6.9 - A little fun interrupted by a period.
Hello, i found a graphical bug when editing javascript file (real file, not copy/paste):
Character & dont show in last line, i know the line is incorect in javascript, but if i can see all character, it’s very problematic
thx// test &
alert(‘& test &’);
alert(“& test &”);
alert('& test &“);
alert(& test &”); -
@Cyril-Mella Can you provide an actual screenshot?
Make sure you are not using the SourceCode Pro font. (Either as a global font, default font, etc). There have been issues with this particular font showing ampersands correctly. Just FYI it works fine for me.
@dail corect, it’s the source code pro font, but it’s by default, and i got used to it.
Have you a alternative font to propose ? -
For a couple versions it was the default font of Notepad++ but was later removed due to this exact issue. Unfortunately that setting doesn’t automatically get unset when updating. Personally I use
Courier New
for the default font. -
@dail Ok, courier new work.
Yes, you’re right, i’m using update over update.
i understand, thx for all -
I just did an update (windows 7 enterprise SP1) and no themes and no theme directory even though I had some selected.
Could you provide more detailled info such as:
- How did you update? By using the installer?
- update from which version? Did you have themes dire before updating?
Thanks so much for adding this featrue - Folder as Workspace - i hope you will continue to improve on it and most probably move it under file instead of view category. An improve i hope you can make is, when i click to add a folder the browse folder is usually too tiny , could you possibly make it larger. thanks
Is there a shortcut entry for show/hide Folder as Workspace or is this not yet implemented?
I wanted to at least put a link in this thread to one I started in the General Discussion section (I wasn’t sure where to post it). Hoping it gets more exposure and up votes here :)
Very annoying bug: since 6.9 and Folder as Workspace, Notepad++ doesn’t keep the information about last open Project between two sessions so I have to reopen it manually every time I start Notepad++ (View/Project/Project panel …).
@Miha-Mazzini Could you provide a detail information (description) about the Project panel behaviour by comparing the v6.9 and its previous version?
@donho : I skipped few versions, but just a few.
I use project panel intensely. See this screenshot:
http://shrani.si/f/t/VN/4n9Nbgbf/notepad01.jpgAfter upgrading to 6.9, every time I start Notepad++, here is my project panel:
http://shrani.si/f/3H/AR/3j0h395x/notepad02.jpgI have to manually reopen it with menu View/Project/Project panel 1.
@Miha-Mazzini said:
I have to manually reopen it with menu View/Project/Project panel 1.
So if you save the current Workspace and close Notepad++ (v6.9) then relaunch it, what happens?
No difference. BTW, I always download the minimal version of the program.
After some repeating saving and restarting it started working. I don’t know why. :(
Folder as workspace is a great improvement. One thing to make it even better is to allow for the option to collapse folders that only contain a sub-folder. This would very useful for java programmers, since their package names (and thus underlying folder structure) contains many nested folders.
This is also true for scala and any other language that uses nested packages/namespaces
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