Function List plugin - how to debug
I try to use Function List with my PHP files but I can’t get anything to show in my classes.
I tested with another file (I opened a class file from WordPress) and the function list was populated.
I then compared with my file to the WordPress file and they were similar
- Same opening line
- Same comment structure
- Same opening class line: class Name {
The only differences I can see are:
my properties are being setup as:private $variable;
and in WP file:
public static $variable
and I am declaring functions:
public function functionName() {
and WP is:
public static function autoloader() {
The only differences I can see is the addition of the word static… I have looked in functionList.xml and with my very limited regEx knowledge, it appears that it should work?
I changed all my declarations and functions to public static and private static to see if it would recognise but no…
I really want this facility but I dont know how to make it work…
Need to have a closing php tag in the file for the function list to work…
Minor thing that caused a lot of pain…