tool for interconverting/querying xml/csv/json/jsonl/regex matches
I’ve noticed enough general questions along the lines of “how to I convert between x format and y format” (e.g., CSV to XML) that I figured I’d just make one catch-all tool for doing most transformations you might want inside NPP without needing to know any programming languages (although it does help).
This tool requires PythonScript 3.0.13 or newer.
Simply run the script and follow the instructions. When prompted for a query, you can ignore it if you want to transform the file without filtering.
It has not been thoroughly tested, so bug reports are appreciated.
''' Simple tool for querying CSVs, JSON, and tabular XML files with Python list comprehensions, etc. 1. Use the PythonScript console. 2. Call the pyq function on a string containing a query, using the variable "x" to represent the data file. You can also pass in an output type (defaults to Numbers are parsed as floats; everything else is parsed as a string. For example, pyq("[row for row in x if row['CITY'].startswith('a')]"). The query can include: * any functions that are always available, like max, min, and sorted * the mean function (takes average of a list of numbers) * functions/classes from math, re, and collections. * a group_by function (see below) * an inner_join function for performing a SQL-style inner join (see below) 3. The result of the query will be displayed in a new window. For best results, move the query file to other view so that one view has your tabular file and the other view has the query results file. ''' from Npp import * import csv import collections from datetime import datetime from io import StringIO import json import math import os import re from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET ### SETTINGS DIALOG_ON_RUN = True # open a pop-up dialog to run queries when the script is run (alternative: run from PythonScript console) VALID_DATA_TYPES = {'csv', 'json', 'jsonl', 'xml', 'regex'} FILE_EXTENSION_TYPE_MAPS = { # keys are file extensions, values are in VALID_DATA_TYPES 'json': 'json', 'xml': 'xml', 'jsonl': 'jsonl', 'csv': 'csv', 'tsv': 'csv', } TYPES_TO_TEST = ['json', 'jsonl', 'xml'] # try these data types if file extension not helpful DEFAULT_OUTPUT_TYPE = 'csv' # must be in VALID_DATA_TYPES CSV_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIALECT = 'excel-tab' # tab-separated; use 'excel' for comma-separated AUTODETECT_BOOLEANS = True BOOLEAN_PAIRS = [ # case insensitive {'F': False, 'T': True}, {'FALSE': False, 'TRUE': True}, {'NO': False, 'YES': True}, {'N': False, 'Y': True}, ] BOOLEAN_VALS = {k: pair for pair in BOOLEAN_PAIRS for k in pair} DEFAULT_QUERY = 'x' # select all data DEFAULT_REGEX = '(?-s)^(.*)$' # select entire line ### END SETTINGS def now(): return def getFileExtension(fname): for ii in range(len(fname) - 1, -1, -1): if fname[ii] == '.': break if ii == 0: return '' return fname[ii + 1:] PYQ_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'pyquery') num_regex = re.compile(r'[+-]?(?:(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?|nan|inf)') #### QUERY FUNCTIONS #### def mean(rows): return sum(rows)/len(rows) def inner_join(rows1, rows2, var1, var2=None): ''' Standard SQL-style inner join. var2 is set to var1 if not specified. If rows1 and rows2 are lists of lists, returns a list of dicts where an 0-based index in a row is mapped to 'col{index}' for rows1 or 'col{index}_1' for rows2 Otherwise, if rows2 has column names that are duplicates of rows in rows1, the duplicate names in rows2 are mangled by appending '_1'. EXAMPLE: >>> rows1 = [{'a': 1, 'b': 'foo', 'd': 5.2}, {'a': 3, 'b': 'bar', 'd': -1}] >>> rows2 = [{'a': 3, 'b': True, 'c': -2}, {'a': 1, 'b': False, 'c': -1}] >>> inner_join(rows1, rows2, 'a', 'b') # 1 and True are considered equal [{'a': 1, 'b': 'foo', 'd': 5.2, 'a_1': 3, 'b_1': True, 'c': -2}] >>> rows3 = [[1, 'a'], [2, 'b']] >>> rows4 = [[3, False, 'foo'], [2, True, 'bar'], [2, False, 'baz']] >>> inner_join(rows3, rows4, 0) [{'col0': 2, 'col1': 'b', 'col0_1': 2, 'col1_1': True, 'col2_1': 'bar'}, {'col0': 2, 'col1': 'b', 'col0_1': 2, 'col1_1': False, 'col2_1': 'baz'}] >>> rows5 = [{'a': 1, 'b_1': 2, 'b': 1}] >>> rows6 = [{'a': 3, 'b': 1, 'c': -2, 'b_1': False}] >>> inner_join(rows5, rows6, 'a', 'b') # if k + '_1' is still duplicate, append '_1' until not duplicate [{'a': 1, 'b_1': 2, 'b': 1, 'a_1': 3, 'b_1_1': 1, 'c': -2, 'b_1_1_1': False}] ''' if not (rows1 and rows2): return [] if var2 is None: var2 = var1 rows1_grouped = {} for row in rows1: val = row[var1] rows1_grouped.setdefault(val, []).append(row) rowtype = type(rows1[0]) if rowtype == list: def row_combiner(row1, row2): out = {f'col{ii}': v for ii, v in enumerate(row1)} for ii, v in enumerate(row2): out[f'col{ii}_1'] = v return out else: shared_keys = set(rows1[0]) & set(k for k in rows2[0]) def row_combiner(row1, row2): out = {**row1} for k, v in row2.items(): if k in shared_keys: mangled = k + '_1' ctr = 2 while mangled in out: mangled += '_1' out[mangled] = v else: out[k] = v return out final = [] for row2 in rows2: val = row2[var2] rows1_related = rows1_grouped.get(val) if rows1_related: for row1 in rows1_related: final.append(row_combiner(row1, row2)) return final def group_by(rows, group_var, func, agg_var = None): ''' rows: a list of dicts with str keys group_var: str, the column name to group by func: a function that operates on a list (must operate on list of dicts if agg_var is None) OR a list of such functions agg_var: a column name OR a list of column names. EXAMPLE: >>> group_by(rows, 'contaminated', max, 'zone') { "TRUE": 2.0, "FALSE": 4.0 } >>> group_by(rows, 'contaminated', [mean, min], 'nums') { "TRUE": { "mean": 1.5, "min": 1.0 }, "FALSE": { "mean": 2.0, "min": 1.0 } } >>> group_by(rows, 'names', [sum, min], ['nums', 'zone']) { "Bluds": { "nums": {"min": NaN, "sum": NaN}, "zone": {"min": 1.0, "sum": 3.0} }, "dfsd": { "nums": {"min": 0.5, "sum": 2.0}, "zone": {"min": 2.0, "sum": 8.0} }, "flodt": { "nums": {"min": 3.4, "sum": 3.4}, "zone": {"min": 4.0, "sum": 4.0} } } ''' row_groups = {} for row in rows: val = row[group_var] row_groups.setdefault(str(val), []).append(row) if isinstance(func, list): new_func = lambda x: {subfunc.__name__ : subfunc(x) for subfunc in func} else: new_func = func if isinstance(agg_var, list): return {group_val: {sub_var: new_func([row[sub_var] for row in rows]) for sub_var in agg_var} for group_val, rows in row_groups.items()} elif isinstance(agg_var, str): return {group_val: new_func([row[agg_var] for row in rows]) for group_val, rows in row_groups.items()} return {group_val: new_func(rows) for group_val, rows in row_groups.items()} #### TABULARIZING FUNCTIONS #### def is_list_like(x): return isinstance(x, (list, set, frozenset, tuple)) def convert_to_list_of_dicts(rows): if is_list_like(rows): if not isinstance(rows, list): rows = list(rows) if not rows: return rows firstrow = rows[0] if isinstance(firstrow, dict): return rows elif not is_list_like(firstrow): return [{'col1': row} for row in rows] return [dict(flatten_row(row, [])) for row in rows] elif isinstance(rows, dict): if not rows: return rows lists, dicts, other_vars = [], [], [] for k, v in rows.items(): if is_list_like(v): lists.append((k, v)) elif isinstance(v, dict): dicts.append((k, v)) else: other_vars.append((k, v)) if not lists: return [dict(flatten_row(rows, []))] out_rows = [] max_len = max(len(v) for k, v in lists) base_row = dict(other_vars) base_row.update(flatten_row(dict(dicts), [])) for ii in range(max_len): new_row = base_row.copy() for list_var, list_ in lists: new_row[list_var] = None if ii >= len(list_) else list_[ii] out_rows.append(dict(flatten_row(new_row, []))) return out_rows # rows is a scalar return [{'col1': rows}] def flatten_row(row, current_key): if is_list_like(row): if not isinstance(row, list): row = list(row) for ii, v in enumerate(row): current_key.append(f'col{ii}') yield from flatten_row(v, current_key) current_key.pop() elif isinstance(row, dict): for k, v in row.items(): current_key.append(k) yield from flatten_row(v, current_key) current_key.pop() elif not current_key: yield '_', row else: yield '.'.join(current_key), row #### PROCESSING FUNCTIONS #### def csv_to_json(text): lines = [x.rstrip() for x in editor.getText().splitlines()] sniffer = csv.Sniffer() dialect = sniffer.sniff(text[:4092]) reader = csv.DictReader(lines, dialect=dialect) rows = list(reader) postprocess_json(rows, AUTODETECT_BOOLEANS) return rows def xml_to_json(text): root = ET.fromstring(text) js = [{e.tag: e.text for e in child} for child in root] postprocess_json(js, AUTODETECT_BOOLEANS) return js def jsonl_to_json(text): lines = text.splitlines() return [json.loads(line) for line in lines] def postprocess_json(rows, autodetect_booleans): ''' rows must be a list of dicts mapping str to str Performs the following in-place changes: 1. Converts string representations of numbers (using '.' as decimal sep) to the corresponding numbers 2. If autodetect_booleans, converts columns where all values are in the same boolean pair to the corresponding boolean value (e.g., columns of all 'T' and 'F' become True and False) ''' bad_keys = set() boolean_pairs = {} if autodetect_booleans: for row in rows: for k, v in row.items(): if k not in bad_keys and isinstance(v, str): # check if value is in the same boolean pair # as all previous values in this row current_boopair = boolean_pairs.get(k) upv = v.upper() boopair = BOOLEAN_VALS.get(upv) if not boopair or (current_boopair and boopair is not current_boopair): bad_keys.add(k) if k in boolean_pairs: del boolean_pairs[k] else: boolean_pairs[k] = boopair for row in rows: for k, v in row.items(): boopair = boolean_pairs.get(k) if boopair: row[k] = boopair[v.upper()] elif isinstance(v, str) and num_regex.fullmatch(v): row[k] = float(v) #### OUTPUT FUNCTIONS #### def dump_json(js_): return json.dumps(js_, indent=4) def dump_jsonl(js_): rows = convert_to_list_of_dicts(js_) return '\n'.join(json.dumps(row) for row in rows) def dump_csv(js_): rows = convert_to_list_of_dicts(js_) fieldnames = sorted(set(k for row in rows for k in row), key=lambda x: x.upper()) strio = StringIO() writer = csv.DictWriter(strio, fieldnames, dialect=CSV_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIALECT) writer.writeheader() for row in rows: writer.writerow(row) return strio.getvalue() def dump_xml(js_): root = ET.Element('Table') rows = convert_to_list_of_dicts(js_) for row in rows: rowelement = ET.Element('Row') root.append(rowelement) for k, v in row.items(): velement = ET.Element(k) velement.text = '' if v is None else str(v) rowelement.append(velement) tree = ET.ElementTree(root) ET.indent(tree, ' ' * 4) strio = StringIO() tree.write(strio, encoding='unicode', xml_declaration=True, short_empty_elements=False) return strio.getvalue() def dump_to_regex_replace(js_, regex, bels): rows = convert_to_list_of_dicts(js_) # we want to use Boost regex syntax to parse our file newtext = '\n'.join(bels.join(str(v) for v in row.values()) for row in rows) editor.setText(newtext) search_regex = bels.join(f"(?'{k}'.*)" for k in rows[0]) print(f'{search_regex = }, {regex = }') editor.rereplace(search_regex, regex) text = editor.getText() editor.setText('') notepad.close() return text
#### HELPER CLASSES #### class TabDef: def __init__(self, rows, data_type): self.data_type = data_type self.refresh(rows) def query(self, query): return eval(query, { 'collections': collections, 'group_by': group_by, 'math': math, 'avg': mean, 'mean': mean, 'groupby': group_by, 'group_by': group_by, 'join': inner_join, 'inner_join': inner_join, 're': re, 'x': self.rows, }) def refresh(self, rows): self.rows = rows self.last_refresh = now() self.get_column_types() def get_column_types(self): if (not self.rows) or (isinstance(self.data_type, str) and self.data_type == 'json'): # json data need not have columns, can be tree-like self.column_types = None return self.column_types = {} for row in self.rows: if is_list_like(row): for ii, v in enumerate(row): self.column_types.setdefault(ii, set()).add(type(v)) elif isinstance(row, dict): for k, v in row.items(): self.column_types.setdefault(k, set()).add(type(v)) def column_types_repr(self): out = ['{'] for k, types in self.column_types.items(): tlist = sorted('None' if t == type(None) else t.__name__ for t in types) out.append(f"{repr(k)}: {'|'.join(tlist)}") out.append(', ') out[-1] = '}' return ''.join(out) class PyQuery: def __init__(self): self.tabdefs = {} self.mtimes = {} self.id_to_be_renamed = None self.fname_to_be_renamed = None self.remembered_queries = {} self.remembered_regexes = {} self.remembered_output_formats = {} self.delimiting_bels = {} # count BEL chars for rereplace templating self.current_fname = notepad.getCurrentFilename() self.query_file_path = os.path.join(PYQ_DIR, 'PyQuery query file.pyq') self.remembered_queries_fname = 'queries.json' self.remembered_regexes_fname = 'regexes.json' self.remembered_output_formats_fname = 'output_formats.json' def dump_if_not_empty(self, dict_, fname): if not os.path.exists(PYQ_DIR) or not dict_: return abspath = os.path.join(PYQ_DIR, fname) with open(abspath, 'w') as f: json.dump(dict_, f) def on_shutdown(self, notif): self.dump_if_not_empty(self.remembered_queries, self.remembered_queries_fname) self.dump_if_not_empty(self.remembered_regexes, self.remembered_regexes_fname) self.dump_if_not_empty(self.remembered_output_formats, self.remembered_output_formats_fname) def get_remembered_thing(self, attr, fname, default): '''attr is the name of a dict attribute ('remembered_queries' or 'remembered_regexes' or 'remembered_output_formats') Returns the thing associated with fname. If it can't find the thing associated with fname, find the thing associated with that thing's file extension. ''' if not getattr(self, attr): abspath = os.path.join(PYQ_DIR, fname) if os.path.exists(abspath): with open(abspath) as f: setattr(self, attr, json.load(f)) memo = getattr(self, attr) remembered_for_file = memo.get(self.current_fname) if remembered_for_file: self.memorize_thing(remembered_for_file, memo, default) return remembered_for_file exts = memo.get('extensions') if exts: fname_ext = getFileExtension(self.current_fname) return exts.get(fname_ext, default) return default def get_query(self): return self.get_remembered_thing('remembered_queries', self.remembered_queries_fname, DEFAULT_QUERY) def get_regex(self): return self.get_remembered_thing('remembered_regexes', self.remembered_regexes_fname, DEFAULT_REGEX) def get_output_format(self): return self.get_remembered_thing('remembered_output_formats', self.remembered_output_formats_fname, DEFAULT_OUTPUT_TYPE) def memorize_thing(self, thing, dict_, default): if thing == default: return dict_[self.current_fname] = thing ext = getFileExtension(self.current_fname) exts = dict_.setdefault('extensions', {}) exts[ext] = thing def memorize_query(self, query): self.memorize_thing(query, self.remembered_queries, DEFAULT_QUERY) def memorize_output_format(self, output_format): self.memorize_thing(output_format, self.remembered_output_formats, DEFAULT_OUTPUT_TYPE) def memorize_regex(self, regex): self.memorize_thing(regex, self.remembered_regexes, DEFAULT_REGEX) def on_bufferactivated(self, notif): fname = notepad.getCurrentFilename() if fname == self.query_file_path: return self.current_fname = notepad.getCurrentFilename() last_mod_outside_npp = now() try: # check for modifications outside of Notepad++ last_mod_outside_npp = os.path.getmtime(self.current_fname) except FileNotFoundError: return # an in-memory buffer, can't be modified outside of NPP last_mod_in_buffer = self.mtimes.get(self.current_fname, 0.) self.mtimes[self.current_fname] = max(last_mod_in_buffer, last_mod_outside_npp) def on_filebeforerename(self, notif): self.id_to_be_renamed = notif['bufferID'] self.fname_to_be_renamed = notepad.getBufferFilename(self.id_to_be_renamed) def on_filerenamecancel(self, notif): self.id_to_be_renamed = None self.fname_to_be_renamed = None def on_filerenamed(self, notif): if not self.id_to_be_renamed: # was cancelled return fname = notepad.getBufferFilename(self.id_to_be_renamed) print(f'{self.current_fname = }, {fname = }, {self.fname_to_be_renamed = }, {self.id_to_be_renamed = }') if self.fname_to_be_renamed == self.current_fname: self.current_fname = fname mtime = self.mtimes.get(self.fname_to_be_renamed) if mtime: self.mtimes[fname] = self.mtimes[self.fname_to_be_renamed] del self.mtimes[self.fname_to_be_renamed] else: self.mtimes[fname] = now() tabdef = self.tabdefs.get(self.fname_to_be_renamed) if tabdef: self.tabdefs[fname] = tabdef del self.tabdefs[self.fname_to_be_renamed] self.id_to_be_renamed = None self.fname_to_be_renamed = None def on_modified(self, notif): if not notif['text']: return self.mtimes[self.current_fname] = now() def get_tabdef(self): tabdef = self.tabdefs.get(self.current_fname) if tabdef: mtime = self.mtimes[self.current_fname] if mtime < tabdef.last_refresh: return tabdef else: tabdef = TabDef(None, None) extension = getFileExtension(self.current_fname) if tabdef.data_type: data_type = tabdef.data_type else: data_type = FILE_EXTENSION_TYPE_MAPS.get(extension) text = editor.getText() if not data_type: for typ in ['xml', 'json', 'jsonl']: # don't try csv, it finds illogical column separators proc = self.get_processor(typ) try: rows = proc(text) return self.bind_tabdef(tabdef, typ, rows) except Exception as ex: # not the correct way to parse print(f'While parsing as {typ} in try loop, got error:\n{ex}') pass return None # couldn't parse else: processor = self.get_processor(data_type) try: rows = processor(text) except Exception as ex: print(f'While parsing as {data_type}, got error:\n{ex}') return None return self.bind_tabdef(tabdef, data_type, rows) def bind_tabdef(self, tabdef, data_type, rows): tabdef.data_type = data_type self.mtimes[self.current_fname] = now() self.tabdefs[self.current_fname] = tabdef tabdef.refresh(rows) return tabdef def get_delimiting_bels(self): ''' we use BEL chars to delimit fields in the intermediate file when the output mode is a regex-replace EXAMPLE: If the query result is [{'col1': 0, 'col2': 'a'}, {'col1': 1, 'col2': 'b'}] the intermediate file contains 0{BEL}a 0{BEL}b where {BEL} is the BEL character. But if BEL is in the file's text, we need to use more bels to delimit. E.g, if the query result is [{'col1': 0, 'col2': 'a{BEL}'}, {'col1': 1, 'col2': 'b'}] the intermediate file will contain 0{BEL}{BEL}a{BEL} 1{BEL}{BEL}b{BEL} ''' delimiting_bels = self.delimiting_bels.get(self.current_fname) if delimiting_bels: return delimiting_bels self._consecutive_bel_count = 0 def on_bel_match(m): bel_ct = m.end() - m.start() print(f'{self._consecutive_bel_count = }, {bel_ct = }') self._consecutive_bel_count = max(self._consecutive_bel_count, bel_ct) print(f'After finds, {self._consecutive_bel_count = }') editor.research('\x07+', on_bel_match) delimiting_bels = '\x07' * (self._consecutive_bel_count + 1) self.delimiting_bels[self.current_fname] = delimiting_bels return delimiting_bels def write_to_pyq_buffer(self, text): if not os.path.exists(PYQ_DIR): os.mkdir(PYQ_DIR) if not os.path.exists(self.query_file_path): with open(self.query_file_path, 'w') as f: f.write('') editor.setText(text) def regex_matches_to_json(self, regex): matches = [] editor.research(regex, lambda m: matches.append(m.groups())) self.memorize_regex(regex) rows = convert_to_list_of_dicts(matches) postprocess_json(rows, AUTODETECT_BOOLEANS) return rows def get_processor(self, data_type): return { 'csv': csv_to_json, 'json': json.loads, 'jsonl': jsonl_to_json, 'xml': xml_to_json, }.get(data_type, lambda text: self.regex_matches_to_json(data_type)) def dump(self, output_type, data=None): if data is None: tabdef = self.get_tabdef() data = tabdef.rows dumper = { 'json': dump_json, 'jsonl': dump_jsonl, 'csv': dump_csv, 'xml': dump_xml, }.get(output_type, lambda rows: dump_to_regex_replace(rows, output_type, self.get_delimiting_bels())) outstr = dumper(data) self.memorize_output_format(output_type) self.write_to_pyq_buffer(outstr) def dialog(self): tabdef = self.get_tabdef() dtype = None if not tabdef else tabdef.data_type if not tabdef or dtype not in VALID_DATA_TYPES: default_regex = self.get_regex() regex = notepad.prompt( f"Couldn't parse current file as any of the types {TYPES_TO_TEST}\nEnter csv to parse as csv, or a regex if you wish to query regex matches", "Couldn't parse file; enter csv or a regex", default_regex ) if not regex: return rows = self.regex_matches_to_json(regex) tabdef = self.bind_tabdef(TabDef(None, None), regex, rows) msg = f'Enter Python query on {tabdef.data_type} file. x represents data.' coltypes = '' if not (tabdef and tabdef.column_types) \ else f'Col types: {tabdef.column_types_repr()}' default_query = self.get_query() query = notepad.prompt(coltypes, msg, default_query) if not query: return output_type = self.get_output_format() data_type = notepad.prompt('Enter an output format (regex or one of json, jsonl, csv, xml)', 'Enter an output format', output_type) if not data_type: return self.pyq(query, data_type) def pyq(self, query, output_type=None): tabdef = self.get_tabdef() if not tabdef: self.write_to_pyq_buffer(f'{self.current_fname} could not be parsed as a file of any of the types {VALID_DATA_TYPES}') return if not output_type: output_type = DEFAULT_OUTPUT_TYPE try: result = tabdef.query(query) except Exception as ex: self.write_to_pyq_buffer(f'Failure while parsing query:\n{ex}') return self.memorize_query(query) self.dump(output_type, result) if __name__ == '__main__': try: INITIALIZED except NameError: INITIALIZED = True PYQ = PyQuery() pyq = PYQ.pyq dump = PYQ.dump notepad.callback(PYQ.on_bufferactivated, [NOTIFICATION.BUFFERACTIVATED]) notepad.callback(PYQ.on_filebeforerename, [NOTIFICATION.FILEBEFORERENAME]) notepad.callback(PYQ.on_filerenamecancel, [NOTIFICATION.FILERENAMECANCEL]) notepad.callback(PYQ.on_filerenamed, [NOTIFICATION.FILERENAMED]) notepad.callback(PYQ.on_shutdown, [NOTIFICATION.BEFORESHUTDOWN]) editor.callback(PYQ.on_modified, [SCINTILLANOTIFICATION.MODIFIED]) if DIALOG_ON_RUN: PYQ.dialog()
I should probably mention some quality-of-life features that might make you want to consider using this tool:
- Numbers are automatically parsed as floating-point numbers, no need to do any annoying convert-to-number-if-passes-regex-test stuff
- Automatically detects when file is edited, only re-parses file if required
- Automatic detection of booleans
- Regular expressions are supported in the query (Python
functions) - Conversion speed seems to be competitive with any other plugin I’ve seen
I’ll also just illustrate a regex-related use case that would normally require a bespoke script.
Start withfoo: tone bar: 27.1 foo: bLue bar: 241.3 foo: taco bar: 66.5 foo: basst bar: 281.7 foo: öyster bar: 144.0 foo: oyster bar: 164.1 foo: Spb bar: -102.1 foo: blüe bar: 203.2 foo: spä bar: 1.2E-3 foo: spb bar: 84.2e4 foo: blve bar: 183.2 foo: blue bar: -222.2 foo: baßk bar: 261.3 foo: täco bar: 47.3e5 foo: täco bar: 300.3e5
In first prompt, enter
(?-s)^foo: (\w+) bar: (.+)$
. This captures the word afterfoo
and the number afterbar:
.Now we want to sort these lines by the number after
(and secondarily by the word afterfoo
) and eliminate any lines where the number afterbar
is less than0
So in the second prompt entersorted((r for r in x if r['col1'] > 0), key=lambda x: [x['col1'], x['col0'].upper()])
And let’s get it back in the original format. In the final prompt, enter
foo: $1 bar: $2
We get the filtered, sorted rows:foo: spä bar: 0.0012 foo: tone bar: 27.1 foo: taco bar: 66.5 foo: öyster bar: 144.0 foo: oyster bar: 164.1 foo: blve bar: 183.2 foo: blüe bar: 203.2 foo: bLue bar: 241.3 foo: baßk bar: 261.3 foo: basst bar: 281.7 foo: spb bar: 842000.0 foo: täco bar: 4730000.0 foo: täco bar: 30030000.0
@Mark-Olson ,
For consistentcy, this file should be named, what? :-) Always good to have that name so someone knows what someone is talking about when trying to refer to the script. :-) -
@Mark-Olson ,
Thanks. I saw the reference to the filename at the end of the file, but wanted to be sure, for future reference. :-) -
Permanent link to most up-to-date version
Things fixed since my original post above:
- Caching problems (my original assertion that files were re-parsed only as needed was actually false)
- Originally if you used
in your output format to get all the matched text (not just capture groups), the output file would contain theBEL
characters I used to delimit the capture groups in the intermediate file. - Allow
to group by/join by multiple columns. See docs in file. - Added
convenience functions for easier sorting by index/key in child.