I am looking for the reason for a phenomenon where I am slowly running out of ideas and would be grateful for any ideas.
Background: It can happen that Notepad++ does not start when the NppLspClient plugin is used and Notepad++ is run in dark mode. In light mode I, and also the user who reported this, can never see this. Even my normal Npp installation, which I use daily and has always run in dark mode, does not show this behavior. I can currently only reproduce this with a separate Npp installation and even then not always. It also only seems to occur when an Npp release version is used, I have also not been able to reproduce the problem via the Visual Studio debugger. I have implemented a stack tracer in the plugin but unfortunately I cannot recognize any pattern. The error that is reported is 0xc0000374 (heap corruption) which doesn’t make it any easier to find the reason as the heap was probably already corrupted long before the exception. And with two traces I have several DllMain calls in different frames (???).
If my plugin corrupts the heap, why only when dark mode is active? And why can’t I see this at least sometimes with my normal npp installation?
I’m confused. :(
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