New 7.9.3 (x64 standard e portable) It will not start
Do you have installed the NppSaveAsAdmin plugin? Npp v7.9.3 crashes at startup if this plugin is installed. I already filed an issue in the plugin’s repo.
Ok I confirm that was the problem (it was enough to delete this plugin from the ./plugin/ folder. Thanks.
However, I understand that until the “Save as Admin” plugin is updated there is no possibility to save as Administrator …?
one option would be to run npp as administrator, but that raises other issues, such as not being able to drag and drop files from unprivileged other processes.
ok. thank you all
Same problem here, and same solution too. :)
Thanks for the tip. -
There is, as there usually is, a possible workaround as long as you are willing to install a scripting plugin, in this case the NppExec plugin.
- Install the NppExec plugin using PluginsAdmin.
- After Notepad++ has restarted, paste the following code to a new document:
Option Explicit 'Constants declaration Const SW_HIDE = 0 'Variables declaration Dim colArgs, objFSO Dim strSrcFilePath, strDstFilePath 'Create basic objects Set colArgs = WScript.Arguments Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Not enough arguments => exit If colArgs.Count < 2 Then WScript.Quit 1 'Retrieve source and destination file path from arguments strSrcFilePath = colArgs(0) strDstFilePath = colArgs(1) 'Exit if ' - source and destination file are equal ' - source file doesn't exist ' - destination file's folder doesn't exist If StrComp(strSrcFilePath, strDstFilePath, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then WScript.Quit 0 If Not objFSO.FileExists(strSrcFilePath) Then WScript.Quit 2 If Not objFSO.FolderExists(objFSO.GetParentFolderName(strDstFilePath)) Then WScript.Quit 3 'Script doesn't run with admin rights => Restart elevated If Not IsElevated Then Call RestartElevated(SW_HIDE, Array(strSrcFilePath, strDstFilePath)) End If 'Destination file already exists => delete it If objFSO.FileExists(strDstFilePath) Then Call objFSO.DeleteFile(strDstFilePath) End If 'Move source file to destination Call objFSO.MoveFile(strSrcFilePath, strDstFilePath) '=============================================================================== ' Check if script runs with elevated user rights '=============================================================================== Function IsElevated() Dim objWshShell, strKey Set objWshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") On Error Resume Next strKey = objWshShell.RegRead("HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\Environment\TEMP") IsElevated = (Err.Number = 0) End Function '=============================================================================== ' Restart script with elevated user rights '=============================================================================== Sub RestartElevated(ByVal intShowState, ByRef arrParams) Dim objFSO, arrArguments(), intCnt Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ReDim arrArguments(UBound(arrParams) + 2) arrArguments(0) = "/nologo" arrArguments(1) = WScript.ScriptFullName For intCnt = 2 To UBound(arrArguments) arrArguments(intCnt) = arrParams(intCnt - 2) Next Call RunElevated(WScript.FullName, objFSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName), intShowState, arrArguments) WScript.Quit 0 End Sub Sub RunElevated(ByRef strCommand, ByRef strWorkFolder, ByVal intShowState, ByRef arrParams) Dim objShell Dim intCnt, strArguments Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") strArguments = "" For intCnt = 0 To UBound(arrParams) strArguments = strArguments & " " & Quote(arrParams(intCnt)) Next objShell.ShellExecute strCommand, strArguments, strWorkFolder, "runas", intShowState End Sub '=============================================================================== ' Surround a string with double quotes '=============================================================================== Function Quote(ByRef strString) Quote = """" & strString & """" End Function
- Save the document as
to a folder where you have write permissions. - In Windows Explorer, navigate to
and create a new directorySaveAsAdmin
. Move the file saved in step 3. to this directory (Admin permissions required). If you prefer another location or name for this file, you have to change the script below accordingly. - In Notepad++, go to
(menu) Plugins -> NppExec -> Execute...
and paste the following code to the dialog popping up:
npp_console keep set local $(CurFilePath) = $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH) npe_console -- v+ cmd.exe /c "@echo %RANDOM%" set local $(TempFilePath) = $(SYS.TEMP)\NppSAA_TempFile_$(OUTPUT1)_$(FILE_NAME) npe_console -- v- npp_saveas "$(TempFilePath)" npp_close cscript.exe /nologo "$(NPP_DIRECTORY)\plugins\NppExec\SaveAsAdmin\SaveAsAdmin.vbs" "$(TempFilePath)" "$(CurFilePath)" sleep 200 npp_open "$(CurFilePath)"
- In the combobox at the lower left enter
and click theSave
button. - Go to
(menu) Plugins -> NppExec -> Advanced Options...
. Use the UI at the left hand side of the dialog to create a menu entry in Npp’sMacro
menu for the script you saved in step 6. - Click
button and restart Notepad++. - Go to
(menu) Settings -> Shortcut Mapper... -> (register) Plugin commands
and define a keyboard shortcut for the menu entry you created in step 7.
When you want to save a file that needs admin permissions to be written, press the configured keyboard shortcut and confirm the UAC dialog popping up.
Small flaw: The file has to be closed and reopened with Notepad++, thus its tab will be the rightmost one in tabbar.
Thank you so much, it works like a charm.
WOW… Apparently it seems complicated to me but I’ll try … thanks again and let you know
Lengthy quote including source code removed
[/EDIT] -
Meanwhile another user at GitHub figured out that plugin version 1.0.172 still works, thus you can also use this old version (have a look at
section of the plugin repo). AFAIK it lacks support for elevatingSave as...
user interaction. -
I wanted to point out that here the new version compatible with notepad ++ 7.9.3 has been released (without the reported error).