of your suggestions a) and b) would require some changes to the code base of Notepad++ (will not happen in the near future, if ever).
Thus, my suggestion is to create a desktop shortcut to a script file that changes the config file of your Notepad++ installation before running
. The config file is in XML format, the script has to delete the/NotepadPlus/FileBrowser
XML node.The following is a VBScript solution. Please note: You have to change lines 19 and 20 according to your needs.
The location of the Notepad++ config file depends on the type of installation you are running, a portable one or created by the Npp installer.
Installed by installer:
Save the script for example as
and create a desktop shortcut to it. Then open the properties of the shortcut and change its target to the following command:wscript.exe "<Path-To-The-Script-File>"
The script forwards all received command line arguments to Notepad++.
Option Explicit '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Variables declarations '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim objFSO, objXmlDoc Dim strNppPath, strNppExePath, strConfigPath, strCfgFilePath Dim strNodePath, colNodes, objNode Dim intCnt, strArguments '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Create base objects '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objXmlDoc = CreateObject("MSXml2.DOMDocument.6.0") strNppPath = "<Path-To-Npp-Installation-Directory>" strConfigPath = "<Path-To-Directory-With-Npp-Config-File>" strNppExePath = objFSO.BuildPath(strNppPath, "notepad++.exe") strCfgFilePath = objFSO.BuildPath(strConfigPath, "config.xml") strNodePath = "/NotepadPlus/FileBrowser" '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Main script '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Open Npp XML config file objXmlDoc.async = False objXmlDoc.validateOnParse = False objXmlDoc.preserveWhiteSpace = True objXmlDoc.load(strCfgFilePath) 'Delete XML node regarding "Folder as Workspace" feature Set colNodes = objXmlDoc.selectNodes(strNodePath) For Each objNode In colNodes Call objNode.parentNode.removeChild(objNode) Next 'Save Npp XML config file 'Start Notepad++ with provided command line arguments strArguments = "" For intCnt = 0 To WScript.Arguments.Count - 1 strArguments = strArguments & " " & Quote(WScript.Arguments(intCnt)) Next Call Execute(strNppExePath, strArguments) '=============================================================================== ' Surround a string with double quotes '=============================================================================== Function Quote(ByRef strString) Quote = """" & strString & """" End Function '=============================================================================== ' Run application with provided arguments '=============================================================================== Function Execute(ByRef strApp, ByRef strArgs) Dim objWshShell Set objWshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Execute = objWshShell.Run(Quote(strNppExePath) & " " & strArguments, _ 1, _ False) End Function