• Please Read This Before Posting

    Pinned Locked
    7 Votes
    1 Posts
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  • v8.7 Search Results Missing

    0 Votes
    14 Posts

    This v8.6.9-v8.7.2 issue has been fixed (GitHub commit).
    The fix will be included in the next Notepad++ version (probably v8.7.3).

    I would leave this topic pinned for a while longer until the fix reaches most N++ users.

  • HELP: Having trouble with Macros in v8.5.3 or later

    2 Votes
    28 Posts
    Mike NewmanM

    Moderator Note: The contents of this post were moved to a separate topic, Macro works normally, but fails when shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+C, because it’s actually separate from the >=v8.5.3 issue for this Topic.

  • Button to toggle Tabs/Spaces?

    0 Votes
    12 Posts

    @Torax-Malu ,

    @Alan-Kilborn messaged me a link to this post, where he shared a script for the PythonScript plugin, which can be used to set the current file to either tabs or spaces

    Useful link: FAQ: How to install and runscripts with PythonScript plugin – also includes instructions for assigning a keyboard shortcut. And you can even use the Plugins > PythonScript > Configuration… to add a script to the toolbar, allowing you to have a toolbar button to activate it.

  • 1 Votes
    2 Posts

    @HalfOffHell said in notepad not responding due to searching the regular expression "(?-i)\u*(?=[^\l])" in a file that has "└" as the last character:

    put “└” at the end of a file
    paste “(?-i)\u*(?=[^\l])” into da box
    click “Find All in Current Document”
    notepad not responding

    Just noting for the record that I can reproduce this. It happens with Count as well as Find All and appears to happen if the (U+2514) is at the end of the file or if it is followed by a lower-case letter.

    I’ll see if I can figure out why it happens. It certainly appears to be a bug.

  • ctrl+alt+5 ALWAYS opens Notepad++ in Windows for me

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @mkupper said in ctrl+alt+5 ALWAYS opens Notepad++ in Windows for me:

    on the desktop and possibly elsewhere

    see if there is a shortcut for Notepad++ on your desktop

    a second location that Windows checks is a shortcut pinned to your task bar

    Also, if @ddalthorp has AutoHotKey or similar “hotkey utility”, there might be a “launch Notepad++” action for the keycombo defined in that utility, as well.

  • Whitespace background cannot be changed

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @HalfOffHell said in Whitespace background cannot be changed:

    do you know any way to make the whitespace symbol take up the entire whitespace then? currently increasing whitespace size makes the symbol wider, which makes it obstruct nearby characters.

    Nope, it’s not designed to do that.

    or, will whitespace background ever be added?

    Doubtful, though I don’t think anyone has ever made an official feature request for that.

    In my experience, you are the first user who wants whitespace indicators to not use the same background color as the rest of the text, and the developer doesn’t tend to work on such niche requests. But, of course, we’d never know for sure unless someone requested it.

    delimiters can change the background of whitespaces, but folding is disabled inside delimiters (and folding styles have nesting options greyed out), will that ever be changed

    Doubtful, though I don’t think anyone has ever made an official feature request for that.


    FAQ: Feature Request or Bug Report
  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Fermi If your data closely matches the layout that you showin your screen shots then try this:

    Step 1 - add one line at the bottom of the file that has

    [section999, end]

    The exact details of that line do not matter other than we want the [section999 part.

    Step 2 - Do a Mark-all using this regular expression

    ^(\[section[0-9]+, positive\]\R(?:(?!\[section[0-9]+).+\R)*)+

    If you experiment with searching using that expression you will find that it matches blocks of consecutive positive sections. The reason for the [section999, end] line is to deal with if the last section is positive and there is stuff after that section that you don’t want.

    If you don’t have stuff in the file after the last section then you don’t need the [section999, end] line.

    If you have blank lines in your sections then change the (?!\[section[0-9]+).+ part to (?!\[section[0-9]+).* As it is, if you have no blank lines then you can use .+ and instead of an [section999, end] line you can add one blank line.

    Step 3 - Do a mark-all and then Copy-all-marked lines.

    That will load all of the positive sections into the copy/ paste buffer in one shot.

    Here’s the breakdown of what’s happening in

    ^(\[section[0-9]+, positive\]\R(?:(?!\[section[0-9]+).+\R)*)+ The outer ^( … )+ parentheses allow for consectitive positive blocks. This is optional as we are doing a mark-all Having this makes a plain search to see what it makes make more sense. The \[section[0-9]+, positive\]\R part matches the start of a positive section. Right after that is (?:(?!\[section[0-9]+).*\R)* which matches zero or more lines within a section with the end of the match being the start of the next section. Essentially, I’m matching all lines that do not start with \[section[0-9]+. If your data includes lines that start with something line [section999 then you may need to expand that part of the regexp.
  • ComparePlugin crashed and lost all files

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Your experiments (where you kept getting prompted by Notepad++) were a way in which no one should ever use Notepad++. The “backup” versions of files are never intended to be “user loaded”, and only exist for Notepad++ 's internal management. I suspect you know this, but I wanted to state it explicitly for any future readers.

    @Coises said:

    I haven’t really been following all the backup problems, since I don’t use that feature. I don’t use Notepad++ backup, and I don’t like tabs persisting from one run to the next

    Same with me.

    If I’m so far behind that it isn’t reasonable to catch me up, please forgive me (and just tell me so).
    Do we know why the data is getting lost? Is it a mystery?

    It’s not that you are “so far behind…”. It’s just that we get a lot of reports of lost data here; not constantly, but at a regular frequency interval, that we tend to just advise people to not use the feature. We never get enough data from these users to get a good diagnosis or even many hints as to what might have went wrong.

    I think “it’s a mystery” because none (very probably) of the power users that monitor this site use the feature. I don’t think that is going to change. Without that, it may be unlikely that a solid lead on what causes the problem is going to be uncovered.

  • File ignoring tab settings

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @PeterJones Thanks - I had completely forgotten that I had that plugin installed, and somehow also missed it when posting the question. Disabling the plugin resolved the issue.

  • Style Configurator

    0 Votes
    10 Posts

    @Zainab ,

    I just learned something new today. If I don’t have a stylers.xml, and I hadn’t previously selected an existing theme, and the install directory (the one containing notepad++.exe) doesn’t include stylers.model.xml, then Notepad++ prompts with a dialog that tells me loading stylers.xml failed, like:

    …if I OK from that point, Notepad++ loads, but if I try to launch Style Configurator, nothing happens. This seems similar to your circumstance.

    (yes, the way i accidentally reproduced your problem was by launching a copy I had built without having the right XML support files while running in doLocalConf mode)

    It gives me that same error if I had Dark Mode chosen, so it was using the DarkModeDefault theme selected, but still had no stylers.xml or stylers.model.xml existing, but then deleted DarkModeDefault.xml and restarted Notepad++.

    Given that you seem to have the Dark Mode in your screenshots, but the new 1 looks more like normal light mode, which matches what I saw in my Dark Mode experiment, I am now hypothesizing:

    You had selected Dark Mode, and one of the dark themes (possibly DarkModeDefault, or any of the other dark themes) Your copy of stylers.xml was deleted (or you changed to an alternate config setup, like cloud or --settingsDir or doLocalConf), and your copy of stylers.model.xml is not in the same directory as notepad++.exe You ran Notepad++, and saw that dialog, but closed it and neglected to tell us

    If you can re-populate stylers.model.xml (grab the official zip download, and copy the stylers.model.xml from that and put it in the same directory as the notepad++.exe that you are running), then re-start Notepad++, then it should not give that error, it should create stylers.xml from stylers.model.xml, and the Style Configurator should be able to launch again. (And if you want, you can also copy the themes from the zip to your <install dir>\themes folder to give you access to the other themes as well)

    Sharing your debug info (?-menu, Debug Info, Copy debug info into clipboard and paste into your reply) could confirm for us if you have a non-standard installation or portable Notepad++, which will help us be more specific about where to look for files and where to put them

    update: also, I noticed that you have logged in since our replies, but didn’t respond to any of our requests for more information. We won’t be able to help you any farther if you choose not to respond so that we can try to help you more. The ball is in your court at this point.

  • bookmark line

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Sure. Use Regular expression search mode and separate search terms with |, e.g. apple|banana|orange|grape. Use the Mark tab and checkmark the Bookmark line option.

  • move lines containing specific words to a specific position

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Rockberto ManentiR


    thanx again. I solved with a macro! Thanks again for the idea and initial regex!

  • Maintain Indent While Pasting Multiple Lines

    1 Votes
    26 Posts
    Dennis BareisD


    Its been a while but I finally got some time to look and this again.

    Now that I saw the comment in the code pointing to PythonScript and setting up a HotKey it ended up being quite easy.

    Your script seems to do the right thing for what I need and if it doesn’t I’ll learn enough Python to update it and update this post.

  • An issue with background color

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @sdfh6srtytydgf-65cghj67ed56u8 ,

    Settings > Style Configurator > Language: Global Style > Style: Default > Background sets the default bg color used by any style that doesn’t override the bg.

  • Column mode edit is sticky and needs Esc to leave

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Peter-Barnett said in Column mode edit is sticky and needs Esc to leave:

    What use is this sticky selection?

    Alan showed you where to switch it off.

    The use is for people who use multiple selections; it allows converting a column selection into a multiple selection. It was included when new features for working with multiple selections were added a few versions ago. For those of us who use rectangular selections often and multiple selections almost never, it’s more annoying than helpful. As I recall, the option to turn it off was added pursuant to our complaints.

    If you never use multiple selections, unchecking the Enable Multi-Editing box will also restore another behavior that was changed. With Multi-Editing enabled, you cannot hold down the Ctrl key, then click and drag in a selection to copy it. You must begin dragging, then press and hold Ctrl. (Ctrl first is used to remove or replace a selection from a multiple selection.) The familiar behavior, in which you can press and hold Ctrl before or after you begin dragging, works when the box is not checked.

  • JSON5 formatted data cannot be fully collapsed.

    1 Votes
    7 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    Have you tried changing the logger_level setting to JSON5? As described in the documentation, the parser will log errors for many JSON5 features unless you do that.

    If you can give me an example of valid JSON5 (can be parsed by some major parser) that JsonTools v8.3.1 logs an error on when logger_level is JSON5, that is a bug and I will fix it.

  • Clean up text of non-printing characters

    0 Votes
    9 Posts

    Hello,@ @m-fessler, @mathlete2, @alan-kilborn, @coises and All,

    @m-fessler, here is, below, a list of all the special Unicode characters which belong, either, to :

    The Z separator category ( Zs, Zl and Zp categories )

    The Cc Control character category ( except for the TAB, LF and CR ones )

    The Cf Format character category

    Two So Other Symbol characters ( \x{FFFC} and \x{FFFD} )

    This list contains 121 characters

    •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | Code | Regex | Character | Abbre. | GC | Chr. | •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | 0000 | \x{0000} | NULL | NUL | Cc | | 0001 | \x{0001} | START OF HEADING | SOH | Cc |  | 0002 | \x{0002} | START OF TEXT | STX | Cc |  | 0003 | \x{0003} | END OF TEXT | ETX | Cc |  | 0004 | \x{0004} | END OF TRANSMISSION | EOT | Cc |  | 0005 | \x{0005} | ENQUIRY | ENQ | Cc |  | 0006 | \x{0006} | ACKNOWLEDGE | ACK | Cc |  | 0007 | \x{0007} | BELL | BEL | Cc |  | 0008 | \x{0008} | BACKSPACE | BS | Cc |  | 000B | \x{000B} | VERTICAL TABULATION | VT | Cc | | 000C | \x{000C} | FORM FEED | FF | Cc | | 000E | \x{000E} | SHIFT OUT | SO | Cc |  | 000F | \x{000F} | SHIFT IN | SI | Cc |  | 0010 | \x{0010} | DATA LINK ESCAPE | DLE | Cc |  | 0011 | \x{0011} | DEVICE CONTROL ONE | DC1 | Cc |  | 0012 | \x{0012} | DEVICE CONTROL TWO | DC2 | Cc |  | 0013 | \x{0013} | DEVICE CONTROL THREE | DC3 | Cc |  | 0014 | \x{0014} | DEVICE CONTROL FOUR | DC4 | Cc |  | 0015 | \x{0015} | NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE | NAK | Cc |  | 0016 | \x{0016} | SYNCHRONOUS IDLE | SYN | Cc |  | 0017 | \x{0017} | END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK | ETB | Cc |  | 0018 | \x{0018} | CANCEL | CAN | Cc |  | 0019 | \x{0019} | END OF MEDIUM | EM | Cc |  | 001A | \x{001A} | SUBSTITUTE | SUB | Cc |  | 001B | \x{001B} | ESCAPE | ESC | Cc |  | 001C | \x{001C} | FILE SEPARATOR | FS | Cc |  | 001D | \x{001D} | GROUP SEPARATOR | GS | Cc |  | 001E | \x{001E} | RECORD SEPARATOR | RS | Cc |  | 001F | \x{001F} | UNIT SEPARATOR | US | Cc |  •---------•-------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | 007F | \x{007F} | DELETE | DEL | Cc |  •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•-------• | 0080 | \x{0080} | PADDING CHARACTER | PAD | Cc | € | 0081 | \x{0081} | HIGH OCTET PRESET | HOP | Cc |  | 0082 | \x{0082} | BREAK PERMITTED HERE | BPH | Cc | ‚ | 0083 | \x{0083} | NO BREAK HERE | NBH | Cc | ƒ | 0084 | \x{0084} | INDEX | IND | Cc | „ | 0085 | \x{0085} | NEXT LINE | NEL | Cc | … | 0086 | \x{0086} | START OF SELECTED AREA | SSA | Cc | † | 0087 | \x{0087} | END OF SELECTED AREA | ESA | Cc | ‡ | 0088 | \x{0088} | HORIZONTAL TABULATION SET | HTS | Cc | ˆ | 0089 | \x{0089} | HORIZONTAL TABULATION WITH JUSTIFICATION | HTJ | Cc | ‰ | 008A | \x{008A} | VERTICAL TABULATION SET | VTS | Cc | Š | 008B | \x{008B} | PARTIAL LINE DOWN | PLD | Cc | ‹ | 008C | \x{008C} | PARTIAL LINE UP | PLU | Cc | Œ | 008D | \x{008D} | REVERSE INDEX | RI | Cc |  | 008E | \x{008E} | SINGLE-SHIFT 2 | SS2 | Cc | Ž | 008F | \x{008F} | SINGLE-SHIFT 3 | SS3 | Cc |  | 0090 | \x{0090} | DEVICE CONTROL STRING | DCS | Cc |  | 0091 | \x{0091} | PRIVATE USE 1 | PU1 | Cc | ‘ | 0092 | \x{0092} | PRIVATE USE 2 | PU2 | Cc | ’ | 0093 | \x{0093} | SET TRANSMIT STATE | STS | Cc | “ | 0094 | \x{0094} | CANCEL CHARACTER | CCH | Cc | ” | 0095 | \x{0095} | MESSAGE WAITING | MW | Cc | • | 0096 | \x{0096} | START OF PROTECTED AREA | SPA | Cc | – | 0097 | \x{0097} | END OF PROTECTED AREA | EPA | Cc | — | 0098 | \x{0098} | START OF STRING | SOS | Cc | ˜ | 0099 | \x{0099} | SINGLE GRAPHIC CHARACTER INTRODUCER | SGCI | Cc | ™ | 009A | \x{009A} | SINGLE CHARACTER INTRODUCER | SCI | Cc | š | 009B | \x{009B} | CONTROL SEQUENCE INTRODUCER | CSI | Cc | › | 009C | \x{009C} | STRING TERMINATOR | ST | Cc | œ | 009D | \x{009D} | OPERATING SYSTEM COMMAND | OSC | Cc |  | 009E | \x{009E} | PRIVACY MESSAGE | PM | Cc | ž | 009F | \x{009F} | APPLICATION PROGRAM COMMAND | APC | Cc | Ÿ •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | 00A0 | \x{00A0} | NO-BREAK SPACE | NBSP | Zs |   •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | 00AD | \x{00AD} | SOFT HYPHEN | SHY | Cf | ­ •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | 061C | \x{061C} | ARABIC LETTER MARK | ALM | Cf | ؜ •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | 070F | \x{070F} | SYRIAC ABBREVIATION MARK | SAM | Cf | ܏ •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | 0890 | \x{0890} | ARABIC POUND MARK ABOVE | | Cf | ࢐ | 0891 | \x{0891} | ARABIC PIASTRE MARK ABOVE | | Cf | ࢑ •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | 1680 | \x{1680} | OGHAM SPACE MARK | OSPM | Zs |   •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | 180E | \x{180E} | MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR | MVS | Cf | ᠎ •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | 2000 | \x{2000} | EN QUAD | NQSP | Zs |   | 2001 | \x{2001} | EM QUAD | MQSP | Zs |   | 2002 | \x{2002} | EN SPACE | ENSP | Zs |   | 2003 | \x{2003} | EM SPACE | EMSP | Zs |   | 2004 | \x{2004} | THREE-PER-EM SPACE | 3/MSP | Zs |   | 2005 | \x{2005} | FOUR-PER-EM SPACE | 4/MSP | Zs |   | 2006 | \x{2006} | SIX-PER-EM SPACE | 6/MSP | Zs |   | 2007 | \x{2007} | FIGURE SPACE | FSP | Zs |   | 2008 | \x{2008} | PUNCTUATION SPACE | PSP | Zs |   | 2009 | \x{2009} | THIN SPACE | THSP | Zs |   | 200A | \x{200A} | HAIR SPACE | HSP | Zs |   •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | 200B | \x{200B} | ZERO WIDTH SPACE | ZWSP | Cf | ​ | 200C | \x{200C} | ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER | ZWNJ | Cf | ‌ | 200D | \x{200D} | ZERO WIDTH JOINER | ZWJ | Cf | ‍ | 200E | \x{200E} | LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK | LRM | Cf | ‎ | 200F | \x{200F} | RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK | RLM | Cf | ‏ •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | 2028 | \x{2028} | LINE SEPARATOR | LS | Zl | 
 | 2029 | \x{2029} | PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR | PS | Zp | 
 •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | 202A | \x{202A} | LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING | LRE | Cf | ‪ | 202B | \x{202B} | RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING | RLE | Cf | ‫ | 202C | \x{202C} | POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING | PDF | Cf | ‬ | 202D | \x{202D} | LEFT-TO-RIGHT OVERRIDE | LRO | Cf | ‭ | 202E | \x{202E} | RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE | RLO | Cf | ‮ | •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | 202F | \x{202F} | NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE | NNBSP | Zs |   | 205F | \x{205F} | MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE | MMSP | Zs |   •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | 2060 | \x{2060} | WORD JOINER | WJ | Cf | ⁠ •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | 2061 | \x{2061} | FUNCTION APPLICATION | (FA) | Cf | ⁡ | 2062 | \x{2062} | INVISIBLE TIMES | (IT) | Cf | ⁢ | 2063 | \x{2063} | INVISIBLE SEPARATOR | (IS) | Cf | ⁣ | 2064 | \x{2064} | INVISIBLE PLUS | (IP) | Cf | ⁤ •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | 2066 | \x{2066} | LEFT-TO-RIGHT ISOLATE | LRI | Cf | ⁦ | 2067 | \x{2067} | RIGHT-TO-LEFT ISOLATE | RLI | Cf | ⁧ | 2068 | \x{2068} | FIRST STRONG ISOLATE | FSI | Cf | ⁨ | 2069 | \x{2069} | POP DIRECTIONAL ISOLATE | PDI | Cf | ⁩ | 206A | \x{206A} | INHIBIT SYMMETRIC SWAPPING | ISS | Cf |  | 206B | \x{206B} | ACTIVATE SYMMETRIC SWAPPING | ASS | Cf |  | 206C | \x{206C} | INHIBIT ARABIC FORM SHAPING | IAFS | Cf |  | 206D | \x{206D} | ACTIVATE ARABIC FORM SHAPING | AAFS | Cf |  | 206E | \x{206E} | NATIONAL DIGIT SHAPES | NADS | Cf |  | 206F | \x{206F} | NOMINAL DIGIT SHAPES | NODS | Cf |  •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | 3000 | \x{3000} | IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE | IDSP | Zs |   •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | FEFF | \x{FEFF} | ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE | ZWNBSP | Cf |  •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | FFF9 | \x{FFF9} | INTERLINEAR ANNOTATION ANCHOR | IAA | Cf |  | FFFA | \x{FFFA} | INTERLINEAR ANNOTATION SEPARATOR | IAS | Cf |  | FFFB | \x{FFFB} | INTERLINEAR ANNOTATION TERMINATOR | IAT | Cf |  •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | FFFC | \x{FFFC} | OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER | OBJ | So |  | FFFD | \x{FFFD} | REPLACEMENT CHARACTER | ? | So | � •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------• | 1BCA0 | \x{D82F}\x{DCA0} | SHORTHAND FORMAT LETTER OVERLAP | SFLO | Cf | 𛲠 | 1BCA1 | \x{D82F}\x{DCA1} | SHORTHAND FORMAT CONTINUING OVERLAP | SFCO | Cf | 𛲡 | 1BCA2 | \x{D82F}\x{DCA2} | SHORTHAND FORMAT DOWN STEP | SFDS | Cf | 𛲢 | 1BCA3 | \x{D82F}\x{DCA3} | SHORTHAND FORMAT UP STEP | SFUS | Cf | 𛲣 •---------•--------------------•--------------------------------------------•----------•------•--------•

    From this list, @m-fessler, which characters do you want to Search / Mark / Replace ?

    Moreover, do you want to ignore all characters above the BMP ( so, over \x{FFFF} ) or do you consider these characters as normal chars ?

    Once, you’ll know which characters you want to consider, it will be easy to get the appropriate REGEX search !

    Best Regards,


  • .tab files are opening as toml files. How do I fix this?

    0 Votes
    9 Posts

    @PeterJones not a big deal, but a more accurate quote of my reply would have been “[we] actually referenced…”. I understand where the inadvertent mistake was made, but technically, the current quote implies that I was claiming to have referenced two different files within my responses (specifically, the ones prior to the one that you quoted me from), which isn’t true.

    Either way, thanks for explaining the relationship between those two files! You’re quite right to suggest that I hadn’t looked this up yet. Knowing this dynamic now, and given that the OP didn’t actually specify which file(s) he had already looked at, it would have been a good idea to ask him to clarify this; it’s possible that he was looking at the same file that I was, and that the one that you mentioned has the TOML configuration that he was expecting to find.

  • Need to set tab STOPS, not spacing.

    0 Votes
    22 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Coises said :

    If what you want is for the tab key to insert a number of spaces,

    I guess we’re still unsure of what the posters that showed interest really want…

    include the ability to specify the exact tabstops for different file types and activate based on the file extension and/or the language. I don’t know if that degree of complexity is practical in a script.

    It’s certainly not a problem to script something like that.