How to: Convert Roman numerals to Arabic numbers ?
I have an Html document that sometimes uses Roman numerals
and I want to Convert Roman numerals to Arabic numbers .
How can I do this ?
Thanks for your Help… -
Notepad++ doesn’t know roman numerals as distinct from any other character, and has no inherent meaning associated. Most of the roman-to-arabic conversions I know use math, and Notepad++ search/replace cannot do math.
You would either have to find or write a plugin that could do it, or use a plugin like PythonScript and write a script that would do the conversion.
When making the plugin or script, just make sure you think about edge cases like
<blockquote>I came, I saw, I conquered</blockquote>
(which should not become<blockquote>1 came, 1 saw, 1 conquered</blockquote>)
, or<p>Use Notepad++, not vi, if you're on Windows</p>
(which should not become<p>Use Notepad++, not 6, if you're on Windows</p>
) -
I got interested:
# encoding=utf-8 """in response to matches any "roman numeral", which I define as * any "word" that's a combination of I, V, X, L, C, D, M (only upper case) * except if it's a lone I at the beginning of a line, or a lone I after a . or ? or ! or ; or , or " and one or two spaces """ from Npp import * def roman_to_int(s): """stolen from""" rom_val = {'I': 1, 'V': 5, 'X': 10, 'L': 50, 'C': 100, 'D': 500, 'M': 1000} int_val = 0 for i in range(len(s)): if i > 0 and rom_val[s[i]] > rom_val[s[i - 1]]: int_val += rom_val[s[i]] - 2 * rom_val[s[i - 1]] else: int_val += rom_val[s[i]] return int_val def deromanize_match(m): return str(roman_to_int( editor.beginUndoAction() editor.rereplace(r'(?-is)(?!^\x20*I\x20)(?!(?<=[.?!,;"]\x20)I\x20)(?!(?<=[.?!,;"]\x20\x20)I\x20)\b[IVXLCDM]+\b', deromanize_match) editor.endUndoAction()
Convert MMMCMLXXXVI Convert MDCLXVI I say, I am not sure, but treat this line as pronouns Don't edit using the vi editor, which won't match because it's lower case Some sentence. I am still a sentence with a pronoun. But this. The I here is a roman numeral. I say, II is surely roman.
Convert 3986 Convert 1666 I say, I am not sure, but treat this line as pronouns Don't edit using the vi editor, which won't match because it's lower case Some sentence. I am still a sentence with a pronoun. But this. The 1 here is a roman numeral. I say, 2 is surely roman.
Thank you very much Peter .
Here is the .html :
[](link url)