Feature request: Add ability to move file across the "document list panel"
I need to change the order of files in the “document list panel” by dragging and dropping the files to the desired locations
I posted the same request.
+1 this feature
There is also another, possible, solution.
And there’s a workaroundAlternate solution
Other features that are likely easier to make:
One can sort ascending/descending by name (click on column title)-
Please add sort by modified date to bring files together that were worked on together
and -
Please add sort by folder by name as well
That might answer the need to change order manually
Select the files you want batched together (use Ctrl+click)
Right-click and close
Repeat Alt-f-1 to re-open the files until they’re all open - they will be at the bottom of the list(Use Alt-f-r-1 if you use the Recent files as a sub-menu)
Existing feature request right here -> github issue 2221
Also, although this is not drag and drop the document list follows the tab bar and even if the tab bar is hidden you can still use the shortcuts from the tab bar to position files in the document list (down, up, start, end, …) (CTRL-SHIFT_PD, …)