close tag auto-completion should cover PHP and jsp files too (not only html and xml files)
hi guys, thank you very much for this fabulous text editor.
I think that close tag auto-completion should cover PHP and jsp files (not only html and xml files).
the reason behind this: html tags are used in abundance inside PHP and jsp filethank you very much
That’s an interesting idea.
I will admit, I had never heard of JSP (despite it being in the list of Notepad++'s available languages), but I did know that PHP does utilize much HTML, and it does make sense that it should auto-complete tags. I would suggest that ASP should also be included in the list of types that do tag auto-completion.
Unfortunately, we are the Community of users; while we can answer each other’s questions, and sometimes give workarounds to problems, this is not where official feature requests are handled. For instructions on the right place for feature requests, please see the Community’s “FAQ: Feature Request” entry.
If you do make a feature request, please remember to paste a link to that request in this discussion, so other interested parties can see what the status is (or weigh in with other recommended languages that should do tag-completion)
it is done
thank you very much for your remark -
since @freedom-ilias didn’t provide it, the link to the created issue is