• Please Read This Before Posting

    Pinned Locked
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  • v8.7 Search Results Missing

    0 Votes
    14 Posts

    This v8.6.9-v8.7.2 issue has been fixed (GitHub commit).
    The fix will be included in the next Notepad++ version (probably v8.7.3).

    I would leave this topic pinned for a while longer until the fix reaches most N++ users.

  • HELP: Having trouble with Macros in v8.5.3 or later

    2 Votes
    28 Posts
    Mike NewmanM

    Moderator Note: The contents of this post were moved to a separate topic, Macro works normally, but fails when shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+C, because it’s actually separate from the >=v8.5.3 issue for this Topic.

  • deleting duplicate names this Coordination

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Terry RT

    @sabry-farg said in deleting duplicate names this Coordination:

    The method is not effective

    I think you have done something wrong or the character set is not as shown. If the character in your Find What field | is the same as the character between the names (see image below) then after the Replace function has been used there should be none of these characters left between the names. And as every character in each of the names is on it’s own line then that would suggest there is a | is between every character but that doesn’t explain how the | character remains between the names.


    How about providing the name list by inserting the actual names, then select them and click on the code icon above, see the </>. This will allow us to actually use exactly the text you say you are working with.


  • Focus is on the menu (and not text area) after NP++ activation

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    The behaviour of the Alt key is weird and varies in different applications. I did the following experiments.

    Basic setup: Have some programs open so that they are displayed in the task bar

    Go to an application, i.e. have it as the “active” one Press the Alt key Point with the mouse to another application in the task bar and click. The application becomes the active one. Release the Alt key

    What I see is:

    If the target app is Mozilla Firefox or Thunderbird or VLC, the menu is reliably activated upon releasing Alt. If the target app is MS Excel, menu is never activated. Excel activates the menu (displays shortcuts) a second after pressing Alt, i.e. not upon releasing it. If the target app is NP++ or LibreOffice the behaviour after releasing Alt is unpredictable. Sometimes the menu is activated, sometimes it’s not.

    As I wrote, I remedy the situation by changing the key to one without Alt.

  • Why my notepad++ become like this?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    This appears to be a JSON5 file. Probably it has the .json file extension, so it is highlighted with the JSON syntax highlighter, which treats unquoted keys as a syntax error. More recent versions of Notepad++ have a JSON5 syntax highlighter, available under Language->J->JSON5 from the Notepad++ main menu. If the JSON5 syntax highlighter isn’t available, you can just change the language preference to None (Normal Text).

    EDIT: even in the most recent version of Notepad++, the JSON5 syntax highlighter still doesn’t properly parse unquoted keys in objects, so you should just change your Language to None (Normal Text).

    You may also find the JsonTools plugin useful for working with JSON or JSON5. If you pretty-print a JSON5 file with JsonTools, it will convert it to JSON, and then the syntax highlighting will work correctly (but you won’t have unquoted keys anymore).

  • Style Tokens are lost between sessions.

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @guy038 said:

    did you forgot of your excellent Python script

    I didn’t exactly forget… :-)

    But some of the earlier comments in this topic have made me decide that it might be best to just not try to remember any previous styling. I’m even doubting remembering bookmarks now too. :-)

  • "Word wrap" option is reset from time to time

    0 Votes
    13 Posts
    Tawdry LeenT


    I would replace the existing “?” guidance on LFR / Word Wrap with this:

    If “Deactivate Word Wrap Globally” is checked, opening a file larger than the threshold will immediately turn Word Wrap off for the entire application / all open files. And closing the large file will not turn Word Wrap back on - you’ll have to manually re-enable that via Menu -> View -> Word Wrap.

  • [Python] Replace spaces with tabs?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @PeterJones Thanks much for the infos.

  • How to Hide Fold Lines in Notepad++?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts


    Go to Plugin Admin, type fold into the Search box and keep clicking Next until you see Folding Line Hider. Check the checkbox and click the Install button. After Notepad++ restart, it should be active at hiding the fold lines.

    Description of the plugin:

    This Notepad++ plugin can hide the unsightly folding lines, and for convenience, you can fold and unfold the current level using the Alt + Left/Right keys.
    Author: leonardchai@gmail.com
    Homepage: https://github.com/leonardchai/FoldingLineHider

  • Translate interface buttons

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    The captions on those buttons are controlled by Windows instelf, not Notepad++.

  • Does not save the settings: NotePad++ 8.7.8 Portable

    0 Votes
    11 Posts

    @Maxim-Fox said in Does not save the settings: NotePad++ 8.7.8 Portable:

    That’s not exactly what I need. I need to completely remove the white selection when clicking next to the brackets.

    Despite your protest that it wasn’t exactly what you need, the instructions I gave explained a couple ways that you could do that using the “Brace highlight style”. And, despite your protest to the contrary, the screenshot you showed in the next post proved that you edited the “Brace highlight style” to make it work for you. So maybe there’s a translation problem while we’re communicating, because it worked when you did what I suggested you do.

    The one caveat is that your screenshots showed you changed the color for both “Brace highlight style” and “Bad brace colour”. I didn’t recommend changing “Bad brace colour”, for the intentional reason that I think it’s a good idea to keep the visual reminder when you have braces/brackets/parentheses that aren’t balanced (so an open without a close, or a close without an open). But it looks like you at least picked a color that was different than the “Brace highlight style”, so that should be sufficient.

    I also wanted to know if it is possible to remove the indentation from the top of the letters? This indentation is too big for me.

    Notepad++ correctly calculates the amount of space required per line based on the biggest font and size that’s active… so if you’ve got a theme that changes fonts and/or sizes depending on style, it will use a big enough line height for the tallest font+size. If all your styles have the same size and font, and you still think the vertical spacing is too high, there might be a way to change the line-spacing using PythonScript or another plugin to send Scintilla messages (I vaguely remember one exists, but haven’t been able to find it yet; maybe one of the other PythonScript/Scintilla power-users will be able to remember or find that before I do).

    (And, just so you know, in English, the term for the vertical spacing between lines isn’t “indentation”; usually, it’s referred to as “line spacing” in word processing. “Indentation” almost solely refers to left-or-right-margin spacing.)

    And to @Terry-R , you said,

    Well, do you know the answer to my question?

    Just so you know, that sounds very demanding and self-entitled, and most would consider that a rude response to @Terry-R’s moderator-aside; if that wasn’t your intention, I recommend you be more careful with your phraseology, and/or double-check any translation software you use.

  • Style/theme settings lost on every N++ update

    0 Votes
    12 Posts


    The install directory is handled similar with the installer whether Don't use %AppData% is checked or unchecked. The main difference is the doLocalConf.xml existence which impacts how notepad++.exe saves to the xml files. When notepad++.exe saves to the install directory, then a risk exists when using the installer to upgrade which can overwrite customized xml files.

    Information from install logs:

    Files Install Upgrade Minimalist doLocalConf.xml extract extract extract autoCompletion\*.xml extract skip functionList\*.xml extract extract overrideMap.xml extract skip gup.xml extract extract contextMenu.xml extract skip skip tabContextMenu_example.xml extract skip skip toolbarButtonsConf_example.xml extract skip skip toolbarIcons.xml extract skip skip langs.model.xml extract extract extract stylers.model.xml extract extract extract shortcuts.xml extract skip skip nppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue.xml extract skip skip markdown._preinstalled.udl.xml extract extract extract markdown._preinstalled_DM.udl.xml extract extract extract DarkModeDefault.xml extract extract extract themes\*.xml extract extract

    Theme modifications in the install directory can be overwritten by the upgrade as that is what extract does.

    If Don't use %AppData% is checked:

    The default Custom type of upgrade install will extract many xml files so to keep customizations, may need to backup before install and merge after install.

    The Minimalist type of upgrade install will extract the least amount of xml files so is probably the safest to keep customized xml files.

    If Don't use %AppData% is unchecked:

    Modified xml files are saved to %AppData% so are safe.
  • 0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Fernando Fernandez EscalanteF

    @PeterJones I just tried it and it works perfectly. Thanks again so much for the help.

  • RegEx Help with Backreference I think

    0 Votes
    45 Posts
    Robert Or Janet DiebelR

    @guy038 Thank You very much for the extra effort.

  • Need help with RegEx

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Smudge the catS

    @PeterJones thank you so much for the help!!

  • The program forgets settings. Inconvenient view defaults

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Taras-Tkachenko said in The program forgets settings. Inconvenient view defaults:

    It seems that the program forgets at least this setting after the computer is restarted and maybe when it goes into sleep mode.

    It should not do that.

    That sounds like either you are using multi-instance mode, and you are changing the setting in one of the instances that doesn’t have the “lock” on writing to the config files (only the first copy opened in multi-instance mode is allowed to write the settings to disk); or you have the wrong write-permissions in the folder storing the config.xml (usually %AppData%\Notepad++\config.xml, but it depends on your setup)

    But I can be more specific if you share your ?-menu’s Debug Info – that will answer some or all of the questions, after which I or others will be able to ask more direct questions.

    Also this late version I’m using does not automatically show all files in the working folder.

    There is no version for which that statement is true, in my experience: Notepad++ lists all the files in the working folder when using File > Open, unless you apply a filter. If Windows is hiding files (protected files, or similar), then the same would be true in Windows Explorer, and you can use Windows Explorer settings to change what’s shown in N++ File > Open dialogs, as well.

    Now it defaults to TXT every time, every new complete start of the program or every once in a while - possibly another part of its memory that gets reset.

    No such thing happens for me. File > Open never has a filter : even when my active file is a Perl script (blah.pl), File > Open properly defaults to showing all types

    I create a new file, go to Save As and see an empty folder that is actually full of D files because the new file is TXT by default

    Ahh… Save As is different than Open dialogs. IF you have applied a file type to the new file (manually using the Language menu to set the type before you do Save As), then it will default to filtering for that active type, like:

    However, you are correct, if you have a new # file that hasn’t had a language attached, it will assume a text file (*.txt*) as the filter. You can then click on the Filter’s drop-down and choose D programming language (*.d) if that’s what you want to filter by.

    If you want the default language for new files (ie, when you use File > New or equivalent) touse the D language by default, then you can change Settings > Preferences > New Document > Default language using the dropdown:
    After doing that, when you hit New, the file will start out being of type D programming language and the File > SaveAs filter will default to the D filter, rather than the txt filter.
    (If you have a few different “default” languages, depending on what you’re working on that’s ot as practical; if you are in a situation like that – like maybe you want to create new D files and new python .py files with about equal probability – then you can look here for a post where I describe how to create a macro that makes a new file, and changes the language on that new file; and if you wanted, here shows an expanded macro that also immediately runs Save As on your brand-new document after it creates it and sets the language; with either of those styles of macro, you could create two of those macros (one for D, one for PY) with different keyboard shortcuts, and use those shortcuts to create the files instead of using the File > New.

    That said, the Filter is easily ignorable in the Save As dialog. If you want to save new 1 as abc123.d, you can type that, and it will use that name, no matter what the filter is currently set to, and it will save it to that name (and pick the right Language as a result). I rarely (almost never? maybe once in decades of use) want to create a new file and then overwrite an existing name, so I guess not seeing all the files doesn’t bother me, or I’m willing to click in the Filter box and pick “All Types”, which is immediately above “Normal text file”, if I really must see all the existing filenames this time.

  • need help to download notepad++

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @josiah-cohran said in need help to download notepad++:

    im on my school computer trying to do something with not pad

    Even for students, clarity of communication is important. “not pad” is not the same thing as “Notepad++”

    and it is bringing me the github page

    Assuming you mean that it took you to https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/ , then you should see a section on the right of the main page like:
    Click on the “Latest” to go to the most recent release (currently, https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/releases/tag/v8.7.8) , and from there, click on the npp.8.7.8.Installer.x64.exe (future readers: the number will change to match the most recent version) if you are on a normal 64-bit windows machine (most are 64-bit nowadays)

    The other way of getting Notepad++, instead of going through GitHub, is to go to the application’s official website and the “Downloads” page: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/

    From there, you can either go to the top link (which is currently v8.7.8), or if you are more conservative, scroll down to the one that says “stable”):
    From one of those pages, click on the topmost “Installer” link to download the installer for the 64-bit Notepad++ (which again is most likely what you need).

  • Unable to see Data in the Notepad++

    0 Votes
    20 Posts
    Sabin PopescuS

    I’ve noticed that I only have the issue on my secondary display.
    On the primary display of my laptop, the data/file contests are displayed properly:
    On the secondary display , the data gets “lost” :

    Hope it helps

  • Get a word from a file, then use it in a REPLACE, hopefully in one RegEx.

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Robert Or Janet DiebelR

    @Terry-R I know this kindness is above and beyond.
    I have been looking, trying to help myself.

    This will save much time and effort.

    Thanx for your patience.