I'm not even sure what to say...
I’ve been using notepad++ for so long, I wouldn’t want to use anything else.
but I’ve just been burned, I’m scared to do anything in notepad++ right now.So, I have v6.8.3, I’ve spent the last 2 days working on a php script. I commented out a print_r line and exit line, I had to debug a function.
I clicked save… I got a dialog say the document couldn’t be saved because it was altered by another program, do i want to open in administrative mode, ok…
it opens a blank document, i close it without saving, the original window still says the document was edited by another program do i want to reload the document, I clicked no. normally it leaves the document standing there if it’s been changed by another program, happens a lot when editing somethings like log file, etc, not this time…now I’m staring at a blank document, I go to the folder to reopen it and it’s a blank document… days of work gone. nowhere in the document was a file_put_contents, or any other file
read write, firefox was sitting idle, maybe it got bored, to bad it can’t delete some sites…I know, it was firefox or php… Microsoft security essentials doesn’t have it in quarantine… sorry, I’ve been scripting over 15 years this is a first for me…
Does notepad++ v6.8.3 need to be restarted every few days to prevent it from going postal or something? now I have to backup before using notepad++, yay me! I don’t feel better, thanks for the years of work put into notepad++, I have appreciated it over the years.
I can’t answer your question; I haven’t had any unusual issues with NPP lately.
I highly recommend that you use the Settings->Preferences->Backup dialog and enable verbose backup to a custom backup directory. If you do, then I believe every time you save a file, it also gets saved in the backup directory (either the saved version or the prior version, I’m not entirely sure). That way you are much less likely to lose all your work…
You’ll just have to clean up the backup directory every now and then, because you will create a lot of files there if you do a lot of editing and saving.
Question on the auto “verbose” backup option…
Is there a plug-in that will allow the auto backup to be created in the local folder where the file / source is being edited?
Or… as long as I do not set a back folder in the preferences will it default to the folder where the file was opened from?
I am working on a website that has several folders off of the “root” that I have created on my local PC. I would like to Filezilla the file(s) from & to their corresponding folder and have NPP make a backup of the edits in that same folder.
Make sense?
This is a very small company that does not have any kind of version control software, so I just want to make sure I am keeping backups as I edit.
Thanks in advance for the help.