Force Tab, One space Indents/UnIndents
For PythonScript plugins.
I moved it from issue because it won’t be added to npp functionality, but it may be useful:
and -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Force Input Tab characters: "\t" Author: westlife | Date: 2024-10-06 Script for PythonScript plugin It is required to bind "" to "Tab" key (Change default SCI_TAB's hotkeys to "Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Tab") To be able to input Tab characters in specified files, except inside the Indents, if the file is set to Indent using: Space character(s) (which converts Tab characters to Spaces everywhere) Works with multi selection and selection rectangular """ ##### all imports added to, and: from Force_Input_Tab import * #import re # regex # import all from Npp (editor, notepad, ...) #from Npp import * def Force_Input_Tab(): # If Tabs are used, Input the Tab character (as default according to the indentation settings). if editor.getUseTabs():; return # If there is a selection and not Rectangle # Add Indent the lines (as the default when selecting lines according to the indentation settings) if not editor.getSelectionEmpty() and not editor.selectionIsRectangle():; return # Next, change the input to Tab characters, except inside the Indents. # Only for this extensions: if not re.fullmatch(r".*\.(txt|text)", notepad.getCurrentFilename(), re.I):; return _pos = editor.getSelectionStart() _colCurr = editor.getColumn(_pos) # number of columns in the line up to the current caret position _colInd = editor.getLineIndentation(editor.lineFromPosition(_pos)) # number of columns that a line is indented (line indentation size) # If not inside the Indents, input Tab character "\t": if _colCurr > _colInd: editor.setUseTabs(True) if 0 != editor.getSelectionMode(): editor.setSelectionMode(0) # <-- A must when selection rectangular! And has no effect with other selections. editor.setUseTabs(False) else: return if __name__ == '__main__': Force_Input_Tab()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ One Space character indents for multiple lines. Author: westlife | Date: 2024-10-08 Script for PythonScript plugin. It is required to bind "" to "Alt + SpaceBar" Work with multi-select with 1 selecting with multiple lines, except rectangular selections. If you hold down the hotkey a warning pop-up window appears from plugin. When for file is configured: "Indent using: Tabs characters"! Because of editor.setUseTabs(True) it already doesn't have time to execute. before the second command from npp is sent to execute this script. If you hold down the hotkey. There are no problems with repeated manual presses. """ ##### all imports added to # import all from Npp (editor, notepad, ...) #from Npp import * def One_Space_Indents(): if editor.getSelectionEmpty(): return # if nothing is selected if editor.selectionIsRectangle(): return # if rectangular selection start_line, end_line = editor.getUserLineSelection() if start_line == end_line: return # if selection is in a single line _useTabs = editor.getUseTabs() # Indent using: Tabs characters for this file? if _useTabs: editor.setUseTabs(False) # Set Indent using: Space characters editor.setIndent(1) # Indent Size: 1 (character); Only for next inputs # adding indent with 1 Space character editor.setIndent(0) # Indent Size Auto (default) if _useTabs: editor.setUseTabs(True) return if __name__ == '__main__': One_Space_Indents()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ One Space character UnIndents for multiple lines. Author: westlife | Date: 2024-10-12 Script for PythonScript plugin. It is required to bind "" to "Shift + SpaceBar". Work with multi-select with 1 selecting with multiple lines, except rectangular selections. If you hold down the hotkey a warning pop-up window appears from plugin. When for file is configured: "Indent using: Tabs characters"! Because of editor.setUseTabs(True) it already doesn't have time to execute. before the second command from npp is sent to execute this script. If you hold down the hotkey. There are no problems with repeated manual presses. To assign to "Shift + SpaceBar", you must first assign to "Shift + Alt + SpaceBar". Then in the shortcuts.xml file fix Alt="yes" to Alt="no" (SpaceBar -> Key="32"): <PluginCommand moduleName="PythonScript.dll" internalID="Your ID" Ctrl="no" Alt="no" Shift="yes" Key="32" /> """ ##### all imports added to # import all from Npp (editor, notepad, ...) #from Npp import * def One_Space_UnIndents(): if editor.getSelectionEmpty(): return # if nothing is selected if editor.selectionIsRectangle(): return # if rectangular selection start_line, end_line = editor.getUserLineSelection() if start_line == end_line: return # if selection is in a single line _useTabs = editor.getUseTabs() # Indent using: Tabs characters for this file? if _useTabs: editor.setUseTabs(False) # Set Indent using: Space characters editor.setIndent(1) # Indent Size: 1 (character); Only for next inputs editor.backTab() # removing indent by 1 Space character editor.setIndent(0) # Indent Size Auto (default) if _useTabs: editor.setUseTabs(True) return if __name__ == '__main__': One_Space_UnIndents()
Example of use:
Moved to another post
@westyles said in Force Tab, One space Indents/UnIndents:
It’s probably more reasonable to post unrelated things in different topics.
It makes continuing discussion easier.
(Sure, these things are related because they are scripts, but that’s their only relation.) -
A Alan Kilborn referenced this topic on
Replace with this in the code in both One_Space* so that it doesn’t block entering spaces without multiple lines selected, while holding SHIFT or Alt.
if editor.getSelectionEmpty(): # If nothing is selected, add a space editor.addText(" ") return if editor.selectionIsRectangle(): return # if rectangular selection start_line, end_line = editor.getUserLineSelection() if start_line == end_line: editor.replaceSel(" ") # If the selection is on a single line, replace it with a space. return