PasteSpecial - revisited
@Ekopalypse said in PasteSpecial - revisited:
cpp code
makes me feel better that it wasn’t a python-bonus. :-)
By the way, what does the RegisterClipboardFormat do?
in the context of your scriptNot sure it’s strictly necessary. I never experimented on retrieving one of the high-number formats without it – by the description, it’s required for it to be a “valid clipboard format”. But I don’t know if that’s only necessary when populating the clipboard, or also when retrieving the clipboard. Maybe some day I’ll play with that some more.
But I don’t know if that’s only necessary when populating the clipboard, or also when retrieving the clipboard.
My understanding is that it is needed only when you want to register
your own format but not when you enumerate or retrieve a registered format. -
@Ekopalypse said in PasteSpecial - revisited:
My understanding is that it is needed only when you want to register your own format
You are correct. I was able to take out the RegisterClipboardFormat, and it still worked.
Speaking of working, here is an updated version… one that works well enough (in my tests) to be called v1.0.
It no longer requires inputting your choice on STDIN, which was the primary failing in the original.
Rather than fixing the bug in PerlScript’s
(which will be done, but will take time to prove and release), I instead just instantiated the code to build my own custom dialog box in this script (which is cleaner in the long run than a hacked prompt-base solution, anyway).To run it from NppExec, make sure to use
cmd /c perl "c:\path\to\"
– thecmd /c
makes sure NppExec calls the process correctly, so that it can open dialog
- v1.0#!/usr/bin/env perl ################################################ # PasteSpecial for Notepad++ # List formats currently on the clipboard # Allows you to choose one of those formats # Will paste the selected type (UTF8-encoded) # at the current location in the active file ################################################ use 5.010; use warnings; use strict; use Win32::Clipboard; use Win32::GUI; use Win32::GUI::Constants qw/CW_USEDEFAULT/; use Encode; use Win32::Mechanize::NotepadPlusPlus 0.004 qw/:main/; our $VERSION = 1.0; # this works even with W32MNPP v0.004 BEGIN { binmode STDERR, ':utf8'; binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; } my %map = ( CF_TEXT() => 'CF_TEXT', CF_BITMAP() => 'CF_BITMAP', CF_METAFILEPICT() => 'CF_METAFILEPICT', CF_SYLK() => 'CF_SYLK', CF_DIF() => 'CF_DIF', CF_TIFF() => 'CF_TIFF', CF_OEMTEXT() => 'CF_OEMTEXT', CF_DIB() => 'CF_DIB', CF_PALETTE() => 'CF_PALETTE', CF_PENDATA() => 'CF_PENDATA', CF_RIFF() => 'CF_RIFF', CF_WAVE() => 'CF_WAVE', CF_UNICODETEXT() => 'CF_UNICODETEXT', CF_ENHMETAFILE() => 'CF_ENHMETAFILE', CF_HDROP() => 'CF_HDROP', CF_LOCALE() => 'CF_LOCALE', ); my %rmap; @rmap{values %map} = keys %map; my $CLIP = Win32::Clipboard; my @f = $CLIP->EnumFormats(); #printf STDERR "Formats active in clipboard:\n"; foreach my $format (sort {$a <=> $b} @f) { $map{$format} //= $CLIP->GetFormatName($format) // '<unknown>'; $rmap{ $map{$format} } = $format; #printf STDERR "%-8d => '%s'\n", $format, $map{$format}; } if(0){ my $selection; while(!defined $selection) { printf STDERR "choose one: "; $selection = 13; chomp $selection; $selection = $rmap{$selection} if exists $rmap{$selection}; # selection was a format name; now converted to format number last if exists $map{$selection}; # selection is a valid format number undef $selection; } printf STDERR "final selection: %d => %s\n", $selection, $map{$selection}; my $get = $CLIP->GetAs($selection); if($selection == CF_UNICODETEXT()) { $get = Encode::decode( "UTF16-LE", $get ); } #printf STDERR "got => '%s'\n", $get; } my $answer = runDialog(\@f, \%rmap); #printf STDERR "answer => '%s'\n", $answer; #printf STDERR "answer => '%s'\n", Encode::encode('UTF8', $answer); # double-encoded (once by Encode, once by binmode :utf8) editor->addText(Encode::encode("UTF8", $answer)) if defined $answer; exit; sub runDialog { my @formats = @{ shift() }; my %rmap = %{ shift() }; my %map; @map{ values %rmap } = keys %rmap; my $clipboard; my $dlg = Win32::GUI::Window->new( -title => 'Notepad++ Paste Special', -left => CW_USEDEFAULT, -top => CW_USEDEFAULT, -size => [580,300], -resizable => 0, -maximizebox => 0, -toolwindow => 1, ); my $lb = $dlg->AddListbox( -name => 'LB', -pos => [10,10], -size => [230, $dlg->ScaleHeight()-10], -vscroll => 1, -onSelChange => sub { my $self = shift; my $value = $self->GetText($self->GetCurSel()); my $f=$rmap{$value}; #printf STDERR "%-15s => %d\n", $value, $f; $clipboard = $CLIP->GetAs($f); $clipboard = Encode::decode('UTF16-LE', $clipboard) if $f == CF_UNICODETEXT(); #printf STDERR "%-15s => '%s'\n", clipboard => $clipboard; (my $preview = $clipboard) =~ s/([^\x20-\x7F\r\n])/sprintf '\x{%02X}', ord $1/ge; $preview =~ s/\R/\r\n/g; $self->GetParent()->PREVIEW->Text( $preview ); return 1; }, ); $dlg->LB->Add( @map{ sort {$a<=>$b} @formats } ); $dlg->AddButton( -name => 'OK', -text => 'Paste', -size => [80,25], -left => $dlg->ScaleWidth()-90-90, -top => $dlg->LB->Top()+$dlg->LB->Height()-25, -onClick => sub{-1;}, ); $dlg->AddButton( -name => 'CANCEL', -text => 'Cancel', -size => [80,25], -left => $dlg->ScaleWidth()-90, -top => $dlg->LB->Top()+$dlg->LB->Height()-25, -onClick => sub{ $clipboard=undef; -1; }, ); $dlg->AddGroupbox( -name => 'GB', -title => 'Preview', -pos => [250,10], -size => [$dlg->ScaleWidth()-260, $dlg->OK->Top()-20], ); $dlg->AddLabel( -name => 'PREVIEW', -left => $dlg->GB->Left()+10, -top => $dlg->GB->Top()+20, -width => $dlg->GB->ScaleWidth()-20, -height => $dlg->GB->ScaleHeight()-40, ); #$dlg->PREVIEW->Text("<Please choose a format>"); $dlg->Show(); Win32::GUI::Dialog(); return $clipboard; }
just out of curiosity, is this dialog modal?
If not, can you run a small test and press CTRL+C in an open document while the dialog is still running? -
@Ekopalypse said in PasteSpecial - revisited:
just out of curiosity, is this dialog modal?
If not, can you run a small test and press CTRL+C in an open document while the dialog is still running?It is not modal. And it does appear to be live: if I leave it open and copy something new, when I click again on the type, it will update:
Thanks, the reason for my question is that under certain circumstances, the cause of which I have not yet been able to find out, it is possible that a control character is added when pressing CTRL+C while a non-modal dialog is open.
Closing the dialog will reset everything back to normal. -
Hmm, I haven’t seen ^C added. Sorry.
I did find that “live” is a bit of an overstatement: it isn’t updating the list of types when the clipboard changes, so if you originally had a normal text copy, then copy from a webpage, the listbox won’t show the HTML version. Something for v2.0
- v2.0- Add REFRESH button to update the ListBox
- Defaults to selecting/displaying the first Clipboard variant; will try to keep the same selection even after refresh
- PERSIST checkbox allows dialog to stay open for multiple pastes
#!/usr/bin/env perl ################################################ # PasteSpecial for Notepad++ # List formats currently on the clipboard # Allows you to choose one of those formats # Will paste the selected type (UTF8-encoded) # at the current location in the active file ################################################ # HISTORY # v0.1: STDIN-based choice # v1.0: DialogBox choice # v2.0: Add REFRESH button to update the ListBox # Defaults to selecting/displaying the first Clipboard variant # Persist checkbox allows dialog to stay open for multiple pastes ################################################ use 5.010; use warnings; use strict; use Win32::Clipboard; use Win32::GUI; use Win32::GUI::Constants qw/CW_USEDEFAULT/; use Encode; use Win32::Mechanize::NotepadPlusPlus 0.004 qw/:main/; # this works even with v0.004, even without bugfix for prompt() our $VERSION = 'v2.0'; BEGIN { binmode STDERR, ':utf8'; binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; } my %map = ( CF_TEXT() => 'CF_TEXT', CF_BITMAP() => 'CF_BITMAP', CF_METAFILEPICT() => 'CF_METAFILEPICT', CF_SYLK() => 'CF_SYLK', CF_DIF() => 'CF_DIF', CF_TIFF() => 'CF_TIFF', CF_OEMTEXT() => 'CF_OEMTEXT', CF_DIB() => 'CF_DIB', CF_PALETTE() => 'CF_PALETTE', CF_PENDATA() => 'CF_PENDATA', CF_RIFF() => 'CF_RIFF', CF_WAVE() => 'CF_WAVE', CF_UNICODETEXT() => 'CF_UNICODETEXT', CF_ENHMETAFILE() => 'CF_ENHMETAFILE', CF_HDROP() => 'CF_HDROP', CF_LOCALE() => 'CF_LOCALE', ); my %rmap; @rmap{values %map} = keys %map; my $CLIP = Win32::Clipboard; my $answer = runDialog(); #editor->addText(Encode::encode("UTF8", $answer)) if defined $answer; #v1.3: moved to the PASTE button, below exit; sub formats { my @f = $CLIP->EnumFormats(); foreach my $format (sort {$a <=> $b} @f) { $map{$format} //= $CLIP->GetFormatName($format) // '<unknown>'; $rmap{ $map{$format} } = $format; } return @f; } sub runDialog { my $clipboard; my $persist = 1; my $dlg = Win32::GUI::Window->new( -title => sprintf('Notepad++ Paste Special %s', $VERSION), -left => CW_USEDEFAULT, -top => CW_USEDEFAULT, -size => [580,300], -resizable => 0, -maximizebox => 0, -hashelp => 0, -dialogui => 1, ); my $icon = Win32::GUI::Icon->new(100); # v1.1: change the icon $dlg->SetIcon($icon) if defined $icon; my $update_preview = sub { my $self = shift // return -1; my $value = $self->GetText($self->GetCurSel()); my $f=$rmap{$value}; $clipboard = $CLIP->GetAs($f); $clipboard = Encode::decode('UTF16-LE', $clipboard) if $f == CF_UNICODETEXT(); (my $preview = $clipboard) =~ s/([^\x20-\x7F\r\n])/sprintf '\x{%02X}', ord $1/ge; $preview =~ s/\R/\r\n/g; $self->GetParent()->PREVIEW->Text( $preview ); return 1; }; my $lb = $dlg->AddListbox( -name => 'LB', -pos => [10,10], -size => [230, $dlg->ScaleHeight()-10], -vscroll => 1, -onSelChange => $update_preview, # v1.2: externalize this callback so it can be run from elsewhere ); my $refresh_formats = sub { my $lb = $dlg->LB; my $selected_idx = $lb->GetCurSel() // 0; my $selected_txt = ((0<=$selected_idx) && ($selected_idx < $lb->Count)) ? $lb->GetText($selected_idx) : ''; $lb->RemoveItem(0) while $lb->Count; $lb->Add( @map{ sort {$a<=>$b} formats() } ); my $new_idx = $selected_txt ? $lb->FindStringExact($selected_txt) : undef; $new_idx = undef unless defined($new_idx) && (0 <= $new_idx) && ($new_idx < $lb->Count); $lb->Select( $new_idx//0 ); $update_preview->( $lb ); }; my $button_top = $dlg->LB->Top()+$dlg->LB->Height()-25; $dlg->AddButton( # v1.2: add this button -name => 'REFRESH', -text => 'Refresh', -size => [80,25], -left => $dlg->ScaleWidth()-90*3, -top => $button_top, -onClick => sub{ $refresh_formats->(); 1; }, ); $dlg->AddButton( -name => 'OK', -text => 'Paste', -size => [80,25], -left => $dlg->ScaleWidth()-90*2, -top => $button_top, -onClick => sub{ # v1.3: allow to persist after paste: TODO: move the editor->addText here editor->addText( Encode::encode("UTF8", $clipboard) ) if defined $clipboard; return $persist ? 1 : -1; }, ); $dlg->AddButton( -name => 'CANCEL', -text => 'Cancel', -size => [80,25], -left => $dlg->ScaleWidth()-90*1, -top => $button_top, -onClick => sub{ $clipboard=undef; -1; }, ); $dlg->AddGroupbox( -name => 'GB', -title => 'Preview', -pos => [250,10], -size => [$dlg->ScaleWidth()-260, $button_top-20], ); $dlg->AddLabel( -name => 'PREVIEW', -left => $dlg->GB->Left()+10, -top => $dlg->GB->Top()+20, -width => $dlg->GB->ScaleWidth()-20, -height => $dlg->GB->ScaleHeight()-40, ); $dlg->AddCheckbox( -name => 'CB', -text => 'Persist', -pos => [$dlg->GB->Left(), $button_top], -onClick => sub { $persist = !$persist; 1; }, ); $dlg->CB->SetCheck($persist); $refresh_formats->(); $dlg->Show(); Win32::GUI::Dialog(); return $clipboard; }
This post is deleted! -
- v2.1Updates:
- Fix “bitmap” bug (if a bitmap was in the clipboard, trying to preview would cause script to crash)
- Perl
- Install “PerlScript” module
- Notepad++ menu: Run > Run:
"c:\path\to\perl.exe" "c:\path\to\"
#!/usr/bin/env perl ################################################ # PasteSpecial for Notepad++ # List formats currently on the clipboard # Allows you to choose one of those formats # Will paste the selected type (UTF8-encoded) # at the current location in the active file ################################################ # HISTORY # v0.1: STDIN-based choice # v1.0: DialogBox choice # v2.0: Add REFRESH button to update the ListBox # Defaults to selecting/displaying the first Clipboard variant # Persist checkbox allows dialog to stay open for multiple pastes # v2.1: Fix the "bitmap" bug (having bitmaps is clipboard caused crash) ################################################ use 5.010; use warnings; use strict; use Win32::Clipboard; use Win32::GUI; use Win32::GUI::Constants qw/CW_USEDEFAULT/; use Encode; use Win32::Mechanize::NotepadPlusPlus 0.004 qw/:main/; # this works even with v0.004, even without bugfix for prompt() our $VERSION = 'v2.1'; BEGIN { binmode STDERR, ':utf8'; binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; } my %map = ( CF_TEXT() => 'CF_TEXT', CF_BITMAP() => 'CF_BITMAP', CF_METAFILEPICT() => 'CF_METAFILEPICT', CF_SYLK() => 'CF_SYLK', CF_DIF() => 'CF_DIF', CF_TIFF() => 'CF_TIFF', CF_OEMTEXT() => 'CF_OEMTEXT', CF_DIB() => 'CF_DIB', CF_PALETTE() => 'CF_PALETTE', CF_PENDATA() => 'CF_PENDATA', CF_RIFF() => 'CF_RIFF', CF_WAVE() => 'CF_WAVE', CF_UNICODETEXT() => 'CF_UNICODETEXT', CF_ENHMETAFILE() => 'CF_ENHMETAFILE', CF_HDROP() => 'CF_HDROP', CF_LOCALE() => 'CF_LOCALE', ); my %rmap; @rmap{values %map} = keys %map; my $CLIP = Win32::Clipboard; my $answer = runDialog(); #editor->addText(Encode::encode("UTF8", $answer)) if defined $answer; #v1.3: moved to the PASTE button, below exit; sub formats { my @f = $CLIP->EnumFormats(); foreach my $format (sort {$a <=> $b} @f) { $map{$format} //= $CLIP->GetFormatName($format) // '<unknown>'; $rmap{ $map{$format} } = $format; } return @f; } sub runDialog { my $clipboard; my $persist = 1; my $dlg = Win32::GUI::Window->new( -title => sprintf('Notepad++ Paste Special %s', $VERSION), -left => CW_USEDEFAULT, -top => CW_USEDEFAULT, -size => [580,300], -resizable => 0, -maximizebox => 0, -hashelp => 0, -dialogui => 1, ); my $icon = Win32::GUI::Icon->new(100); # v1.1: change the icon $dlg->SetIcon($icon) if defined $icon; my $update_preview = sub { my $self = shift // return -1; my $value = $self->GetText($self->GetCurSel()); my $f=$rmap{$value}; $clipboard = $CLIP->IsBitmap() ? $CLIP->GetBitmap() : $CLIP->IsFiles() ? ($CLIP->GetFiles())[0] : $CLIP->GetAs($f); $clipboard = Encode::decode('UTF16-LE', $clipboard) if $f == CF_UNICODETEXT(); (my $preview = $clipboard) =~ s/([^\x20-\x7F\r\n])/sprintf '\x{%02X}', ord $1/ge; $preview =~ s/\R/\r\n/g; $preview = substr($preview,0,297)."..." if length($preview)>300; $self->GetParent()->PREVIEW->Text( $preview ); return 1; }; my $lb = $dlg->AddListbox( -name => 'LB', -pos => [10,10], -size => [230, $dlg->ScaleHeight()-10], -vscroll => 1, -onSelChange => $update_preview, # v1.2: externalize this callback so it can be run from elsewhere ); my $refresh_formats = sub { my $lb = $dlg->LB; my $selected_idx = $lb->GetCurSel() // 0; my $selected_txt = ((0<=$selected_idx) && ($selected_idx < $lb->Count)) ? $lb->GetText($selected_idx) : ''; $lb->RemoveItem(0) while $lb->Count; $lb->Add( @map{ sort {$a<=>$b} formats() } ); my $new_idx = $selected_txt ? $lb->FindStringExact($selected_txt) : undef; $new_idx = undef unless defined($new_idx) && (0 <= $new_idx) && ($new_idx < $lb->Count); $lb->Select( $new_idx//0 ); $update_preview->( $lb ); }; my $button_top = $dlg->LB->Top()+$dlg->LB->Height()-25; $dlg->AddButton( # v1.2: add this button -name => 'REFRESH', -text => 'Refresh', -size => [80,25], -left => $dlg->ScaleWidth()-90*3, -top => $button_top, -onClick => sub{ $refresh_formats->(); 1; }, ); $dlg->AddButton( -name => 'OK', -text => 'Paste', -size => [80,25], -left => $dlg->ScaleWidth()-90*2, -top => $button_top, -onClick => sub{ # v1.3: allow to persist after paste: TODO: move the editor->addText here editor->addText( Encode::encode("UTF8", $clipboard) ) if defined $clipboard; return $persist ? 1 : -1; }, ); $dlg->AddButton( -name => 'CANCEL', -text => 'Cancel', -size => [80,25], -left => $dlg->ScaleWidth()-90*1, -top => $button_top, -onClick => sub{ $clipboard=undef; -1; }, ); $dlg->AddGroupbox( -name => 'GB', -title => 'Preview', -pos => [250,10], -size => [$dlg->ScaleWidth()-260, $button_top-20], ); $dlg->AddLabel( -name => 'PREVIEW', -left => $dlg->GB->Left()+10, -top => $dlg->GB->Top()+20, -width => $dlg->GB->ScaleWidth()-20, -height => $dlg->GB->ScaleHeight()-40, ); $dlg->AddCheckbox( -name => 'CB', -text => 'Persist', -pos => [$dlg->GB->Left(), $button_top], -onClick => sub { $persist = !$persist; 1; }, ); $dlg->CB->SetCheck($persist); $refresh_formats->(); $dlg->Show(); Win32::GUI::Dialog(); return $clipboard; }