Emulation of the "View > Summary" feature with a Python script
@guy038 said in Tests and impressions on the "View > Summary..." functionality:
editor.copyText (‘\r\n’.join(line_list))
Couldn’t you just do
notepad.new() editor.setText('\r\n'.join(line_list))
and thus avoid overwriting the user’s clipboard?
Hello, All,
So, I followed the excellent @mark-olson’s suggestion to bypass the clipboard functionality !
Now, in case of a
, when searching for the NON-SPACE count of characters, I used an exception which displays a warning message, if theErr_Regex
is True. But, even when theErr_Regex
variable is False, the result is not totally guaranteed too, if the analyzed file contains bytes over theBMP
So, globally, whatever the
status, theNON-SPACE count
value may be increased or decreased by1
, in some cases ( still unclear ) !
Here is the
version of my script ( I indeed gave a version number to my successive attempts ! )# encoding=utf-8 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # STATISTICS about the CURRENT file ( v0.7 ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import print_function # for Python2 compatibility from Npp import * import re import os, time, datetime import ctypes from ctypes.wintypes import BOOL, HWND, WPARAM, LPARAM, UINT # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # From @alan-kilborn, in post https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/21733/pythonscript-different-behavior-in-script-vs-in-immediate-mode/4 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def npp_get_statusbar(statusbar_item_number): WNDENUMPROC = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(BOOL, HWND, LPARAM) FindWindowW = ctypes.windll.user32.FindWindowW FindWindowExW = ctypes.windll.user32.FindWindowExW SendMessageW = ctypes.windll.user32.SendMessageW LRESULT = LPARAM SendMessageW.restype = LRESULT SendMessageW.argtypes = [ HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM ] EnumChildWindows = ctypes.windll.user32.EnumChildWindows GetClassNameW = ctypes.windll.user32.GetClassNameW create_unicode_buffer = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer SBT_OWNERDRAW = 0x1000 WM_USER = 0x400; SB_GETTEXTLENGTHW = WM_USER + 12; SB_GETTEXTW = WM_USER + 13 npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE = None def get_result_from_statusbar(statusbar_item_number): assert statusbar_item_number <= 5 retcode = SendMessageW(npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE, SB_GETTEXTLENGTHW, statusbar_item_number, 0) length = retcode & 0xFFFF type = (retcode >> 16) & 0xFFFF assert (type != SBT_OWNERDRAW) text_buffer = create_unicode_buffer(length) retcode = SendMessageW(npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE, SB_GETTEXTW, statusbar_item_number, ctypes.addressof(text_buffer)) retval = '{}'.format(text_buffer[:length]) return retval def EnumCallback(hwnd, lparam): curr_class = create_unicode_buffer(256) GetClassNameW(hwnd, curr_class, 256) if curr_class.value.lower() == "msctls_statusbar32": npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE = hwnd return False # stop the enumeration return True # continue the enumeration npp_hwnd = FindWindowW(u"Notepad++", None) EnumChildWindows(npp_hwnd, WNDENUMPROC(EnumCallback), 0) if npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE: return get_result_from_statusbar(statusbar_item_number) assert False St_bar = npp_get_statusbar(4) # Zone 4 ( STATUSBARSECTION.UNICODETYPE )
Continuation on next post
Hi all,
Continuation of version
of the script :# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def number(occ): global num num += 1 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curr_encoding = str(notepad.getEncoding()) if Curr_encoding == 'ENC8BIT': Curr_encoding = 'ANSI' if Curr_encoding == 'COOKIE': Curr_encoding = 'UTF-8' if Curr_encoding == 'UTF8': Curr_encoding = 'UTF-8-BOM' if Curr_encoding == 'UCS2BE': Curr_encoding = 'UTF-16 BE BOM' if Curr_encoding == 'UCS2LE': Curr_encoding = 'UTF-16 LE BOM' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': Line_title = 95 else: Line_title = 75 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File_name = notepad.getCurrentFilename() if os.path.isfile(File_name) == True: Creation_date = time.ctime(os.path.getctime(File_name)) Modif_date = time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(File_name)) Size_length = os.path.getsize(File_name) RO_flag = 'YES' if os.access(File_name, os.W_OK): RO_flag = 'NO' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RO_editor = 'NO' if editor.getReadOnly() == True: RO_editor = 'YES' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if notepad.getCurrentView() == 0: Curr_view = 'MAIN View' else: Curr_view = 'SECONDARY view' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curr_lang = notepad.getCurrentLang() Lang_desc = notepad.getLanguageDesc(Curr_lang) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if editor.getEOLMode() == 0: Curr_eol = 'Windows (CR LF)' if editor.getEOLMode() == 1: Curr_eol = 'Macintosh (CR)' if editor.getEOLMode() == 2: Curr_eol = 'Unix (LF)' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curr_wrap = 'NO' if editor.getWrapMode() == 1: Curr_wrap = 'YES' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': editor.research(r'[^\r\n]', number) if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': editor.research(r'(?![\r\n])[\x{0000}-\x{007F}]', number) Total_1_byte = num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': editor.research(r'[\x{0080}-\x{07FF}]', number) if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 BE BOM' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 LE BOM': editor.research(r'(?![\r\n\x{D800}-\x{DFFF}])[\x{0000}-\x{FFFF}]', number) # ALL BMP vchars ( With PYTHON, the [^\r\n\x{D800}-\x{DFFF}] syntax does NOT work properly !) Total_2_bytes = num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': editor.research(r'(?![\x{D800}-\x{DFFF}])[\x{0800}-\x{FFFF}]', number) Total_3_bytes = num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total_BMP = Total_1_byte + Total_2_bytes + Total_3_bytes # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'[^\r\n]', number) Total_standard = num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total_4_bytes = 0 # By default if Curr_encoding != 'ANSI': Total_4_bytes = Total_standard - Total_BMP # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'\r|\n', number) Total_EOL = num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total_chars = Total_EOL + Total_standard # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': Bytes_length = Total_EOL + Total_1_byte if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': Bytes_length = Total_EOL + Total_1_byte + 2 * Total_2_bytes + 3 * Total_3_bytes + 4 * Total_4_bytes if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 BE BOM' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 LE BOM': Bytes_length = 2 * Total_EOL + 2 * Total_BMP + 4 * Total_4_bytes # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOM = 0 # Default ANSI and UTF-8 if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': BOM = 3 if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 BE BOM' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 LE BOM': BOM = 2 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buffer_length = Bytes_length + BOM # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'[^\r\n\t\x20]', number) Non_blank_chars = num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'\w+', number) Words_count = num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Err_Regex = False num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI' or Total_4_bytes == 0: editor.research(r'\S+', number) else: try: editor.research(r'(?:(?!\s).[\x{D800}-\x{DFFF}]?)+', number) except RuntimeError: Err_Regex = True Non_space_count = num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': editor.research(r'(?<!\f)^(?:\r\n|\r|\n)', number) else: editor.research(r'(?<![\f\x{0085}\x{2028}\x{2029}])^(?:\r\n|\r|\n)', number) Empty_lines = num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': editor.research(r'(?<!\f)^[\t\x20]+(?:\r\n|\r|\n|\z)', number) else: editor.research(r'(?<![\f\x{0085}\x{2028}\x{2029}])^[\t\x20]+(?:\r\n|\r|\n|\z)', number) Blank_lines = num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emp_blk_lines = Empty_lines + Blank_lines # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': editor.research(r'(?-s)\r\n|\r|\n|(?:.|\f)\z', number) else: editor.research(r'(?-s)\r\n|\r|\n|(?:.|[\f\x{0085}\x{2028}\x{2029}])\z', number) Total_lines = num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Non_blk_lines = Total_lines - Emp_blk_lines # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Num_sel = editor.getSelections() # Get ALL selections ( EMPTY or NOT ) # print ('Res = ', Num_sel) if Num_sel != 0: Bytes_count = 0 Chars_count = 0 for n in range(Num_sel): Bytes_count += editor.getSelectionNEnd(n) - editor.getSelectionNStart(n) Chars_count += editor.countCharacters(editor.getSelectionNStart(n), editor.getSelectionNEnd(n)) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Chars_count < 2: Txt_chars = ' selected char (' else: Txt_chars = ' selected chars (' if Bytes_count < 2: Txt_bytes = ' selected byte) in ' else: Txt_bytes = ' selected bytes) in ' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Num_sel < 2 and Bytes_count == 0: Txt_ranges = ' EMPTY range\n' if Num_sel < 2 and Bytes_count > 0: Txt_ranges = ' range\n' if Num_sel > 1 and Bytes_count == 0: Txt_ranges = ' EMPTY ranges\n' if Num_sel > 1 and Bytes_count > 0: Txt_ranges = ' ranges (EMPTY or NOT)\n' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- line_list = [] # empty list line_list.append ('-' * Line_title) line_list.append (' ' * int((Line_title - 37) / 2) + 'SUMMARY on ' + str(datetime.datetime.now())) line_list.append ('-' * Line_title +'\n') line_list.append (' FULL File Path : ' + File_name + '\n') if os.path.isfile(File_name) == True: line_list.append(' CREATION Date : ' + Creation_date) line_list.append(' MODIFICATION Date : ' + Modif_date + '\n') line_list.append(' READ-ONLY flag : ' + RO_flag ) line_list.append (' READ-ONLY editor : ' + RO_editor + '\n\n') line_list.append (' Current VIEW : ' + Curr_view + '\n') line_list.append (' Current ENCODING : ' + Curr_encoding + '\n') line_list.append (' Current LANGUAGE : ' + str(Curr_lang) + ' (' + Lang_desc + ')\n') line_list.append (' Current Line END : ' + Curr_eol + '\n') line_list.append (' Current WRAPPING : ' + Curr_wrap + '\n\n') line_list.append (' 1-BYTE Chars : ' + str(Total_1_byte)) line_list.append (' 2-BYTES Chars : ' + str(Total_2_bytes)) line_list.append (' 3-BYTES Chars : ' + str(Total_3_bytes) + '\n') line_list.append (' Sum BMP Chars : ' + str(Total_BMP)) line_list.append (' 4-BYTES Chars : ' + str(Total_4_bytes) + '\n') line_list.append (' CHARS w/o CR & LF : ' + str(Total_standard)) line_list.append (' EOL ( CR or LF ) : ' + str(Total_EOL) + '\n') line_list.append (' TOTAL characters : ' + str(Total_chars) + '\n\n') if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': line_list.append (' BYTES Length : ' + str(Bytes_length) + ' (' + str(Total_EOL) + ' x 1 + ' + str(Total_1_byte) + ' x 1b)') if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': line_list.append (' BYTES Length : ' + str(Bytes_length) + ' (' + str(Total_EOL) + ' x 1 + ' + str(Total_1_byte) + ' x 1b + '\ + str(Total_2_bytes) + ' x 2b + ' + str(Total_3_bytes) + ' x 3b + ' + str(Total_4_bytes) + ' x 4b)') if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 BE BOM' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 LE BOM': line_list.append (' BYTES Length : ' + str(Bytes_length) + ' (' + str(Total_EOL) + ' x 2 + ' + str(Total_BMP) + ' x 2b + ' + str(Total_4_bytes) + ' x 4b)') line_list.append (' Byte Order Mark : ' + str(BOM) + '\n') line_list.append (' BUFFER Length : ' + str(Buffer_length)) if os.path.isfile(File_name) == True: line_list.append (' Length on DISK : ' + str(Size_length) + '\n\n') else: line_list.append ('\n') line_list.append (' NON-Blank Chars : ' + str(Non_blank_chars) + '\n') line_list.append (' WORDS Count : ' + str(Words_count) + ' (Caution !)\n') if Err_Regex == False: line_list.append (' NON-SPACE Count : ' + str(Non_space_count) + '\n\n') else: line_list.append (' NON-SPACE Count : ' + str(Non_space_count) + ' (ERROR : Ran out of stack space trying to match the regular expressions !)\n\n') line_list.append (' True EMPTY lines : ' + str(Empty_lines)) line_list.append (' True BLANK lines : ' + str(Blank_lines) + '\n') line_list.append (' EMPTY/BLANK lines : ' + str(Emp_blk_lines) + '\n') line_list.append (' NON-BLANK lines : ' + str(Non_blk_lines)) line_list.append (' TOTAL Lines : ' + str(Total_lines) + '\n\n') line_list.append (' SELECTION(S) : ' + str(Chars_count) + Txt_chars + str(Bytes_count) + Txt_bytes + str(Num_sel) + Txt_ranges) notepad.new() editor.setText('\r\n'.join(line_list)) if St_bar != 'ANSI' and St_bar != 'UTF-8' and St_bar != 'UTF-8-BOM' and St_bar != 'UTF-16 BE BOM' and St_bar != 'UTF-16 LE BOM': if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8': # SAME value for both an 'UTF-8' or 'ANSI' file, when RE-INTERPRETED with the 'Encoding > Character Set > ...' feature notepad.prompt ('CURRENT file re-interpreted as ' + St_bar + ' => Possible ERRONEOUS results' + \ '\nSo, CLOSE the file WITHOUT saving, RESTORE it (CTRL + SHIFT + T) and RESTART script', '!!! WARNING !!!', '') # ----Aé☀𝜜-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
So, just test this script against any file, to get any possible bug or limitation !!
I’ve also heard of compiled regexes in Python. Would that be interesting for this script ?
Best Regards,
Hi, All,
I realized that it was the mess regarding the line_endings, in the
report. Thus, by defining aLine_end
variable equal to\r\n
, the results are more harmonious !One advantage : if you do not want any supplementary line-break, in the
report, simply change the line :Line_end = '\r\n'
by this one :
Line_end = ''
So, here is the
version of my script :# encoding=utf-8 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # STATISTICS about the CURRENT file ( v0.8 ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import print_function # for Python2 compatibility from Npp import * import re import os, time, datetime import ctypes from ctypes.wintypes import BOOL, HWND, WPARAM, LPARAM, UINT # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # From @alan-kilborn, in post https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/21733/pythonscript-different-behavior-in-script-vs-in-immediate-mode/4 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def npp_get_statusbar(statusbar_item_number): WNDENUMPROC = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(BOOL, HWND, LPARAM) FindWindowW = ctypes.windll.user32.FindWindowW FindWindowExW = ctypes.windll.user32.FindWindowExW SendMessageW = ctypes.windll.user32.SendMessageW LRESULT = LPARAM SendMessageW.restype = LRESULT SendMessageW.argtypes = [ HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM ] EnumChildWindows = ctypes.windll.user32.EnumChildWindows GetClassNameW = ctypes.windll.user32.GetClassNameW create_unicode_buffer = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer SBT_OWNERDRAW = 0x1000 WM_USER = 0x400; SB_GETTEXTLENGTHW = WM_USER + 12; SB_GETTEXTW = WM_USER + 13 npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE = None def get_result_from_statusbar(statusbar_item_number): assert statusbar_item_number <= 5 retcode = SendMessageW(npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE, SB_GETTEXTLENGTHW, statusbar_item_number, 0) length = retcode & 0xFFFF type = (retcode >> 16) & 0xFFFF assert (type != SBT_OWNERDRAW) text_buffer = create_unicode_buffer(length) retcode = SendMessageW(npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE, SB_GETTEXTW, statusbar_item_number, ctypes.addressof(text_buffer)) retval = '{}'.format(text_buffer[:length]) return retval def EnumCallback(hwnd, lparam): curr_class = create_unicode_buffer(256) GetClassNameW(hwnd, curr_class, 256) if curr_class.value.lower() == "msctls_statusbar32": npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE = hwnd return False # stop the enumeration return True # continue the enumeration npp_hwnd = FindWindowW(u"Notepad++", None) EnumChildWindows(npp_hwnd, WNDENUMPROC(EnumCallback), 0) if npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE: return get_result_from_statusbar(statusbar_item_number) assert False St_bar = npp_get_statusbar(4) # Zone 4 ( STATUSBARSECTION.UNICODETYPE )
Continuation on next post
Hi all,
Continuation of version
of the script :# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def number(occ): global num num += 1 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curr_encoding = str(notepad.getEncoding()) if Curr_encoding == 'ENC8BIT': Curr_encoding = 'ANSI' if Curr_encoding == 'COOKIE': Curr_encoding = 'UTF-8' if Curr_encoding == 'UTF8': Curr_encoding = 'UTF-8-BOM' if Curr_encoding == 'UCS2BE': Curr_encoding = 'UTF-16 BE BOM' if Curr_encoding == 'UCS2LE': Curr_encoding = 'UTF-16 LE BOM' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': Line_title = 95 else: Line_title = 75 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File_name = notepad.getCurrentFilename() if os.path.isfile(File_name) == True: Creation_date = time.ctime(os.path.getctime(File_name)) Modif_date = time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(File_name)) Size_length = os.path.getsize(File_name) RO_flag = 'YES' if os.access(File_name, os.W_OK): RO_flag = 'NO' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RO_editor = 'NO' if editor.getReadOnly() == True: RO_editor = 'YES' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if notepad.getCurrentView() == 0: Curr_view = 'MAIN View' else: Curr_view = 'SECONDARY view' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curr_lang = notepad.getCurrentLang() Lang_desc = notepad.getLanguageDesc(Curr_lang) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if editor.getEOLMode() == 0: Curr_eol = 'Windows (CR LF)' if editor.getEOLMode() == 1: Curr_eol = 'Macintosh (CR)' if editor.getEOLMode() == 2: Curr_eol = 'Unix (LF)' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curr_wrap = 'NO' if editor.getWrapMode() == 1: Curr_wrap = 'YES' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': editor.research(r'[^\r\n]', number) if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': editor.research(r'(?![\r\n])[\x{0000}-\x{007F}]', number) Total_1_byte = num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': editor.research(r'[\x{0080}-\x{07FF}]', number) if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 BE BOM' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 LE BOM': editor.research(r'(?![\r\n\x{D800}-\x{DFFF}])[\x{0000}-\x{FFFF}]', number) # ALL BMP vchars ( With PYTHON, the [^\r\n\x{D800}-\x{DFFF}] syntax does NOT work properly !) Total_2_bytes = num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': editor.research(r'(?![\x{D800}-\x{DFFF}])[\x{0800}-\x{FFFF}]', number) Total_3_bytes = num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total_BMP = Total_1_byte + Total_2_bytes + Total_3_bytes # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'[^\r\n]', number) Total_standard = num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total_4_bytes = 0 # By default if Curr_encoding != 'ANSI': Total_4_bytes = Total_standard - Total_BMP # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'\r|\n', number) Total_EOL = num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total_chars = Total_EOL + Total_standard # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': Bytes_length = Total_EOL + Total_1_byte if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': Bytes_length = Total_EOL + Total_1_byte + 2 * Total_2_bytes + 3 * Total_3_bytes + 4 * Total_4_bytes if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 BE BOM' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 LE BOM': Bytes_length = 2 * Total_EOL + 2 * Total_BMP + 4 * Total_4_bytes # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOM = 0 # Default ANSI and UTF-8 if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': BOM = 3 if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 BE BOM' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 LE BOM': BOM = 2 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buffer_length = Bytes_length + BOM # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'[^\r\n\t\x20]', number) Non_blank_chars = num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'\w+', number) Words_count = num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Err_Regex = False num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI' or Total_4_bytes == 0: editor.research(r'\S+', number) else: try: editor.research(r'(?:(?!\s).[\x{D800}-\x{DFFF}]?)+', number) except RuntimeError: Err_Regex = True Non_space_count = num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': editor.research(r'(?<!\f)^(?:\r\n|\r|\n)', number) else: editor.research(r'(?<![\f\x{0085}\x{2028}\x{2029}])^(?:\r\n|\r|\n)', number) Empty_lines = num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': editor.research(r'(?<!\f)^[\t\x20]+(?:\r\n|\r|\n|\z)', number) else: editor.research(r'(?<![\f\x{0085}\x{2028}\x{2029}])^[\t\x20]+(?:\r\n|\r|\n|\z)', number) Blank_lines = num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emp_blk_lines = Empty_lines + Blank_lines # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': editor.research(r'(?-s)\r\n|\r|\n|(?:.|\f)\z', number) else: editor.research(r'(?-s)\r\n|\r|\n|(?:.|[\f\x{0085}\x{2028}\x{2029}])\z', number) Total_lines = num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Non_blk_lines = Total_lines - Emp_blk_lines # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Num_sel = editor.getSelections() # Get ALL selections ( EMPTY or NOT ) # print ('Res = ', Num_sel) if Num_sel != 0: Bytes_count = 0 Chars_count = 0 for n in range(Num_sel): Bytes_count += editor.getSelectionNEnd(n) - editor.getSelectionNStart(n) Chars_count += editor.countCharacters(editor.getSelectionNStart(n), editor.getSelectionNEnd(n)) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Chars_count < 2: Txt_chars = ' selected char (' else: Txt_chars = ' selected chars (' if Bytes_count < 2: Txt_bytes = ' selected byte) in ' else: Txt_bytes = ' selected bytes) in ' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Num_sel < 2 and Bytes_count == 0: Txt_ranges = ' EMPTY range\n' if Num_sel < 2 and Bytes_count > 0: Txt_ranges = ' range\n' if Num_sel > 1 and Bytes_count == 0: Txt_ranges = ' EMPTY ranges\n' if Num_sel > 1 and Bytes_count > 0: Txt_ranges = ' ranges (EMPTY or NOT)\n' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- line_list = [] # empty list Line_end = '\r\n' line_list.append ('-' * Line_title) line_list.append (' ' * int((Line_title - 37) / 2) + 'SUMMARY on ' + str(datetime.datetime.now())) line_list.append ('-' * Line_title + Line_end) line_list.append (' FULL File Path : ' + File_name + Line_end) if os.path.isfile(File_name) == True: line_list.append(' CREATION Date : ' + Creation_date) line_list.append(' MODIFICATION Date : ' + Modif_date + Line_end) line_list.append(' READ-ONLY flag : ' + RO_flag ) line_list.append (' READ-ONLY editor : ' + RO_editor + Line_end * 2) line_list.append (' Current VIEW : ' + Curr_view + Line_end) line_list.append (' Current ENCODING : ' + Curr_encoding + Line_end) line_list.append (' Current LANGUAGE : ' + str(Curr_lang) + ' (' + Lang_desc + ')' + Line_end) line_list.append (' Current Line END : ' + Curr_eol + Line_end) line_list.append (' Current WRAPPING : ' + Curr_wrap + Line_end * 2) line_list.append (' 1-BYTE Chars : ' + str(Total_1_byte)) line_list.append (' 2-BYTES Chars : ' + str(Total_2_bytes)) line_list.append (' 3-BYTES Chars : ' + str(Total_3_bytes) + Line_end) line_list.append (' Sum BMP Chars : ' + str(Total_BMP)) line_list.append (' 4-BYTES Chars : ' + str(Total_4_bytes) + Line_end) line_list.append (' CHARS w/o CR & LF : ' + str(Total_standard)) line_list.append (' EOL ( CR or LF ) : ' + str(Total_EOL) + Line_end) line_list.append (' TOTAL characters : ' + str(Total_chars) + Line_end * 2) if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': line_list.append (' BYTES Length : ' + str(Bytes_length) + ' (' + str(Total_EOL) + ' x 1 + ' + str(Total_1_byte) + ' x 1b)') if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': line_list.append (' BYTES Length : ' + str(Bytes_length) + ' (' + str(Total_EOL) + ' x 1 + ' + str(Total_1_byte) + ' x 1b + '\ + str(Total_2_bytes) + ' x 2b + ' + str(Total_3_bytes) + ' x 3b + ' + str(Total_4_bytes) + ' x 4b)') if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 BE BOM' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 LE BOM': line_list.append (' BYTES Length : ' + str(Bytes_length) + ' (' + str(Total_EOL) + ' x 2 + ' + str(Total_BMP) + ' x 2b + ' + str(Total_4_bytes) + ' x 4b)') line_list.append (' Byte Order Mark : ' + str(BOM) + Line_end) line_list.append (' BUFFER Length : ' + str(Buffer_length)) if os.path.isfile(File_name) == True: line_list.append (' Length on DISK : ' + str(Size_length) + Line_end * 2) else: line_list.append ('\n') line_list.append (' NON-Blank Chars : ' + str(Non_blank_chars) + Line_end) line_list.append (' WORDS Count : ' + str(Words_count) + ' (Caution !)' + Line_end) if Err_Regex == False: line_list.append (' NON-SPACE Count : ' + str(Non_space_count) + Line_end * 2) else: line_list.append (' NON-SPACE Count : ' + str(Non_space_count) + ' (ERROR : Ran out of stack space trying to match the regular expressions !)' + Line_end * 2) line_list.append (' True EMPTY lines : ' + str(Empty_lines)) line_list.append (' True BLANK lines : ' + str(Blank_lines) + Line_end) line_list.append (' EMPTY/BLANK lines : ' + str(Emp_blk_lines) + Line_end) line_list.append (' NON-BLANK lines : ' + str(Non_blk_lines)) line_list.append (' TOTAL Lines : ' + str(Total_lines) + Line_end * 2) line_list.append (' SELECTION(S) : ' + str(Chars_count) + Txt_chars + str(Bytes_count) + Txt_bytes + str(Num_sel) + Txt_ranges) notepad.new() editor.setText('\r\n'.join(line_list)) if St_bar != 'ANSI' and St_bar != 'UTF-8' and St_bar != 'UTF-8-BOM' and St_bar != 'UTF-16 BE BOM' and St_bar != 'UTF-16 LE BOM': if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8': # SAME value for both an 'UTF-8' or 'ANSI' file, when RE-INTERPRETED with the 'Encoding > Character Set > ...' feature notepad.prompt ('CURRENT file re-interpreted as ' + St_bar + ' => Possible ERRONEOUS results' + \ '\nSo, CLOSE the file WITHOUT saving, RESTORE it (CTRL + SHIFT + T) and RESTART script', '!!! WARNING !!!', '') # ----Aé☀𝜜-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Best Regards,
Hi, All,
You’ll find, below, the
version of my script. I changed a lot of things :-
I add a counter to get the execution time of the script, which is written right after the current date, at the beginning of the summary
I modified some regexes in order to improve their performance as well as the order to search them for
I used the Pythonscript methods
,editor.countCharacters(0, editor.getLength())
to get, respectively, the bytes length ( without a possibleBOM
) value, the Total_chars value and the Total_lines value. Note that, in case of anUTF-8
encoded file, we get two relations :- (A)
Buffer length - Total_EOL - Total_1_byte - 2 × Total_2_bytes - 3 × Total_3_bytes = 4 × Total_4_bytes
- (B)
Total_Chars - Total_EOL - Total_1_byte - Total_2_bytes - Total_3_bytes = Total_4_bytes
- (A)
So, we can deduce, from the relation
, the equations :Total_4_bytes = ( Total_length - Total_chars - Total_2_bytes - 2 × Total_3_bytes ) / 3
and then :
Total_1_byte = Total_chars - Total_EOL - Total_2_bytes - Total_3_bytes - Total_4_bytes
Thus, after counting the number of
, the two resultsTotal_4_bytes
are easily deduced. This new way decreases, from a factor2
, the execution time of the script, because, most of the time, the file contains only1-byte
chars :-))However, the
value wrongly remains the same, in case of anUTF-16 BE BOM
encoded file. Thus, I needed to calcul theTotal_4_bytes
values, from the number ofTotal_2_bytes
, with the relations :Total_4_bytes = Total_chars - Total_EOL - Total_2_bytes
Bytes_length = 2 * Total_EOL + 2 * Total_2_bytes + 4 × Total_4_bytes
Now, because some huge files may lead to a long time before getting the
results ( even with the native N++ version, BTW ! ), you can follow the progression of the different searches on thePython
console, which is automatically enabled at beginning of the script and disabled right before outputting the results -
At the end of the script, I just replace the
method by thenotepad.messageBox
method in order to display the warning ( more logical ! )
Never switch to an other tab when running this script. Else, you’ll probably get unpredictable or negative results !
Thus, by viewing the console messages, if you think that the results seem too long to happen for a specific file and that you prefer to abort its
report, simply stop the currentPython
script with the classicalPlugins > Python Script > Stop script
menu option
Now, I was a bit upset by some inconsistant results regarding the number of
strings, when current file, with anUnicode
encoding, contains some bytes over theBMP
So, I searched among all my posts, since 2013, as well as some others used as documentation, for only those containing some
characters and here is the list of these files with the reported results :•=============================•===========•=================•==================•============•================• | | | Expected | Summary Report | | | | Filename | 4_BYTES | NON-SPACE count | Difference | Encoding | | | | (?:(?!\s).[\x{D800}-\x{DFFF}]?)+ | | | •=============================•===========•=================•==================•============•================• | Symbola_Monospacified.txt | 11,951 | 199,891 | 199,882 | - 9 | UTF-8-BOM | | Total_Chars.txt | 262,136 | 9 | 18 | + 9 | UTF-8-BOM | •=============================•===========•=================•==================•============•================• | Caractères.txt | 2,901 | 7,361 | 7,358 | - 3 | UTF-8-BOM | | Test_2.txt | 1,276 | 8 | 9 | + 1 | UTF-8 | | Test_1.txt | 881 | 8 | 9 | + 1 | UTF-8 | | Plane_0.txt | 0 | 9 | 10 | + 1 | UCS-2 BE BOM | | Clemens.txt | 3,968 | 2,816 | 2,818 | + 2 | UTF-8-BOM | | Planes_0+1.txt | 65,534 | 9 | 12 | + 3 | UTF-8-BOM | •=============================•===========•=================•==================•============•================• | Chars_Over_BMP.txt | 28 | 455 | 455 | 0 | UTF-8-BOM | | Entites_by_Name.txt | 133 | 15,968 | 15,968 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Entites_by_Number.txt | 133 | 15,968 | 15,968 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Invisible_chars.txt | 31 | 3,459 | 3,459 | 0 | UTF-8-BOM | | Osmanya_Tout.txt | 119 | 605 | 605 | 0 | UTF-8-BOM | | Smileys.txt | 1,031 | 10,157 | 10,157 | 0 | UTF-8-BOM | | Alan_K.txt | 114 | 46,082 | 46,082 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Alexolog.txt | 13 | 2,199 | 2,199 | 0 | UTF-8 | | André_Z.txt | 8 | 5,860 | 5,860 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Bidule.txt | 1 | 327 | 327 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Carypt.txt | 1 | 3,551 | 3,551 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Dean_Corso.txt | 761 | 9,632 | 9,632 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Don_Ho.txt | 2 | 41,426 | 41,426 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Durkin.txt | 144 | 4,638 | 4,638 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Dylan.txt | 34 | 2,180 | 2,180 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Furek.txt | 20 | 499 | 499 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Gary_2.txt | 2 | 458 | 458 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Haleba.txt | 5 | 817 | 817 | 0 | UTF-8 | | ImSpecial.txt | 1 | 161 | 161 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Joss.txt | 6 | 105 | 105 | 0 | UTF-8 | | JR.txt | 39 | 1,735 | 1,735 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Mark_Olson.txt | 1 | 3,652 | 3,652 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Minus_Majus.txt | 62 | 9,931 | 9,931 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Niting-jain.txt | 4 | 537 | 537 | 0 | UTF-8 | | PeterCJ.txt | 31 | 37,323 | 37,323 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Petr_jaja.txt | 14 | 3,168 | 3,168 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Pintas.txt | 4 | 614 | 614 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Register.txt | 20 | 242 | 242 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Scott_3.txt | 4 | 42,552 | 42,552 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Skevich.txt | 6 | 715 | 715 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Statistiques.txt | 7 | 9,012 | 9,012 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Summary.txt | 7 | 4,322 | 4,322 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Summary_NEW.txt | 10 | 8,903 | 8,903 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Uzivatel.txt | 2 | 873 | 873 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Xavier_mdq.txt | 13 | 3,652 | 3,652 | 0 | UTF-8 | | Text.txt | 2,400 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 0 | UTF-8 | •============================•============•=================•==================•============•================•
From that list, I deduced that the number of NON-space chars is erroneous in very rare cases, especially when current file contains consecutively :
All the characters of a font
All the characters of an
range -
All the characters of all
Luckily, in all the other cases, with a random position of these
chars, theSummary
report always gives the right results, regarding theNON-SPACE
count !
Here is the
version of my script, split on two posts :# encoding=utf-8 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # STATISTICS about the CURRENT file ( v1.0 ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import print_function # for Python2 compatibility from Npp import * import re import os, time, datetime import ctypes from ctypes.wintypes import BOOL, HWND, WPARAM, LPARAM, UINT # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # From @alan-kilborn, in post https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/21733/pythonscript-different-behavior-in-script-vs-in-immediate-mode/4 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def npp_get_statusbar(statusbar_item_number): WNDENUMPROC = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(BOOL, HWND, LPARAM) FindWindowW = ctypes.windll.user32.FindWindowW FindWindowExW = ctypes.windll.user32.FindWindowExW SendMessageW = ctypes.windll.user32.SendMessageW LRESULT = LPARAM SendMessageW.restype = LRESULT SendMessageW.argtypes = [ HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM ] EnumChildWindows = ctypes.windll.user32.EnumChildWindows GetClassNameW = ctypes.windll.user32.GetClassNameW create_unicode_buffer = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer SBT_OWNERDRAW = 0x1000 WM_USER = 0x400; SB_GETTEXTLENGTHW = WM_USER + 12; SB_GETTEXTW = WM_USER + 13 npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE = None def get_result_from_statusbar(statusbar_item_number): assert statusbar_item_number <= 5 retcode = SendMessageW(npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE, SB_GETTEXTLENGTHW, statusbar_item_number, 0) length = retcode & 0xFFFF type = (retcode >> 16) & 0xFFFF assert (type != SBT_OWNERDRAW) text_buffer = create_unicode_buffer(length) retcode = SendMessageW(npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE, SB_GETTEXTW, statusbar_item_number, ctypes.addressof(text_buffer)) retval = '{}'.format(text_buffer[:length]) return retval def EnumCallback(hwnd, lparam): curr_class = create_unicode_buffer(256) GetClassNameW(hwnd, curr_class, 256) if curr_class.value.lower() == "msctls_statusbar32": npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE = hwnd return False # stop the enumeration return True # continue the enumeration npp_hwnd = FindWindowW(u"Notepad++", None) EnumChildWindows(npp_hwnd, WNDENUMPROC(EnumCallback), 0) if npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE: return get_result_from_statusbar(statusbar_item_number) assert False St_bar = npp_get_statusbar(4) # Zone 4 ( STATUSBARSECTION.UNICODETYPE )
Continuation on next post
Hi all,
Continuation of version
of the script :# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def number(occ): global num num += 1 console.show() console.clear() Start_time = time.time() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curr_encoding = str(notepad.getEncoding()) if Curr_encoding == 'ENC8BIT': Curr_encoding = 'ANSI' if Curr_encoding == 'COOKIE': Curr_encoding = 'UTF-8' if Curr_encoding == 'UTF8': Curr_encoding = 'UTF-8-BOM' if Curr_encoding == 'UCS2BE': Curr_encoding = 'UTF-16 BE BOM' if Curr_encoding == 'UCS2LE': Curr_encoding = 'UTF-16 LE BOM' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': Line_title = 95 else: Line_title = 75 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File_name = notepad.getCurrentFilename() if os.path.isfile(File_name) == True: Creation_date = time.ctime(os.path.getctime(File_name)) Modif_date = time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(File_name)) Size_length = os.path.getsize(File_name) RO_flag = 'YES' if os.access(File_name, os.W_OK): RO_flag = 'NO' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RO_editor = 'NO' if editor.getReadOnly() == True: RO_editor = 'YES' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if notepad.getCurrentView() == 0: Curr_view = 'MAIN View' else: Curr_view = 'SECONDARY view' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curr_lang = notepad.getCurrentLang() Lang_desc = notepad.getLanguageDesc(Curr_lang) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if editor.getEOLMode() == 0: Curr_eol = 'Windows (CR LF)' if editor.getEOLMode() == 1: Curr_eol = 'Macintosh (CR)' if editor.getEOLMode() == 2: Curr_eol = 'Unix (LF)' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curr_wrap = 'NO' if editor.getWrapMode() == 1: Curr_wrap = 'YES' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print ('START') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes_length = editor.getLength() Total_chars = editor.countCharacters(0, editor.getLength()) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'\r|\n', number) Total_EOL = num print ('EOL') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total_standard = Total_chars - Total_EOL # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': Total_BMP = Total_standard Total_1_byte = Total_BMP Total_2_bytes = 0 Total_3_bytes = 0 Total_4_bytes = 0 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': num = 0 editor.research(r'[\x{0080}-\x{07FF}]', number) Total_2_bytes = num print ('2-BYTES') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'[\x{0800}-\x{D7FF}\x{E000}-\x{FFFF}]', number) Total_3_bytes = num print ('3-BYTES') # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total_4_bytes = ( Bytes_length - Total_chars - Total_2_bytes - 2 * Total_3_bytes ) / 3 Total_1_byte = Total_standard - Total_2_bytes - Total_3_bytes - Total_4_bytes Total_BMP = Total_1_byte + Total_2_bytes + Total_3_bytes # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 BE BOM' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 LE BOM': num = 0 editor.research(r'(?![\r\n\x{D800}-\x{DFFF}])[\x{0000}-\x{FFFF}]', number) # ALL BMP chars different from '\r' and '\n' Total_2_bytes = num Total_4_bytes = Total_standard - Total_2_bytes Total_BMP = Total_2_bytes Total_1_byte = 0 Total_3_bytes = 0 Bytes_length = 2 * Total_EOL + 2 * Total_BMP + 4 * Total_4_bytes print ('2-BYTES') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOM = 0 # Default ANSI and UTF-8 if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': BOM = 3 if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 BE BOM' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 LE BOM': BOM = 2 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buffer_length = Bytes_length + BOM # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'\t|\x20', number) Non_blank_chars = Total_standard - num print ('NON-BLANK') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'\w+', number) Words_count = num print ('WORDS') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Err_regex = False num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI' or Total_4_bytes == 0: editor.research(r'\S+', number) else: try: editor.research(r'(?:(?!\s).[\x{D800}-\x{DFFF}]?)+', number) except RuntimeError: Err_regex = True Non_space_count = num print ('NON-SPACE') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': editor.research(r'\f^(?:\r\n|\r|\n)', number) else: editor.research(r'[\f\x{0085}\x{2028}\x{2029}]^(?:\r\n|\r|\n)', number) Special_empty = num num = 0 editor.research(r'^(?:\r\n|\r|\n)', number) Default_empty = num Empty_lines = Default_empty - Special_empty print ('EMPTY lines') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': editor.research(r'\f^[\t\x20]+(?:\r\n|\r|\n|\z)', number) else: editor.research(r'[\f\x{0085}\x{2028}\x{2029}]^[\t\x20]+(?:\r\n|\r|\n|\z)', number) Special_blank = num num = 0 editor.research(r'^[\t\x20]+(?:\r\n|\r|\n|\z)', number) Default_blank = num Blank_lines = Default_blank - Special_blank print ('BLANK lines') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emp_blk_lines = Empty_lines + Blank_lines # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total_lines = editor.getLineCount() num = 0 editor.research(r'(?-s)^.+\z', number) if num == 0: Total_lines = Total_lines - 1 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Non_blk_lines = Total_lines - Emp_blk_lines # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Num_sel = editor.getSelections() # Get ALL selections ( EMPTY or NOT ) if Num_sel != 0: Bytes_count = 0 Chars_count = 0 for n in range(Num_sel): Bytes_count += editor.getSelectionNEnd(n) - editor.getSelectionNStart(n) Chars_count += editor.countCharacters(editor.getSelectionNStart(n), editor.getSelectionNEnd(n)) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Chars_count < 2: Txt_chars = ' selected char (' else: Txt_chars = ' selected chars (' if Bytes_count < 2: Txt_bytes = ' selected byte) in ' else: Txt_bytes = ' selected bytes) in ' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Num_sel < 2 and Bytes_count == 0: Txt_ranges = ' EMPTY range\n' if Num_sel < 2 and Bytes_count > 0: Txt_ranges = ' range\n' if Num_sel > 1 and Bytes_count == 0: Txt_ranges = ' EMPTY ranges\n' if Num_sel > 1 and Bytes_count > 0: Txt_ranges = ' ranges (EMPTY or NOT)\n' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- console.hide() line_list = [] # empty list Line_end = '\r\n' line_list.append ('-' * Line_title) line_list.append (' ' * int((Line_title - 54) / 2) + 'SUMMARY on ' + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' ( ' + str(time.time() - Start_time) + ' )') line_list.append ('-' * Line_title + Line_end) line_list.append (' FULL File Path : ' + File_name + Line_end) if os.path.isfile(File_name) == True: line_list.append (' CREATION Date : ' + Creation_date) line_list.append (' MODIFICATION Date : ' + Modif_date + Line_end) line_list.append (' READ-ONLY flag : ' + RO_flag) line_list.append (' READ-ONLY editor : ' + RO_editor + Line_end * 2) line_list.append (' Current VIEW : ' + Curr_view + Line_end) line_list.append (' Current ENCODING : ' + Curr_encoding + Line_end) line_list.append (' Current LANGUAGE : ' + str(Curr_lang) + ' (' + Lang_desc + ')' + Line_end) line_list.append (' Current Line END : ' + Curr_eol + Line_end) line_list.append (' Current WRAPPING : ' + Curr_wrap + Line_end * 2) line_list.append (' 1-BYTE Chars : ' + str(Total_1_byte)) line_list.append (' 2-BYTES Chars : ' + str(Total_2_bytes)) line_list.append (' 3-BYTES Chars : ' + str(Total_3_bytes) + Line_end) line_list.append (' Sum BMP Chars : ' + str(Total_BMP)) line_list.append (' 4-BYTES Chars : ' + str(Total_4_bytes) + Line_end) line_list.append (' CHARS w/o CR & LF : ' + str(Total_standard)) line_list.append (' EOL ( CR or LF ) : ' + str(Total_EOL) + Line_end) line_list.append (' TOTAL characters : ' + str(Total_chars) + Line_end * 2) if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': line_list.append (' BYTES Length : ' + str(Bytes_length) + ' (' + str(Total_EOL) + ' x 1 + ' + str(Total_1_byte) + ' x 1b)') if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': line_list.append (' BYTES Length : ' + str(Bytes_length) + ' (' + str(Total_EOL) + ' x 1 + ' + str(Total_1_byte) + ' x 1b + '\ + str(Total_2_bytes) + ' x 2b + ' + str(Total_3_bytes) + ' x 3b + ' + str(Total_4_bytes) + ' x 4b)') if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 BE BOM' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 LE BOM': line_list.append (' BYTES Length : ' + str(Bytes_length) + ' (' + str(Total_EOL) + ' x 2 + ' + str(Total_BMP) + ' x 2b + ' + str(Total_4_bytes) + ' x 4b)') line_list.append (' Byte Order Mark : ' + str(BOM) + Line_end) line_list.append (' BUFFER Length : ' + str(Buffer_length)) if os.path.isfile(File_name) == True: line_list.append (' Length on DISK : ' + str(Size_length) + Line_end * 2) else: if Line_end == '\r\n': line_list.append (Line_end) line_list.append (' NON-Blank Count : ' + str(Non_blank_chars) + Line_end) line_list.append (' WORDS Count : ' + str(Words_count) + ' (Caution !)' + Line_end) if Err_regex == False: line_list.append (' NON-SPACE Count : ' + str(Non_space_count) + Line_end * 2) else: line_list.append (' NON-SPACE Count : ' + str(Non_space_count) + ' (Caution as " RuntimeError " occured !)' + Line_end * 2) line_list.append (' True EMPTY lines : ' + str(Empty_lines)) line_list.append (' True BLANK lines : ' + str(Blank_lines) + Line_end) line_list.append (' EMPTY/BLANK lines : ' + str(Emp_blk_lines) + Line_end) line_list.append (' NON-BLANK lines : ' + str(Non_blk_lines)) line_list.append (' TOTAL Lines : ' + str(Total_lines) + Line_end * 2) line_list.append (' SELECTION(S) : ' + str(Chars_count) + Txt_chars + str(Bytes_count) + Txt_bytes + str(Num_sel) + Txt_ranges) notepad.new() editor.setText('\r\n'.join(line_list)) if St_bar != 'ANSI' and St_bar != 'UTF-8' and St_bar != 'UTF-8-BOM' and St_bar != 'UTF-16 BE BOM' and St_bar != 'UTF-16 LE BOM': if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8': # SAME value for both an 'UTF-8' or 'ANSI' file, when RE-INTERPRETED with the 'Encoding > Character Set > ...' feature notepad.messageBox ('CURRENT file re-interpreted as ' + St_bar + ' => Possible ERRONEOUS results' + \ '\nSo, CLOSE the file WITHOUT saving, RESTORE it (CTRL + SHIFT + T) and RESTART script', '!!! WARNING !!!') # ----Aé☀𝜜-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Remenber that you can use a shorter
report by changing the line :Line_end = '\r\n'
by this one :
Line_end = ''
Best Regards,
Hello, @alan-kilborn and All,
Following your advice, I included the number of selected words
in the last line of thesummary
report, regarding the different selectionsIf needed, the OP may choose this second syntax, which includes the hyphen, the apostrophe and the Right Single Quotation Mark, when surrounded by word chars, as true words chars !
And thus, replace the line
editor.research(r'\w+', number, 0, editor.getSelectionNStart(n), editor.getSelectionNEnd(n))
by this one :
editor.research(r'(?:(?<=\w)[-'’](?=\w)|\w)+', number, 0, editor.getSelectionNStart(n), editor.getSelectionNEnd(n))
So, here is the
version of my script, split on two posts :# encoding=utf-8 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # STATISTICS about the CURRENT file ( v1.1 ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import print_function # for Python2 compatibility from Npp import * import re import os, time, datetime import ctypes from ctypes.wintypes import BOOL, HWND, WPARAM, LPARAM, UINT # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # From @alan-kilborn, in post https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/21733/pythonscript-different-behavior-in-script-vs-in-immediate-mode/4 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def npp_get_statusbar(statusbar_item_number): WNDENUMPROC = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(BOOL, HWND, LPARAM) FindWindowW = ctypes.windll.user32.FindWindowW FindWindowExW = ctypes.windll.user32.FindWindowExW SendMessageW = ctypes.windll.user32.SendMessageW LRESULT = LPARAM SendMessageW.restype = LRESULT SendMessageW.argtypes = [ HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM ] EnumChildWindows = ctypes.windll.user32.EnumChildWindows GetClassNameW = ctypes.windll.user32.GetClassNameW create_unicode_buffer = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer SBT_OWNERDRAW = 0x1000 WM_USER = 0x400; SB_GETTEXTLENGTHW = WM_USER + 12; SB_GETTEXTW = WM_USER + 13 npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE = None def get_result_from_statusbar(statusbar_item_number): assert statusbar_item_number <= 5 retcode = SendMessageW(npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE, SB_GETTEXTLENGTHW, statusbar_item_number, 0) length = retcode & 0xFFFF type = (retcode >> 16) & 0xFFFF assert (type != SBT_OWNERDRAW) text_buffer = create_unicode_buffer(length) retcode = SendMessageW(npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE, SB_GETTEXTW, statusbar_item_number, ctypes.addressof(text_buffer)) retval = '{}'.format(text_buffer[:length]) return retval def EnumCallback(hwnd, lparam): curr_class = create_unicode_buffer(256) GetClassNameW(hwnd, curr_class, 256) if curr_class.value.lower() == "msctls_statusbar32": npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE = hwnd return False # stop the enumeration return True # continue the enumeration npp_hwnd = FindWindowW(u"Notepad++", None) EnumChildWindows(npp_hwnd, WNDENUMPROC(EnumCallback), 0) if npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE: return get_result_from_statusbar(statusbar_item_number) assert False St_bar = npp_get_statusbar(4) # Zone 4 ( STATUSBARSECTION.UNICODETYPE )
Continuation on next post
Hi Alan and all,
Continuation of version
of the script :# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def number(occ): global num num += 1 console.show() console.clear() Start_time = time.time() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curr_encoding = str(notepad.getEncoding()) if Curr_encoding == 'ENC8BIT': Curr_encoding = 'ANSI' if Curr_encoding == 'COOKIE': Curr_encoding = 'UTF-8' if Curr_encoding == 'UTF8': Curr_encoding = 'UTF-8-BOM' if Curr_encoding == 'UCS2BE': Curr_encoding = 'UTF-16 BE BOM' if Curr_encoding == 'UCS2LE': Curr_encoding = 'UTF-16 LE BOM' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': Line_title = 95 else: Line_title = 75 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File_name = notepad.getCurrentFilename().decode('utf-8') if os.path.isfile(File_name) == True: Creation_date = time.ctime(os.path.getctime(File_name)) Modif_date = time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(File_name)) Size_length = os.path.getsize(File_name) RO_flag = 'YES' if os.access(File_name, os.W_OK): RO_flag = 'NO' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RO_editor = 'NO' if editor.getReadOnly() == True: RO_editor = 'YES' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if notepad.getCurrentView() == 0: Curr_view = 'MAIN View' else: Curr_view = 'SECONDARY view' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curr_lang = notepad.getCurrentLang() Lang_desc = notepad.getLanguageDesc(Curr_lang) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if editor.getEOLMode() == 0: Curr_eol = 'Windows (CR LF)' if editor.getEOLMode() == 1: Curr_eol = 'Macintosh (CR)' if editor.getEOLMode() == 2: Curr_eol = 'Unix (LF)' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curr_wrap = 'NO' if editor.getWrapMode() == 1: Curr_wrap = 'YES' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print ('START') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes_length = editor.getLength() Total_chars = editor.countCharacters(0, editor.getLength()) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'\r|\n', number) Total_EOL = num print ('EOL') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total_standard = Total_chars - Total_EOL # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': Total_BMP = Total_standard Total_1_byte = Total_BMP Total_2_bytes = 0 Total_3_bytes = 0 Total_4_bytes = 0 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': num = 0 editor.research(r'[\x{0080}-\x{07FF}]', number) Total_2_bytes = num print ('2-BYTES') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'[\x{0800}-\x{D7FF}\x{E000}-\x{FFFF}]', number) Total_3_bytes = num print ('3-BYTES') # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total_4_bytes = ( Bytes_length - Total_chars - Total_2_bytes - 2 * Total_3_bytes ) / 3 Total_1_byte = Total_standard - Total_2_bytes - Total_3_bytes - Total_4_bytes Total_BMP = Total_1_byte + Total_2_bytes + Total_3_bytes # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 BE BOM' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 LE BOM': num = 0 editor.research(r'(?![\r\n\x{D800}-\x{DFFF}])[\x{0000}-\x{FFFF}]', number) # ALL BMP chars different from '\r' and '\n' Total_2_bytes = num Total_4_bytes = Total_standard - Total_2_bytes Total_BMP = Total_2_bytes Total_1_byte = 0 Total_3_bytes = 0 Bytes_length = 2 * Total_EOL + 2 * Total_BMP + 4 * Total_4_bytes print ('2-BYTES') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOM = 0 # Default ANSI and UTF-8 if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': BOM = 3 if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 BE BOM' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 LE BOM': BOM = 2 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buffer_length = Bytes_length + BOM # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'\t|\x20', number) Non_blank_chars = Total_standard - num print ('NON-BLANK') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'\w+', number) Words_total = num print ('WORDS') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Err_regex = False num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI' or Total_4_bytes == 0: editor.research(r'\S+', number) else: try: editor.research(r'(?:(?!\s).[\x{D800}-\x{DFFF}]?)+', number) except RuntimeError: Err_regex = True Non_space_count = num print ('NON-SPACE') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': editor.research(r'\f^(?:\r\n|\r|\n)', number) else: editor.research(r'[\f\x{0085}\x{2028}\x{2029}]^(?:\r\n|\r|\n)', number) Special_empty = num num = 0 editor.research(r'^(?:\r\n|\r|\n)', number) Default_empty = num Empty_lines = Default_empty - Special_empty print ('EMPTY lines') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': editor.research(r'\f^[\t\x20]+(?:\r\n|\r|\n|\z)', number) else: editor.research(r'[\f\x{0085}\x{2028}\x{2029}]^[\t\x20]+(?:\r\n|\r|\n|\z)', number) Special_blank = num num = 0 editor.research(r'^[\t\x20]+(?:\r\n|\r|\n|\z)', number) Default_blank = num Blank_lines = Default_blank - Special_blank print ('BLANK lines') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emp_blk_lines = Empty_lines + Blank_lines # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total_lines = editor.getLineCount() num = 0 editor.research(r'(?-s)^.+\z', number) if num == 0: Total_lines = Total_lines - 1 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Non_blk_lines = Total_lines - Emp_blk_lines # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Num_sel = editor.getSelections() # Get ALL selections ( EMPTY or NOT ) if Num_sel != 0: Bytes_count = 0 Chars_count = 0 Words_count = 0 for n in range(Num_sel): Bytes_count += editor.getSelectionNEnd(n) - editor.getSelectionNStart(n) Chars_count += editor.countCharacters(editor.getSelectionNStart(n), editor.getSelectionNEnd(n)) num = 0 editor.research(r'\w+', number, 0, editor.getSelectionNStart(n), editor.getSelectionNEnd(n)) Words_count += num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Bytes_count < 2: Txt_bytes = ' selected byte) in ' else: Txt_bytes = ' selected bytes) in ' if Chars_count < 2: Txt_chars = ' selected char, ' else: Txt_chars = ' selected chars, ' if Words_count < 2: Txt_words = ' selected word (' else: Txt_words = ' selected words (' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Num_sel < 2 and Bytes_count == 0: Txt_ranges = ' EMPTY range' if Num_sel < 2 and Bytes_count > 0: Txt_ranges = ' range' if Num_sel > 1 and Bytes_count == 0: Txt_ranges = ' EMPTY ranges' if Num_sel > 1 and Bytes_count > 0: Txt_ranges = ' ranges (EMPTY or NOT)' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- console.hide() line_list = [] # empty list Line_end = '\r\n' line_list.append ('-' * Line_title) line_list.append (' ' * int((Line_title - 54) / 2) + 'SUMMARY on ' + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' ( ' + str(time.time() - Start_time) + ' )') line_list.append ('-' * Line_title + Line_end) line_list.append (' FULL File Path : ' + File_name + Line_end) if os.path.isfile(File_name) == True: line_list.append (' CREATION Date : ' + Creation_date) line_list.append (' MODIFICATION Date : ' + Modif_date + Line_end) line_list.append (' READ-ONLY flag : ' + RO_flag) line_list.append (' READ-ONLY editor : ' + RO_editor + Line_end * 2) line_list.append (' Current VIEW : ' + Curr_view + Line_end) line_list.append (' Current ENCODING : ' + Curr_encoding + Line_end) line_list.append (' Current LANGUAGE : ' + str(Curr_lang) + ' (' + Lang_desc + ')' + Line_end) line_list.append (' Current Line END : ' + Curr_eol + Line_end) line_list.append (' Current WRAPPING : ' + Curr_wrap + Line_end * 2) line_list.append (' 1-BYTE Chars : ' + str(Total_1_byte)) line_list.append (' 2-BYTES Chars : ' + str(Total_2_bytes)) line_list.append (' 3-BYTES Chars : ' + str(Total_3_bytes) + Line_end) line_list.append (' Sum BMP Chars : ' + str(Total_BMP)) line_list.append (' 4-BYTES Chars : ' + str(Total_4_bytes) + Line_end) line_list.append (' CHARS w/o CR & LF : ' + str(Total_standard)) line_list.append (' EOL ( CR or LF ) : ' + str(Total_EOL) + Line_end) line_list.append (' TOTAL characters : ' + str(Total_chars) + Line_end * 2) if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': line_list.append (' BYTES Length : ' + str(Bytes_length) + ' (' + str(Total_EOL) + ' x 1 + ' + str(Total_1_byte) + ' x 1b)') if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': line_list.append (' BYTES Length : ' + str(Bytes_length) + ' (' + str(Total_EOL) + ' x 1 + ' + str(Total_1_byte) + ' x 1b + '\ + str(Total_2_bytes) + ' x 2b + ' + str(Total_3_bytes) + ' x 3b + ' + str(Total_4_bytes) + ' x 4b)') if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 BE BOM' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 LE BOM': line_list.append (' BYTES Length : ' + str(Bytes_length) + ' (' + str(Total_EOL) + ' x 2 + ' + str(Total_BMP) + ' x 2b + ' + str(Total_4_bytes) + ' x 4b)') line_list.append (' Byte Order Mark : ' + str(BOM) + Line_end) line_list.append (' BUFFER Length : ' + str(Buffer_length)) if os.path.isfile(File_name) == True: line_list.append (' Length on DISK : ' + str(Size_length) + Line_end * 2) else: if Line_end == '\r\n': line_list.append (Line_end) line_list.append (' NON-Blank Chars : ' + str(Non_blank_chars) + Line_end) line_list.append (' WORDS Count : ' + str(Words_total) + ' (Caution !)' + Line_end) if Err_regex == False: line_list.append (' NON-SPACE Count : ' + str(Non_space_count) + Line_end * 2) else: line_list.append (' NON-SPACE Count : ' + str(Non_space_count) + ' (Caution as " RuntimeError " occured !)' + Line_end * 2) line_list.append (' True EMPTY lines : ' + str(Empty_lines)) line_list.append (' True BLANK lines : ' + str(Blank_lines) + Line_end) line_list.append (' EMPTY/BLANK lines : ' + str(Emp_blk_lines) + Line_end) line_list.append (' NON-BLANK lines : ' + str(Non_blk_lines)) line_list.append (' TOTAL Lines : ' + str(Total_lines) + Line_end * 2) line_list.append (' SELECTION(S) : ' + str(Chars_count) + Txt_chars + str(Words_count) + Txt_words + str(Bytes_count) + Txt_bytes + str(Num_sel) + Txt_ranges + Line_end) notepad.new() editor.setText('\r\n'.join(line_list)) if St_bar != 'ANSI' and St_bar != 'UTF-8' and St_bar != 'UTF-8-BOM' and St_bar != 'UTF-16 BE BOM' and St_bar != 'UTF-16 LE BOM': if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8': # SAME value for both an 'UTF-8' or 'ANSI' file, when RE-INTERPRETED with the 'Encoding > Character Set > ...' feature notepad.messageBox ('CURRENT file re-interpreted as ' + St_bar + ' => Possible ERRONEOUS results' + \ '\nSo, CLOSE the file WITHOUT saving, RESTORE it (CTRL + SHIFT + T) and RESTART script', '!!! WARNING !!!') # ----Aé☀𝜜-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Best Regards,
Hello, @alan-kilborn and Python gurus,
I’ve just found out a bug when trying to run my script against à “French” file called
( which meansNumbers
) :-((
In that Python section of my script below, it detects if the current tab is associated with a true file, saved on disk, or if the current tab refers to a
new #
file, not saved yet# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File_name = notepad.getCurrentFilename() if os.path.isfile(File_name) == True: Creation_date = time.ctime(os.path.getctime(File_name)) Modif_date = time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(File_name)) Size_length = os.path.getsize(File_name) RO_flag = 'YES' if os.access(File_name, os.W_OK): RO_flag = 'NO' # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
And unfortunately, if current name contains accentuated characters, like
, it wrongly suppose it’s anew #
file !As soon as it is renamed as
, everything is OK againSo, how to recognize the filename even if current file or current path contain
characters ?TIA
@guy038 said in Emulation of the "View > Summary" feature with a Python script:
how to recognize the filename even if current file or current path contain NON-ASCII characters ?
Short answer: This is better done with Python3, i.e., PythonScript 3.x. Then things “just work”. :-)
But, for Python2, (and PS 2.x) you can make a call to
– depending upon your circumstance (I’m not commenting on your specific code) – in order to get what you need.Basically, if you have a Python2 string (in a variable
) and you want to get a Unicode string (for things like Windows pathnames with non-trivial characters), uses.decode('utf-8')
and to go the other way, where you have a Unicode str (in a variableu
) and you want a Python2 str, dou.encode('utf-8')
. -
Hi, @alan-kilborn,
Many thanks for the tip ! I did some Google searches before, but just saw some obscur explanations. But, right now, trying again with this question :
How to get "os.path.isfile(Filename)" == True: when Filename contains "NON ASCII" chars ?
And reading the first article, named “python - UnicodeEncodeError on joining file name”, on Jan. 05 2010, from the site
Stack Overflow
, it is textually said, in the middle of the article :So I would first try filename = filename.decode('utf-8') -- that should allow the os.path.join to work
Now, I won’t bother to re-edit my script with a new version number ! I just changed, in my
version, above, the line :File_name = notepad.getCurrentFilename()
by this one :
File_name = notepad.getCurrentFilename().decode('utf-8')
G guy038 referenced this topic on
Hello, @alan-kilborn and All,
Below, the
version of the Python script for an enhancedSummary
feature :-
I decomposed the total number of chars in
parts : EOL chars, Space and Tab chars and True chars ([^\t\x20\r\n]
) -
I also decomposed the total number of word chars in
parts : letters chars, digits chars and low_line chars -
I added a count of the paragraphs ( You may adapt the corresponding regex to your needs )
I added a count of the sentences ( You may adapt the corresponding regex to your needs )
I added some remarks at the end of the summary report, regarding the global accurancy of some results !
Now, Alan, I needed to change this part, regarding the selections :
for n in range(Num_sel): Bytes_count += editor.getSelectionNEnd(n) - editor.getSelectionNStart(n) Chars_count += editor.countCharacters(editor.getSelectionNStart(n), editor.getSelectionNEnd(n)) num = 0 editor.research(r'\w+', number, 0, editor.getSelectionNStart(n), editor.getSelectionNEnd(n)) Words_count += num
by this one :
for n in range(Num_sel): Bytes_count += editor.getSelectionNEnd(n) - editor.getSelectionNStart(n) Chars_count += editor.countCharacters(editor.getSelectionNStart(n), editor.getSelectionNEnd(n)) num = 0 if Bytes_count != 0: editor.research(r'\w+', number, 0, editor.getSelectionNStart(n), editor.getSelectionNEnd(n)) Words_count += num
Because, if the unique zero-length selection was on a pure empty line, it did write, as expected, the message :
0 selected char, 0 selected word (0 selected byte) in 1 EMPTY range
But if this unique zero-length selection was on a non-empty line, it would wrongly write, for example :
0 selected char, **`568`** selected words (0 selected byte) in 1 EMPTY range
Given that the total file contains
So, here is the
version of my script, split on two posts :# encoding=utf-8 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # STATISTICS about the CURRENT file ( v1.2 ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import print_function # for Python2 compatibility from Npp import * import re import os, time, datetime import ctypes from ctypes.wintypes import BOOL, HWND, WPARAM, LPARAM, UINT # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # From @alan-kilborn, in post https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/21733/pythonscript-different-behavior-in-script-vs-in-immediate-mode/4 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def npp_get_statusbar(statusbar_item_number): WNDENUMPROC = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(BOOL, HWND, LPARAM) FindWindowW = ctypes.windll.user32.FindWindowW FindWindowExW = ctypes.windll.user32.FindWindowExW SendMessageW = ctypes.windll.user32.SendMessageW LRESULT = LPARAM SendMessageW.restype = LRESULT SendMessageW.argtypes = [ HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM ] EnumChildWindows = ctypes.windll.user32.EnumChildWindows GetClassNameW = ctypes.windll.user32.GetClassNameW create_unicode_buffer = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer SBT_OWNERDRAW = 0x1000 WM_USER = 0x400; SB_GETTEXTLENGTHW = WM_USER + 12; SB_GETTEXTW = WM_USER + 13 npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE = None def get_result_from_statusbar(statusbar_item_number): assert statusbar_item_number <= 5 retcode = SendMessageW(npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE, SB_GETTEXTLENGTHW, statusbar_item_number, 0) length = retcode & 0xFFFF type = (retcode >> 16) & 0xFFFF assert (type != SBT_OWNERDRAW) text_buffer = create_unicode_buffer(length) retcode = SendMessageW(npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE, SB_GETTEXTW, statusbar_item_number, ctypes.addressof(text_buffer)) retval = '{}'.format(text_buffer[:length]) return retval def EnumCallback(hwnd, lparam): curr_class = create_unicode_buffer(256) GetClassNameW(hwnd, curr_class, 256) if curr_class.value.lower() == "msctls_statusbar32": npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE = hwnd return False # stop the enumeration return True # continue the enumeration npp_hwnd = FindWindowW(u"Notepad++", None) EnumChildWindows(npp_hwnd, WNDENUMPROC(EnumCallback), 0) if npp_get_statusbar.STATUSBAR_HANDLE: return get_result_from_statusbar(statusbar_item_number) assert False St_bar = npp_get_statusbar(4) # Zone 4 ( STATUSBARSECTION.UNICODETYPE ) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def number(occ): global num num += 1 console.show() console.clear() Start_time = time.time() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curr_encoding = str(notepad.getEncoding()) if Curr_encoding == 'ENC8BIT': Curr_encoding = 'ANSI' if Curr_encoding == 'COOKIE': Curr_encoding = 'UTF-8' if Curr_encoding == 'UTF8': Curr_encoding = 'UTF-8-BOM' if Curr_encoding == 'UCS2BE': Curr_encoding = 'UTF-16 BE BOM' if Curr_encoding == 'UCS2LE': Curr_encoding = 'UTF-16 LE BOM' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': Line_title = 95 else: Line_title = 75 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File_name = notepad.getCurrentFilename().decode('utf-8') if os.path.isfile(File_name) == True: Creation_date = time.ctime(os.path.getctime(File_name)) Modif_date = time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(File_name)) Size_length = os.path.getsize(File_name) RO_flag = 'YES' if os.access(File_name, os.W_OK): RO_flag = 'NO' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RO_editor = 'NO' if editor.getReadOnly() == True: RO_editor = 'YES' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if notepad.getCurrentView() == 0: Curr_view = 'MAIN View' else: Curr_view = 'SECONDARY view' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curr_lang = notepad.getCurrentLang() Lang_desc = notepad.getLanguageDesc(Curr_lang) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if editor.getEOLMode() == 0: Curr_eol = 'Windows (CR LF)' if editor.getEOLMode() == 1: Curr_eol = 'Macintosh (CR)' if editor.getEOLMode() == 2: Curr_eol = 'Unix (LF)' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curr_wrap = 'NO' if editor.getWrapMode() == 1: Curr_wrap = 'YES'
Continuation on next post
Hi @alan-kilborn and all,
Continuation of version
of the script :# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print ('START') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes_length = editor.getLength() Total_chars = editor.countCharacters(0, editor.getLength()) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'\n|\r', number) Total_EOL = num print ('EOL') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'\t|\x20', number) Blank_chars = num print ('BLANK') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total_standard = Total_chars - Total_EOL True_chars = Total_chars - Total_EOL - Blank_chars # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': Total_BMP = Total_standard Total_1_byte = Total_BMP Total_2_bytes = 0 Total_3_bytes = 0 Total_4_bytes = 0 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': num = 0 editor.research(r'[\x{0080}-\x{07FF}]', number) Total_2_bytes = num print ('2-BYTES') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'[\x{0800}-\x{D7FF}\x{E000}-\x{FFFF}]', number) Total_3_bytes = num print ('3-BYTES') # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total_4_bytes = ( Bytes_length - Total_chars - Total_2_bytes - 2 * Total_3_bytes ) / 3 Total_1_byte = Total_standard - Total_2_bytes - Total_3_bytes - Total_4_bytes Total_BMP = Total_1_byte + Total_2_bytes + Total_3_bytes # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 BE BOM' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 LE BOM': num = 0 editor.research(r'(?![\r\n\x{D800}-\x{DFFF}])[\x{0000}-\x{FFFF}]', number) # ALL BMP chars different from '\r' and '\n' Total_2_bytes = num Total_4_bytes = Total_standard - Total_2_bytes Total_BMP = Total_2_bytes Total_1_byte = 0 Total_3_bytes = 0 Bytes_length = 2 * Total_EOL + 2 * Total_BMP + 4 * Total_4_bytes print ('2-BYTES') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOM = 0 # Default ANSI and UTF-8 if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': BOM = 3 if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 BE BOM' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 LE BOM': BOM = 2 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buffer_length = Bytes_length + BOM # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'\d', number) Number_chars = num print ('NUMBERS') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'_', number) Lowline_chars = num print ('LOW_LINES') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'\w', number) Word_chars = num print ('WORDS') Letter_chars = Word_chars - Number_chars - Lowline_chars # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 editor.research(r'\w+', number) Words_total = num print ('WORDS+') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Err_regex_non_space = False num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI' or Total_4_bytes == 0: editor.research(r'\S+', number) else: try: editor.research(r'(?:(?!\s).[\x{D800}-\x{DFFF}]?)+', number) except RuntimeError: Err_regex_non_space = True Non_space_count = num print ('NON-SPACE+') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Err_regex_sentence = False num = 0 try: editor.research(r'(?-s)(?:\A|(?<=[\h\r\n.?!])).+?(?:(?=[.?!](\h|\R|\z))|(?=\R|\z))', number) except RuntimeError: Err_regex_sentence = True Sentence_count = num print ('SENTENCES') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Err_regex_paragraph = False num = 0 try: editor.research(r'(?-s)(?:(?:.[\x{D800}-\x{DFFF}]?)+(?:\r\n|\n|\r))+(?:\r\n|\n|\r){1,}(?:(?:.[\x{D800}-\x{DFFF}]?)+\z)?|(?:.[\x{D800}-\x{DFFF}]?)+\z', number) except RuntimeError: Err_regex_paragraph = True Paragraph_count = num print ('PARAGRAPHS') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': editor.research(r'\f^(?:\r\n|\n|\r)', number) else: editor.research(r'[\f\x{0085}\x{2028}\x{2029}]^(?:\r\n|\n|\r)', number) Special_empty = num num = 0 editor.research(r'^(?:\r\n|\n|\r)', number) Default_empty = num Empty_lines = Default_empty - Special_empty print ('EMPTY lines') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 0 if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': editor.research(r'\f^[\t\x20]+(?:\r\n|\n|\r|\z)', number) else: editor.research(r'[\f\x{0085}\x{2028}\x{2029}]^[\t\x20]+(?:\r\n|\n|\r|\z)', number) Special_blank = num num = 0 editor.research(r'^[\t\x20]+(?:\r\n|\n|\r|\z)', number) Default_blank = num Blank_lines = Default_blank - Special_blank print ('BLANK lines') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emp_blk_lines = Empty_lines + Blank_lines # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total_lines = editor.getLineCount() num = 0 editor.research(r'(?-s)^.+\z', number) if num == 0: Total_lines = Total_lines - 1 # Because LAST line totally EMPTY # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Non_blk_lines = Total_lines - Emp_blk_lines # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Num_sel = editor.getSelections() # Get ALL selections ( EMPTY or NOT ) if Num_sel != 0: Bytes_count = 0 Chars_count = 0 Words_count = 0 for n in range(Num_sel): Bytes_count += editor.getSelectionNEnd(n) - editor.getSelectionNStart(n) Chars_count += editor.countCharacters(editor.getSelectionNStart(n), editor.getSelectionNEnd(n)) num = 0 if Bytes_count != 0: editor.research(r'\w+', number, 0, editor.getSelectionNStart(n), editor.getSelectionNEnd(n)) Words_count += num # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Bytes_count < 2: Txt_bytes = ' selected byte) in ' else: Txt_bytes = ' selected bytes) in ' if Chars_count < 2: Txt_chars = ' selected char, ' else: Txt_chars = ' selected chars, ' if Words_count < 2: Txt_words = ' selected word (' else: Txt_words = ' selected words (' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Num_sel < 2 and Bytes_count == 0: Txt_ranges = ' EMPTY range' if Num_sel < 2 and Bytes_count > 0: Txt_ranges = ' range' if Num_sel > 1 and Bytes_count == 0: Txt_ranges = ' EMPTY ranges' if Num_sel > 1 and Bytes_count > 0: Txt_ranges = ' ranges (EMPTY or NOT)' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- console.hide() line_list = [] # empty list Line_end = '\r\n' line_list.append ('-' * Line_title) line_list.append (' ' * int((Line_title - 54) / 2) + 'SUMMARY on ' + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' ( ' + str(time.time() - Start_time) + ' )') line_list.append ('-' * Line_title + Line_end) line_list.append (' FULL File Path : ' + File_name + Line_end) if os.path.isfile(File_name) == True: line_list.append (' CREATION Date : ' + Creation_date) line_list.append (' MODIFICATION Date : ' + Modif_date + Line_end) line_list.append (' READ-ONLY flag : ' + RO_flag) line_list.append (' READ-ONLY editor : ' + RO_editor + Line_end * 2) line_list.append (' Current VIEW : ' + Curr_view + Line_end) line_list.append (' Current ENCODING : ' + Curr_encoding + Line_end) line_list.append (' Current LANGUAGE : ' + str(Curr_lang) + ' (' + Lang_desc + ')' + Line_end) line_list.append (' Current Line END : ' + Curr_eol + Line_end) line_list.append (' Current WRAPPING : ' + Curr_wrap + Line_end * 2) line_list.append (' 1-BYTE Chars : ' + str(Total_1_byte)) line_list.append (' 2-BYTES Chars : ' + str(Total_2_bytes)) line_list.append (' 3-BYTES Chars : ' + str(Total_3_bytes) + Line_end) line_list.append (' Sum BMP Chars : ' + str(Total_BMP)) line_list.append (' 4-BYTES Chars : ' + str(Total_4_bytes) + Line_end) line_list.append (' CHARS w/o CR & LF : ' + str(Total_standard) + Line_end * 2) line_list.append (' EOL ( CR or LF ) : ' + str(Total_EOL)) line_list.append (' SPC & TAB Chars : ' + str(Blank_chars)) line_list.append (' TRUE Chars : ' + str(True_chars) + Line_end) line_list.append (' TOTAL characters : ' + str(Total_chars) + Line_end * 2) if Curr_encoding == 'ANSI': line_list.append (' BYTES Length : ' + str(Bytes_length) + ' (' + str(Total_EOL) + ' x 1 + ' + str(Total_1_byte) + ' x 1b)') if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8-BOM': line_list.append (' BYTES Length : ' + str(Bytes_length) + ' (' + str(Total_EOL) + ' x 1 + ' + str(Total_1_byte) + ' x 1b + '\ + str(Total_2_bytes) + ' x 2b + ' + str(Total_3_bytes) + ' x 3b + ' + str(Total_4_bytes) + ' x 4b)') if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 BE BOM' or Curr_encoding == 'UTF-16 LE BOM': line_list.append (' BYTES Length : ' + str(Bytes_length) + ' (' + str(Total_EOL) + ' x 2 + ' + str(Total_BMP) + ' x 2b + ' + str(Total_4_bytes) + ' x 4b)') line_list.append (' Byte Order Mark : ' + str(BOM) + Line_end) line_list.append (' BUFFER Length : ' + str(Buffer_length)) if os.path.isfile(File_name) == True: line_list.append (' Length on DISK : ' + str(Size_length) + Line_end * 2) else: if Line_end == '\r\n': line_list.append (Line_end) line_list.append (' NUMBER Chars : ' + str(Number_chars) + '\t(*)') line_list.append (' LOW_LINE Chars : ' + str(Lowline_chars)) line_list.append (' LETTER Chars : ' + str(Letter_chars) + '\t(*)' + Line_end) line_list.append (' WORD Chars : ' + str(Word_chars) + '\t(*)' + Line_end * 2) line_list.append (' WORDS Count : ' + str(Words_total) + '\t(*)' + Line_end) if Err_regex_non_space == False: line_list.append (' NON-SPACE Count : ' + str(Non_space_count) + '\t(**)' + Line_end * 2) else: line_list.append (' NON-SPACE Count : ' + str(Non_space_count) + '\t(Caution : a " RuntimeError " occured !)' + Line_end * 2) if Err_regex_sentence == False: line_list.append (' SENTENCES Count : ' + str(Sentence_count) + '\t(**)' + Line_end) else: line_list.append (' SENTENCES Count : ' + str(Sentence_count) + '\t(Caution : a " RuntimeError " occured !)' + Line_end) if Err_regex_paragraph == False: line_list.append (' PARAGRAPHS Count : ' + str(Paragraph_count) + '\t(**)' + Line_end * 2) else: line_list.append (' PARAGRAPHS Count : ' + str(Paragraph_count) + '\t(Caution : a " RuntimeError " occured !)' + Line_end * 2) line_list.append (' True EMPTY lines : ' + str(Empty_lines)) line_list.append (' True BLANK lines : ' + str(Blank_lines) + Line_end) line_list.append (' EMPTY/BLANK lines : ' + str(Emp_blk_lines) + Line_end) line_list.append (' NON-BLANK lines : ' + str(Non_blk_lines)) line_list.append (' TOTAL Lines : ' + str(Total_lines) + Line_end * 2) line_list.append (' SELECTION(S) : ' + str(Chars_count) + Txt_chars + str(Words_count) + Txt_words + str(Bytes_count) + Txt_bytes + str(Num_sel) + Txt_ranges + '\r\n' + Line_end) line_list.append (' (*) Our BOOST regex engine ignore all WORD, NUMBER and LETTER characters over the BMP and may ignore some others within the BMP !') line_list.append (' (**) The results may NOT be very accurate for "technical" or "non-regular" files !' + Line_end) notepad.new() editor.setText('\r\n'.join(line_list)) if St_bar != 'ANSI' and St_bar != 'UTF-8' and St_bar != 'UTF-8-BOM' and St_bar != 'UTF-16 BE BOM' and St_bar != 'UTF-16 LE BOM': if Curr_encoding == 'UTF-8': # SAME value for both an 'UTF-8' or 'ANSI' file, when RE-INTERPRETED with the 'Encoding > Character Set > ...' feature notepad.messageBox ('CURRENT file re-interpreted as ' + St_bar + ' => Possible ERRONEOUS results' + \ '\nSo, CLOSE the file WITHOUT saving, RESTORE it (CTRL + SHIFT + T) and RESTART script', '!!! WARNING !!!') # ----Aé☀𝜜-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Best Regards,
@guy038 said :
But if this unique zero-length selection was on a non-empty line, it would wrongly write…
I removed the
if Bytes_count != 0:
and tried to replicate the problem you indicated, but did not see the same issue. Can you provide more detail on your “steps to reproduce”?
Also, this line of your script gave me an error under Python3:
File_name = notepad.getCurrentFilename().decode('utf-8')
Here’s a way to make it work under Python2 or 3:
import sys python3 = sys.version_info.major == 3 if python3: File_name = notepad.getCurrentFilename() else: File_name = notepad.getCurrentFilename().decode('utf-8')
Hi, @alan-kilborn and All,
Ah… OK. No problem ! So, this script will work with both Python script
, nice !
Regarding the bug, I can reproduce it very easily !
So, we use this part of the script, relative to selections, where I put the line
if Bytes_count != 0:
in comments :# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Num_sel = editor.getSelections() # Get ALL selections ( EMPTY or NOT ) if Num_sel != 0: Bytes_count = 0 Chars_count = 0 Words_count = 0 for n in range(Num_sel): Bytes_count += editor.getSelectionNEnd(n) - editor.getSelectionNStart(n) Chars_count += editor.countCharacters(editor.getSelectionNStart(n), editor.getSelectionNEnd(n)) num = 0 # if Bytes_count != 0: editor.research(r'\w+', number, 0, editor.getSelectionNStart(n), editor.getSelectionNEnd(n)) Words_count += num # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Then :
Open, let’s say, the
file -
Move the caret to the very beginning of the
file ( so, before the letter C of the wordCOPYING
) -
Do not do any selection
Run the script
=> You should see, in the
line, a non-null number of words :SELECTION(S) : 0 selected char, 5822 selected words (0 selected byte) in 1 EMPTY range
Now, just move the caret one character on the right ( so, between the C and the O letters of the word
) -
Do not do any selection, again
Re-run the script
=> This time, we get, for the
line, the expected results :SELECTION(S) : 0 selected char, 0 selected word (0 selected byte) in 1 EMPTY range
At first sight, this bug occurs only when the caret is at the very beginning of current file !
Once, you’ll find an explanation ( if any ! ), I will post the new version of the script.
P.S. : May be, this bug do not occur with
Python script 3
? -
@guy038 said:
You should see, in the SELECTION(S) line, a non-null number of words
Well, I tried, using both PS3 and PS2, using license file and code change of:
#if Bytes_count != 0:
, and I still see in the output:SELECTION(S) : 0 selected char, 0 selected word (0 selected byte) in 1 EMPTY range
Hello, @alan-kilborn,
BTW, regarding the bug that you cannot identify, did you receive my e-mail to you, on March, 21, with an attached zip archive to possibly reproduce the problem ?
@guy038 said in Emulation of the "View > Summary" feature with a Python script:
did you receive my e-mail to you, on March, 21, with an attached zip archive to possibly reproduce the problem ?
Hi Guy. Yes, I did receive it but haven’t had time to work with it. Because of your prompting, however, I just did finish evaluating it.
I believe that what is happening in the buggy case is that THIS PS bug is manifesting (side note: it’s a bug that I reported). When the caret is at the first location in the file (aka position 0) – which is one of your test cases – then the bug kicks in.
The bug has been fixed, but I don’t believe there has been a release of PS2 after the fixing, so only PS3 contains the fix (which is why I – running PS3 – did not see a problem with your script code that did not include the
check against0
).I hope this clears it up.