is there a way to download the user manual?
Is there a way to download the user manual? I cannot access the website from work (restricted). I find the github hard to work with (at least from work). cannot search to find anything.
thank you.
A lot of notepad++ user manuals can be found online for almost any language.
But n++ is continuously improving so isn’t easy to keep up. Sometimes is better to go to forums like this or stack overflow and a lot of others as well etc.Where to start: more resources: -
Hi @scorpcat007
You can also use an old but good web crawler like HTTrack from They also have a portable version (if you don’t want to use an installer).If you donwload the portable version, unzip it, locate the file WinHTTrack executable and open it. Once opened
- click on ‘Next’,
- type a project name (anything would do)
- select a ‘Base path’ (where you want the webpage to be downloaded)
- click ‘Next’
- Paste the URL address ( in the ‘Web Addresses (URL)’ textbox
- Click ‘Next’
- Click ‘Finish’
The entire webpage will download around 2.3MB of data to the folder you specified in 3).
Are you the same user “skarsgal” from GitHub, or is that someone different? Because “skarsgal” submitted a similar request to usermanual issue #163. If you are not that user, then if you could log into github and add another voice saying you’d like it, it might be easier to convince other admins to help support implementation.
As of yet, we don’t have a way to generate a single PDF directly from the usermanual source code. I started researching it, but haven’t had a chance to experiment yet. However, distributes an open-source tool (which works on Windows or Linux or Mac) that can convert a single page or a whole website to PDF; I am hoping long-term to be able to get that into our release flow for the usermanual, but it won’t be immediately. However, there’s nothing stopping you from trying that tool to make your own PDF. (If it works, it would be nice if you could share your steps in this thread.)
@wonkawilly said,
A lot of notepad++ user manuals can be found online
That may be true. But the only official user manual is, with the as the source-code repository
But the only official user manual is, with the as the source-code repository
Ok I didn’t know. Thank you so much… this will help me too.
- about a month later
@PeterJones I’m someone different. ok, I will add my request to hers.
thank you very much for your help. and I will check into that tool if I have time. thanks again.
@scorpcat007 guess they closed the conversation. :(
never understood why forums are in such a rush to close conversations. seems like this is still relevant.
@scorpcat007 said in is there a way to download the user manual?:
never understood why forums are in such a rush to close conversations. seems like this is still relevant.
Not sure what you think is “closed”.
But…here’s a link that will provide a download link to an offline user manual, if that’s what you’re interest in (can’t really tell):shows:
@scorpcat007 said in is there a way to download the user manual?:
guess they closed the conversation. :(
never understood why forums are in such a rush to close conversations. seems like this is still relevant.As one of the people involved in npp-usermanual issue#163, who put a lot of effort into solving the problem, and convincing the owner to incorporate the fix, so that the zipfile of usermanual will be downloadable for this and every future version of the Notepad++ user manual, I am rather frustrated that you would look just the word “closed” on the issue and thus complain here, without also looking over at the “accepted” label that is plainly visible on the same page:
… and without reading down to the end, where you can see links to the three pull requests that went about implementing the request:
… or seeing the mention of the issue where the usermanual for Notepad++ v7.9.5 was released to the website:
We weren’t in a rush to close the conversation… we were in a rush to solve your problem, and did our best to implement the requested feature. And once we did, and only then, did we close the request. The reason we closed the issue is because the feature was given to you, and had been published to the live website, as Alan linked.