i am getting the below error message when trying to save a file to our sharepoint site the file cannot be and it may be protected do you want to launch notepad++ in administrator mode?
I have been using Win 10 Pro 22H2 and am always logged in as the same user, the only user of the computer.Assuming that it is the fault of the ver. 8.7.1 I installed 64-bit ver. 8.6.7 and all happened as I described above. No mistakes, I use Windows for decades. MS Notepad saved all edits without problems while I was the only user.
So I decided to go back to a 32-bits and installed ver. 7.6.6 from 2019 and guess what? No problems, all issues disappeared. And that is the solution until 64-bit ver. is fixed.
It seems to be a Notepad++ 64-bit ver. issue. But it could have been invoked by Microsoft this November in a Win. 10 “patch” to “improve” security. I have a *.txt file, which I saved on Nov. 1, '24 without problems white the same file I was not able to save today.
The issue has something to do with file names, dates or locations. Maybe old files are watched by my new antivirus Avast One installed in October after Kaspersky bailed out and Notepad++ sees that as a use through Windows Security (“W.S.”)?
Or, maybe, after I blocked updating Avast One virus def’s and it turned into a warning mode together w/ W,S., Notepad++ took it as use? That would coincide with my discovery of the Notepad++ issue. Too close to antivirus?
And next I added 32-bit notepad++.exe to Avast One>Settings>App permissions (not to be watched) and the problem came back. So I deleted it from that list and the problem disappeared. So I removed 64-bit notepad++.exe from Avast One list, reinstalled the ver. 8.7.1 and the problem has not came back.
The culprit was Avast One! Maybe other antivirus programs may cause the same? Probably yes.
Yes, anti virus programs can cause issues with opening and saving files if their settings are too aggressive or just not configured correctly.
So it seems as though you have solved it, good on you for following through and not giving up.
6 hours of my life gone, but it was worth it. Both Notepad++ and Avast One are v. popular and used a lot by millions or more, as leaders in their classes. So Notepad++ could look into the issue too and make it immune from Avast. The issue can be recreated in 10 min., as both programs are available at any time and free of charge.
–Eugene -
And I checked other editors on my Avast One list. All had the same problem w/ *.txt files, but not after removing them from the list. Inteligent MS Word said that the file is read-only. So I tried to change the read-only attribute for the whole Desktop directory, but unsuccessfully. The reason is described in Fix 3 on www.partitionwizard.com/clone-disk/folder-keeps-reverting-to-read-only-win-10.html . That completes my investigation.
Interestingly, MS Excel does not have the problem while on the list. MS Word acquires the problem w/ saving *.doc files after unsuccessfully saving a *,txt file. But when removed from the list, put back and not used to open and save *,txt files, it saves the *.doc files while on the list. Strange & wired.
Since you appear to say that lots of legitimate applications have issues all due to Avast One the easy solution is to replace Avast One!
Either that or soften Avast One’s approach to disabling access to files.
But it’s your PC and only something you can decide on. But if you have to waste time on changing settings for applications something appears to be wrong.
Avast One has the big advantage that it is one of the best of free antiviruses an the least slows down the computer.I put software on its list to exclude those apps from being monitored to speed up the computer. Removing from the list those few processing the *,txt files (practically only Notepad++) takes less than 1 min.
When Avast is installed by default all the lists w/ exclusions are empty and the problem does not appear.
One of the reasons I use Notepad++ is that I can not only choose a background color in Style Configurator for a Default Style, but also customize it to my favorite light greenish of RGB 195/220/220, so the screen image does not burn holes in my eyes despite using a pro monitor.
So there are many aspects of apps deciding in their favor and a minor inconvenience does not disqualify them. But it is important to know what is going on to weigh pros and cons and make an informed decision.
Notepad++ could look into the issue too and make it immune from Avast.
Please let us know what exactly you think Notepad++ could do in this regard.
Notepad++ could contact Avast (www.avast.com/contacts ), explain the issue and ask them to fix it that would benefit Notepad++ as well. Avast may be not aware of the issue and, once aware, they would gladly fix it and, maybe, with no effort and happy to do so, as I investigated it.
–Eugene -
Notepad++ developer time is best spent on value-added tasks, IMO.
On the other hand, you could expend the time to do that contacting of Avast. -
Since when making Notepad++ resistant to file saving failures does not add value to it? Since when making products less prone to failure by any legal means possible is not adding value to them? Since when an employee who does one thing cannot do another, easier one? Is it beneath the dignity of a software developer?Do you subscribe to the famous line from “Oliver Twist”: “Please, sir, I want some more”? We do not live in the 1830s of Charles Dickens anymore. I found a solution and generously shared it with all. Do you want more charity from me? Didn’t I do enough already?
Good luck with starting thinking, like businessmen aiming at perfecting their products, esp. by easy contacting someone to contribute to that in his own interest and not doing it by themselves. Too much?