Notepad++ 6.8.9 released
Notepad++ v6.8.9 is available. In this version, the hanging issue due to refocusing Notepad++ window via touchscreen has been fixed. And there are more enhancement:[EDIT]
Due to a critical regression, Notepad++ 6.8.9 release has been removed from the website: -
Hello Don,
I’ve, still, been able to download the N++ 6.8.9 version, from that link :
I, then, installed the portable version, by downloading the npp.6.8.9.bin.7z archive
Without modifying any N++ parameter, I tried to follow the steps which produce the crash issue.
But, contrary to what you said, Don, I did NOT notice any issue, on my Win XP SP3 configuration, luckily !
Refer to the ? - Debug info list, below :
Notepad++ v6.8.9 Build time : Jan 12 2016 - 00:00:51 Path : C:\_689\notepad++.exe Admin mode : OFF Local Conf mode : ON OS : Windows XP Plugins : mimeTools.dll NppConverter.dll NppExport.dll PluginManager.dll
Remainder : The different steps, that I used for testing, are :
Open a new tab, in Notepad 6.8.9
Type some random characters
Save this file as Test.txt
Switch off, from N+, to Microsoft Notepad
Open the Test.txt file
Add some random characters
Save, with Microsoft Notepad, the changed file, Test.txt
Switch back to Notepad++ 6.8.9,
The Reload dialog appears : This file has been modified from another program. Do you want to reload it?
Accept it, by clicking on the Yes button
=> No crash happened ! Procedure repeated several times => All is OK, on my Win XP SP3 configuration !
Best Regards,
P.S. :
Special thanks, for points #3, #4 and #5, of the change.log !
Of course, concerning point #4, people, who created macros, involving selection of lines, will have to, slightly, change their macros !
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