For information : "Automatic" update from v8.7.6 may eventually fail
For information, I encountered the following error on version v8.7.6 when I asked if there was an update, from the moment v8.7.7 became available:
I then proceeded to a manual update.
Kind regards,
P PeterJones pinned this topic on
I think your problem isn’t really a version-specific problem: it seems to have the same error as this issue, where the web-access used by Notepad++'s GUP process gets intercepted by the webhost / content delivery network – when that issue was originally opened, it was because the host or CDN was adding a CAPTCHA; now it appears they are just adding a javascript based verification – but either way, the Notepad++ GUP process doesn’t meet its definition of being a “valid” access.
The JavaScript verification seems to be gone now. Update checks work fine in version 8.7.7. Can someone verify this for 8.7.6 as well, please?