Notepad Code moving on Managed Hosting
Hi, I have a code written in notepad++ and I have recently bought a managed WordPress hosting because I heard that migrating and moving websites from server or localhost to managed hosting is easier as compared to the shared hosting. I need help in moving code from notepad to the hosting root folder.
Notepad++ is an editor. Your question is really agnostic of what editor you are using. It’s not really a question for Notepad++ users, because you would upload the files the same way as if you had written your HTML/other code in Windows builtin notepad. But I will respond a little more in-depth, just to help you out some, and because there is a Notepad++ specific helper that I’ll mention.
So if your managed host provider wants you to use FTP/SFTP/FTPS, then use that file transfer protocol. (I personally use FileZilla for such transfers.) I think maybe WebDAV is another system for such transfers, though I am not an expert. If the host has a website where you upload your files, then use the website where you upload your files. Once you know how your server wants the files uploaded, then do it that way.
That said (and the reason I continued rather than just saying it’s off topic), if you go to Notepad++ Plugins > Plugins Admin and install the NppFTP plugin, you get an FTP/SFTP/FTPS client embedded in Notepad++; with that, you can do cool stuff like edit the file remotely – open the remote file from Notepad++>NppFTP, edit, and when you save in Notepad++, NppFTP will upload the file back to your server. It’s really cool when it works. Sometimes, the server is incompatible with NppFTP (which is the reason I typically use FileZilla for my transfers)… but often, your server will just play nicely with NppFTP, and that makes for a nice remote-editing solution. So if your server wants files to come in via FTP-family of protocols, that’s a Notepad+±specific solution you could use.
Good luck
With the “WordPress hosting” link the OP provided, my first thought about it was that this was purely a spam posting.