How can I search a specific numbers in between two numbers?
I’m new on notepad++, and I want to know how can I lookup for a numbers in between two number:Like I want to search in a text file full of numbers and words, and I only want to find the numbers between 600-700, so all the numbers from 600-700 will be in search, in others words, no numbers should be search but only the number between 600-700!
Hello, @BDz48, @gurikbal-singh, and All,
Don’t forget to select the
Regular expression
search mode for a correct result of the @gurikbal-singh’s regexNow, if you do not want a match when the number
is surrounded with other numbers as, for instance, in text 497954316579791310932, use the regex\b(6\d\d|700)\b
Best Regards,