Plugin built with VS 2013 Express vs. Plugin built with VS 2013 Community
Hello Claudia,
I hope you’re doing well.
May I request your help?
I’d appreciate that.Pavel Nedev has been doing wonders to the Compare Plugin .
Building the plugin (currently latest commit ) with VS 2013 Community it works properly.
Building it with my VS 2013 Express I get this issue.STR:
Build the plugin with your VS 2013 Express. :)
Download .
Check View -> Wrap in NPP.
Place prefsBackup.js in the top panel and prefs.js in the bottom.
Compare.Do you get correct or wrong results?
If you get correct results, could you think of any reason I get them wrong?
And if you get wrong results, why does it work properly when built with VS 2013 Community?Thank you very much.
Best regards.
Hello @Yaron
I hope you’re doing well.
Maybe a bit less sleep but as my grandma always said,
enough time to sleep once your dead ;-)I assume I get the correct result as I see two empty lines.
Does this always happen?
Maybe a simple test with two files
6Actually I don’t think that it is compiler related but I might be wrong.
Also I tried it with your scilexer.dll - same result.Cheers
Claudia -
Hello Claudia,
And my grandma used to say “May you live till 120”. :)
You’ve tested it with an older Compare version. :)
The problem started with this commit .If it’s not too much trouble, would you be kind enough to test it?
(After some decent sleep).Also I tried it with your scilexer.dll - same result.
(Yours). Brilliant. :) I thought about that too.
Thank you very much. I am grateful.
Best regards.
Hello Claudia,
Thanks again. I highly appreciate it.
I get the same wrong results with your test.
You have the WinDDK 7.6.1 installed, correct?
Well, I’m baffled. :)
Best regards.
Hello Yaron,
when we compare the two screenshots (old/correct and new/wrong) we see that
from compare plugins point of view it isn’t a problem. You might asking - what?My current idea is the following:
The two additonal lines in prefs.js should be marked as empty lines in prefsBackup.js
by adding two eols(\r\n) and change background color to grey.Well the background color has been set to grey for two lines, just one eol disappeared.
And the next line user_pref(“extensions.bootstrappedAddons”… got recognized by the compare
plugin that it exists in both files.So could it be that you have a plugin/configuration that automatically compresses two (maybe more) empty lines
into one? And this conflicts now with compare plugin?Cheers
Claudia -
Hello Claudia,
That’s a clever idea.
I’m afraid I haven’t made myself clear enough.
The same source code built by someone else (and uploaded to the Compare repo) works as expected on my machine with the exact same settings.
That DLL was built with VS 2013 Community and hence my initial idea of some difference between VS Express and VS Community.After you have kindly built the code with VS Express and got correct results that explanation seems irrelevant.
A wrong setting in my VS Express?
And a long shot: is it possible that it only works properly when built on Windows 64-bit?Thank you very much. I do appreciate your help.
** I won’t be by a PC until Wednesday or Thursday.
Best regards.
Hello Yaron,
A wrong setting in my VS Express?
You are using the same repository that I do, all settings should be the same as they are stored in
solution and project files.And a long shot: is it possible that it only works properly when built on Windows 64-bit?
32bit/64bit hmmm, could be a culprit.
Which OS do you use?
Which regional settings?
Can you upload the faulty compare dll?Cheers
Claudia -
Hello Claudia,
You are using the same repository that I do, all settings should be the same as they are stored in
solution and project files.I meant some wrong/corrupted setting in general.
Apropos: when I open the Compare.sln file, I need to change the default Debug setting to Release. Is that normal?My OS is Windows 7 32-bit.
Regional settings: English/Hebrew.
ComparePlugin.dll (my build).Thank you very much. I appreciate your kindness.
Best regards.
Hello Yaron,
I can confirm the reported behavior with your dll, even on my Win7 64bit.
Regarding the Debug/Release what do you mean you NEED TO change it?
Is something not working if you build the dll with Debug profile?
With Debug profile the created dll is much bigger as it has additional debug information.
Once you are fine with your coding you would change to Release profile and
create a lighter (smaller) version of the dll.So the question is, what happens on your system when compiling the system.
As said, the project specific settings are stored in sln and project files.
The other settings shouldn’t harm and actually I’m not aware of a setting
which could lead into the situation that such setting would delete a \r\n char.When you compile the source do you get any error or warning message?
How did/do you get the source, by downloading the current zip or via
git tools like git and tortoisegit? If using git tools do you pull from master branch?
If using tools, what does commit show if you right click on the directory of the repository?In the meantime I will try to see what your dll can tell me.
Claudia -
Hello Claudia,
Thank you so much. Highly appreciated.
My long shot was a difference between building the DLL on 32 or 64.
Debug/Release: I meant to ask if the default setting on opening the file was Debug.
I don’t get any errors or warnings.
I download the current zip (master branch).
If I hover over an older commit’s<>
button (Browse the repository at this point in the history), download the up-to-then source code and build it - I get correct results.Best regards.
Hello Yaron
My long shot was a difference between building the DLL on 32 or 64.
I don’t think so, but bugs could be anywhere.
Debug/Release: I meant to ask if the default setting on opening the file was Debug.
Yes, as this it the main profile a developer works with.
I don’t get any errors or warnings.
I download the current zip (master branch).
If I hover over an older commit’s <> button (Browse the repository at this point in the history), download the up-to-then source code and >build it - I get correct results.Which commit did you use? What about if you use the latest one?
Claudia -
Hello Claudia,
Thanks again. :)
Using the latest commit - wrong results.
A few minuets ago I downloaded the source up to this commit and got correct results.
I think the problem started here . I can test again and verify it.
Best regards.
Yaron, could you post your compare.ini?
Claudia -
This is were I currently investigate, to be more precise I assume the issue in addBlankSection.
Claudia -
You’re amazing.
On one hand I think that it’s too much, but on the other hand I don’t want you to stop. :)
I was about to start investigating it myself; I was overwhelmed by the scale of the unfamiliar code.
Thank you very much!
It might be that this was a hasty reaction as it could be that the function already got the wrong value.
What I can say so far is that the inserttext from addBlankSection::SendMessage(window, SCI_INSERTTEXT, posAdd, (LPARAM);
only gets one '\r\n”
{'text': '\r\n', 'modificationType': 0x11, 'linesAdded': 1, 'length': 2, 'position': 3, 'line': 0 }
whereas my dll gets three
{'text': '\r\n\r\n\r\n', 'modificationType': 0x11, 'linesAdded': 3, 'length': 6, 'position': 3, 'line': 0 }
Test was done with two files, one having
1 5
whereas the other has
1 2 3 4 5
It is most likely that I need your help to find out what the problem is, meaning
you need to do some debugging as well. But not for today, I need to have a rest.
Maybe we can go on tomorrow?Cheers
Claudia -
Good morning Claudia,
I hope you’re reading these lines after having a good and refreshing rest.
I find it difficult to enlarge the variety of my thanks expressions.
So, many thanks again. :)I’ve never used the Debugger.
Bear with me.Have a great day.